dachsiehaven Member


  • My former eating habits sounds a lot like you. Get up with a large cup of coffee with sugar and cream and not think about food until dinner. I was never hungry. Then I got chewed out royally by a nutritionist so I did it her way and learned that I had trained my body to think hungry was normal and not to feel hungry. My…
  • A couple of weeks ago I had a bad week. I couldn't stay on course for anything. Finally it passed and I picked myself up where I had left off and got back on program. On this journey I've had bad days, bad weeks and heck even bad months but I am making progress by not giving in to it and allowing it the power of failure.…
  • I drizzle fat free spicy Italian salad dressing over them. Or sometimes another low cal fat free dressing.
  • In my view succeeding in a weight loss lifestyle change is like quitting an addiction. You really really have to be ready to do it to succeed. Some people can do it on the first try but many of us start and fail a number of times before we really are mentally ready to go all the way. My road to weight loss has been similar…
  • One thing my old trainer had me doing when I was mangled up (love bad knees) was to sit up as straight as I could and the lean back just a bit and suck up my ab and bum muscles as tight as I could for one minute. This was done with my legs out on the foot rest with the ice packs on the knees. Rest a minute and repeat. It…
  • Honestly I try not to eat my exercise calories back. After years on that point counting program I have been trained that exercise points/calories are bonus. If you eat them ok but if you don't its good too. On that other tracking system I liked to see that big happy number of unused exercise points at the end of each week.…
  • Wow if thats how you look after just 20 lbs you're going to be incredible when you're done.
  • I'm following the same plan as I did last year on my other weight/food tracking program. Eat it, log it, work out a bit extra and move on. As long as I'm not overdoing it for weeks on end I have no trouble with the holidays. Last year I even lost a pound over a holiday weekend. I have to be a bit more careful over the…