Im 299 and I need HELP!

So yesterday I weighed in at 299 my heaviest weight ever. I have tried dieting and just never stick with it. To tell you a little about myself Im 30 yr old single mom to the three boys 12,4,2. I am a nurse full time and one of my sons has kidney disease. I have let these become my excuses for not losing the weight. So Im asking for help. I need someone to hold me accountable and not afraid to call me out if needed. My life with my kids depends on me losing this weight and its time to make a change.

I look forward to getting to know each of you please feel free to add me,



  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    What made your previous diet difficult to stick to? Not eating enough and still feeling hungry? Feeling like you don't have enough time to cook, so you eat out?
  • I started my journey at 255 that was how much I weighed after having my son. I am now down 48 lbs. Even though we are moms and have full time jobs we always have to find time for ourselves and get healthy for the kids. Please feel free to add me if you need any support. I know its hard but it is possible with a little exercising and cutting down portions
  • NurseandMom1981
    NurseandMom1981 Posts: 101 Member
    I think Im lazy. I have no nice way to put it. Its easier to eat out or eat junk then take the time to eat something better. Exercising is hard it hurts so I always find an excuse to no do it. I truely can only blame myself. :(
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Realizing the problem is half the battle. I lost a good amount of weight and slipped back into old habits and have gained most of it back. I've had to go back and figure out my problem to get back on track. Best of's not easy.
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    Well, you have taken the first step!! I have never had that much to lose myself, but I am a fitness instructor and I have worked with many, many women who are trying to take this step in their lives. I firmly believe that just getting started can be the hardest thing someone does in their day, but after that it only gets better!

    For me, Jazzercise is the workout that changed my life - I really looked forward to it every time I went, and on the times when I just wasn't feeling it, I always felt better after class - both physically AND emotionally. There is something out there like that for you - I promise!! You can DO this. It will be hard, but remember, the hardest changes you have to make are in your mind. I think of the old phrase, "change your mind, and your *kitten* will follow!!" :)
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    How about taking walks with your kids once a day? Walking laps in your garden/ yard to start slowly? How about an exercise DVD to do in your home?

    I understand food is more difficult but is there one day a week that is slightly less hectic that you could prepare a more healthy meal?

    Not to preach but its about little changes that are sustainable over a longer period of time.

    Feel free to add me
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Jennifer,

    here is my two cents, I'd drop the word diet from your vocabulary and mindset. think of it as a lifestyle change. Simple changes in your eating habits and activity level will change your life, and last longer then a "diet" ever will.

    Good luck.
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    My mom was a single mother of 2 sons for 14 years. So even though I'm a guy, I understand the pressures and time constraints of a working single mother.

    One good thing is that you can choose to not buy any of the junk food at the store. If you don't buy it, you won't have it at home to eat. There are a lot of easy, quick, low calorie options. I'm still discovering them myself as I also struggle with finding the time to cook. If your oldest son is interested in cooking at all, you can teach him and have him prepare foods. I did this when I was about 10-12 years old, because my mom was working 12+ hours/day. She didn't ask it of me, but I did help cook and clean every day to lessen the burden on her. If your son is interested in it at all, that would be an option.

    I know that people's stances on this varies, but although I feel exercise is important and should be done regularly, you're not going to lose most of your weight from exercise. It will mostly be because of changes in your diet. Make smaller commitments to exercise that you can easily keep. Then increase from there. If you have unrealistic exercise goals, of course you're not going to keep up with it.
  • Hi, I know where you are, I have been there and on my way back if I don't get in control and focus, I lost 100 lbs four years ago, my top weight was 252. today I weigh 190.5 lbs, I have been slowly putting the weight back on, and no matter what the excuse it's just that. So you are the first person i am telling my weight to. I feel like I have let my family down, when in reallity I have let myself down. I think I could be a good support system for some who will do the same for me, it is so hard but in the end so worth it. Let me know momandnurse if you want to me my support as well. so then we can get to know each other better and help each other. thanks Linda
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You can do it...I used evey excuse, and started at 232 pounds. I am now 2 pounds from my goal of 1/2 my body weight...116 pounds. You can do it.
    You just have to want it more then the junk food! Nothing will taste as good as losing the weight feels....just remember that!!
  • fbranch7
    fbranch7 Posts: 82 Member
    I would love to assist/join you for the life changing journey you are getting ready to have. I could use another friend also!
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    Like many have said, realizing your issues is the easiest way to start.
    However, you have to start making changes- NOW! It doesn't matter how big or small, start. Maybe it's only drinking water, maybe it's taking a walk every day, maybe it's changing your snack food. I have been injured and have not been able to work out that much, but I was able to lose 15 pounds just watching my diet. Be honest with everything you eat and start monitoring it on mfp. mfp makes it so much easier because you won't believe how much you were eating before!
    Take baby steps, day by day, and challenge yourself a little more every day, and stay positive.
    Exercise ideas: 30 day shred by jillian michaels. It's 30-40 minutes, it's on DVD, and I've heard wonders about it!
    Good luck to you :)
  • Hi Jennifer! Feel free to add me if you'd like. You have done of the hardest things and that is stepping up to the plate and knowing that you want to do something to not only better your life, but also all 3 of your boy's lives as well. You can do this!! Look at what you do on a daily basis and how hard you work every day. Just take things one day at a time. If you have a bad day, just move on to the next and do it right. Change your lifestyle, your habits and good results will follow. You will also see it make a positive impact on the choices your boys start making as well. Set yourself some goals...10 pounds at a time and definitely take measurements..Looking forward to seeing you do this!!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I think Im lazy. I have no nice way to put it. Its easier to eat out or eat junk then take the time to eat something better. Exercising is hard it hurts so I always find an excuse to no do it. I truely can only blame myself. :(

    I totally understand where you are coming from. First of all, you *aren't* lazy. You just have nothing left for yourself after working a full-time job and taking care of your family. I will bet that you take almost no time to take care of yourself. What has finally clicked for me is that I need to exercise and eat right FOR ME. I am important, and taking an hour to go to an exercise class or making myself a nice salad is OKAY.

    One thing I also have been doing is keeping "quick" but healthy stuff around. I keep deli thins or pita bread in the house and tunafish - makes a quick sandwich that fills me and isn't junk food. I also make sure that I have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies around AND that I don't even keep the junk in the house (or at least not the kinds that I like).

    Last night we ordered dinner out, and I really wanted a chicken ceasar salad. I got one. I used my own balsamic viniagrette dressing instead of the creamy ceasar dressing, and I removed half of the croutons. Easy dinner, take out BUT didn't "blow" my calories for the day. Small changes can make a big difference.
  • slgkali
    slgkali Posts: 3 Member
    I also agree that you should drop the "diet" thought process.... you need to change your life style and that takes time....Try starting just with one or two changes in your life...You've done the first've made yourself accountable ...I do understand where your at..I at one time was also at 299...then hit 300...then hit 301...and I told myself i would never get there.It does happen...Now pick yourself up...stop feeling guilty...what's done is you need to do something about it.Feel good about the fact that you want to change and today is the day ! Start that change! you can do this !! =) Feel free to add me also ! We can do this together !
    Shari ♥
  • kaa02c
    kaa02c Posts: 103 Member
    Hey hun I started out at 283 as my highest. So far I've lost 40 lbs. I took for me to start investing time in myself which involved being a little selfish. As a mom you're always thinking about others and often neglect your needs. But in the end the most important person is you. You have show love toward yourself in order to be there for them. The way to show love towards yourself is to truly make yourself happy and become the healthiest you possible.

    I am a testimony that this site works. There are many others here who've lost 100 lbs and some even 300 lbs just using MFP and exercise. We are here to support you, and feel free to add me.

    What has been a major help was me starting to see a nutritionist (covered through insurance). She was able to delve into the psychological aspect as to why I eat. However it was I who had to make the changes in my diet. I started logging everything. And once you're able to paint a picture as to what you're ingesting it'll make stuff a lot clearer.

    Exercise is something you'll have to work up to. It often hurts because it's making you hot and uncomfortable. If there isn't one thing about a big girl, and that is she hates to be hot and sweaty. Start walking more often and gradually build up. You can even start just by lifting weights.

    The key is don't try to change too much stuff at once or else you'll get overwhelmed. Weight loss is a journey and not a marathon. Slow and steady wins the race every time. Good luck honey!
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    come along with the rest of us...we have all decided to change our lives (not really diet :wink: )

    use the tools this site has and add friends - watching their progress and getting their encouragement really does help.

    You took the first step by coming to MFP.... don't beat yourself up just start (the first step is the hardest)

    Welcome to the site :flowerforyou:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    It helps to envision the kind of person that you want to be, then take steps to enter the vision.

    And I agree with above; banish the word diet (as I think it was Richard Simmons who used to say "who wants to do that; it has "die" in it"). Change your eating habits. I started a month ago by establishing 4 regular meals per day, with nothing between meals but water. My huge problem was my habit of grazing all day long. That had to stop.

    (now I will add you)
  • hey, i hear where you are coming from, if you add me, im only into being positive, no negativity. I think you can do it, and i can give you plenty of tips to help you along--for example,,if you have to have mcdonalds, why not just get a mcchicken and throw out the bun, its only 160 calories, and a large unsweetened tea. theres lots of sensible choices even if you have no time and find that fast food is easiest.. stay away from soda, its the devil. feel free to add me
  • Hello,

    I am also "lazy" or I used to think I was. Now I realize ithat is was overwhelming and scary to me. Scary that I will fail again or that I will not be able to excercise regularly. I have two littles gilrs 2 and 10 months and my husband works nights. Oh and I work fulltime. So I often feel like a single mother. You have to literally take it one day at a time and try not to set to high of goals for yourself. The simple act of tracking food will start you off on the right track. I try to take walks when I can and everyday I have tell myself that I am going to oull out my Zumba DVD but I have yet to do it. However, because I have been tracking my food I have still lost 47 pounds. It is still a challenge for me but I think my key to success is that I don't give up like i have done before. No matter how many days you miss it is important to continue the process. You did not gain the weight overnight so you will not loose it overnight either. Pelase feel free to friend if you want that extra support.