HealthyishWithMaggieG Member


  • I ask this question with the utmost sincerity and no disrespect intended, really... What brand of clothing are y'all wearing that's a size 6-10, if you're in the 5'6"-5'9" range and 155-175 pound range? I'm 5'7", 161 pounds and my jeans are a size 14... and they're just getting around to not being too tight. My problem…
  • I find this topic humorous... because it is so me! I'm the General Manager of a semi-pro football team and we're gearing up for the season opener in 3 weeks. So, weight-loss is a very common topic amongst the guys and me. Age is another topic. Since I'm the newbie to the team (and the only woman I think a few of them have…
  • I think my eyes are going to roll out of my head, if I roll them any harder at some of these suggestions. You're already dealing with the stressful effects of exams. This is NOT the time to make major changes to your sleep, diet, and exercise plan. It will stress you out even further. This is the time to limit the…
  • Who's got time to be bored? I have 2 home-based businesses, am involved with animal rescue, am a volunteer for a semi-pro football team, have 3 dogs that I care for (1 mine, 1 a friend's, 1 rescue), am rehabbing knee and back injuries, and the house constantly needs to be cleaned (3 dogs and 4 humans make a big mess).
  • Oh, and be sure to log your exercises. As you do that, your nutrition requirements will change for that day. Your goals will be increased, to fuel your body since it burned off some calories.
  • Welcome to MFP! Congratulations on 1) getting started and 2) asking for help to reach your goals. You're definitely going to get all kinds of advice. Some of it will be good. Some of it will be questionable. The funny thing about that is that everybody's idea of what "good advice" is will be different. So, with that in…
  • I agree that you shouldn't totally cross fish off your list of possible protein sources. Not all fish types are equal (don't all taste the same). Almost every day, I make either a salmon burger (SeaPak brand) or a turkey burger (Jennie-O brand). I get the (frozen) burger patties from Sam's Club. The salmon burgers have 21g…
  • Even though I used to be a lifeguard, taught swim lessons, and swam a ton, I always preferred the breaststroke because I had a hard time getting the timing down for the breathing for freestyle (I would get light-headed), so breaststroke was easier to do. I'm pretty sure the excessive amounts of laps I did with the…
  • OP -- I used to teach infants to adults and this is great advice! ...especially since the breathing is one of your biggest issues. Break learning the stroke down into steps... arm and breathing rhythm (while holding onto the side of the pool), flutter kick (using a kickboard), arm positions (using a leg float), and put it…
  • "Dare to dream" is on my left wrist. You can see it in my pictures. I think they're set so anyone can see them. I'm thinking about getting another one, but I can't decide on a design, size, and placement (maybe my back), yet. I'm an animal rescuer. I'd like to figure out a way to commemorate the animals I've adopted and…
  • So, I was standing at the foot of my bed, the other day, and Rico was standing on the bed, in front of me. I reached down to give him a little hug and thought of this thread. I thought, "Yeah, let's try those dog curls." Apparently, I wasn't the only one that gained weight over the past year. If I had to guess, my 70 pound…
  • I don't know if the Halti adjusts the same way as the Gentle Leader or not (I have experience with the Gentle Leader), but if so, there should be 2 different things to adjust (the strap around the back of the dog's head and the strap that goes over the muzzle). Just be sure to tighten them both down. I had a Black…
  • I'm a Network Marketing Professional, Charity Fund Raiser, and Animal Rescue Transporter (not a paid gig, but keeps me busy). Since I work from home and set my own schedule, I can absolutely work my healthy lifestyle into my work and my work into my healthy lifestyle. The only time I see myself struggling is when I'm out…
  • 2 or 3 pitted dates, frozen strawberries, splash of vanilla, enough milk to blend smoothly
  • The sodium number is the maximum amount you should consume, not the minimum or recommended amount you should eat. I haven't done a good job of it lately, but I prefer to stay under 2000mg.
  • I am not a body builder, so I don't know much about eating to bulk up, etc. I can say that each person's body is different. So, if you're really concerned about the possibility of eating too much protein, check with your doctor. I'm a generally healthy person that went on a binge a few years ago and couldn't stop eating…
  • How it happens does matter. Getting engaged is a big deal. It would be nice to know that the person I'm choosing to commit my life to has put some thought into the big day. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, necessarily, just thoughtful and something she'll remember fondly. Birthdays are kinda similar. I would go…
  • I was very disappointed with the way my guy proposed. First, it was WAY too soon. It made me feel trapped. I had just moved half-way across the country to live with him. I mean, literally, just moved. I don't think I had even had a chance to take my coat off yet, after driving for 15+ hours, in a blizzard. For me, that was…
  • I love The Sassy Gourmet! She rocks!
  • For traditional "sandwich fixings" (lunchmeat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc) type wraps, I've used washed, raw collard green leaves as my wrap, for something different. It's a little bitter, but not bad.
  • I love my breakfast wrap! You can mix-n-match what ingredients you use. Really, I just use whatever I have on-hand. Saute in olive oil... diced sweet potato sliced carrot onion (red or yellow) sweet bell peppers (red, yellow, and/or orange) garlic broccoli sprinkle on some oregano and basil add a couple tablespoons of…
  • 1200 calories is just your base. When you workout, you earn the right to eat additional calories. So, if you want to eat more, be sure to workout and eat your exercise calories. If you don't workout, though, 1200 calories is possible... lots of salad/veggies, lean protein, and a little bit of good quality fats (olive oil,…
  • I didn't read through all the pages, to see if these are duplicates or not, but I like... 1. add some strawberry preserves and it almost tastes like cheesecake with strawberry topping 2. quarter some cherry tomatoes and add some jalapeno pepper rings.
  • There's not enough information here, to dissect your diet. I ate mostly healthy foods and still packed on the pounds. If you really want help, open up your food diary so we can see what your macros are supposed to be and how your food intake measures up.
  • I'm addicted to cow's milk. I just love it! But, since I'm watching what I eat/drink and the portions, I don't use it as much as I used to. My problem is that I just can't drink a single serving of it. If I'm going to have a glass of milk, it's usually a glass that holds about 3 cups. For cereal and drinking straight, I…
  • In case you don't find an alternative to coconut water... I've recently started drinking coconut water (not for medical reasons) and agree that not all commercially produced brands are the same. They really do taste different from brand to brand and between the different types of container materials (glass, plastic,…
  • Oh, okay. So, the purpose of the leg straps is to ensure the belt doesn't twist? If so, then that makes sense. I might question the comfort level, but I do understand it. Thanks.
  • Thanks for the advice!