What's your plan?

What's your plan for keeping the hoilday weight off? I'm going to try to eat better. Exercising wise, I'm going to be strength training until the week of Thanksgiving, then cardio hard core.


  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    chic, great question.......I ll start by saying ,I really really want to enjoy the holiday with my family, and eat a GOOD HEALTHY MEAL

    Ok, so Im going to have real sweet potatoes in one pan, then the old fashioned kind for the kids, you konw, the gooey marshmallows with brown sugar, turkey , only the white meat, and then Im going to make a separate stuffing, with wheat bread and no fats.....

    This is the first time Im going to do this, but Im having 10 others over, and they are all skinny, so Im going to make a few extra side s for me , Im going to make sure I know how much calories are in what.........

    I m going to the gym extra this month, kinda putting in extra time and work out time, so I can be prepared.....

    but............Im going to schedule in, or make allowances for 2 glasses of red wine that day..........its Thanksgiving, and Im going to have 2 glasses, ........its a holiday

    but I swear Im not going to have regrets that next day.......................I gotta stay focused...........Llloyd

    P.S.........this was a really good question, thanks for asking
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Honestly? There is no plan. I'm sorry to everyone out there that thinks you should have to DIET on Thanksgiving but I disagree with it. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to give thanks and be with family and friends. I don't want to worry so hard about what I'm eating that day since it's only one day. I'll be eating whatever looks and sounds good. It's only for one day.. for me anyway.
  • tbranch3634
    I do the cooking every year for 30 people. The last two years I have cooked tings much healthier and thought I would get some complaints............no one even noticed!!!

    I made mashed potatos(1/2 potatos 1/2 cauliflower) with broth instead of milk, no butter because we put gravy on them, and all the pies I made with sweet -n-low and sugar free puddings and sugar free cool whip. Every item was good for you and my husbands Italian family didn't even know what I had done to their family recipes. I also made two fruit salads that I new I would be able to eat and the kids liked them too.
  • leslieheb
    leslieheb Posts: 45 Member
    I usually eat one big meal a week .. It usually is whatever I am craving that week.. My sister who is a trainer told me a while back that if you have a good hearty meal once a week then your matbolism is jump started and know that you are not going to stop feeding it. On thanksgiving I plan the Thanksgiving meal to be my cheat meal for the week.. the same thing for christmas.... I plan on going on walks and running as normal ...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    tbranch, lol......if I had to cook for 30 people, Id end up drinking 2 bottles of wine instead of 2 glasses.........

    good luck there, wow..............I could just imagine 30 of my family members under one roof at one time..........talk about drama, lol

    in regards to it being a holiday ,......well, each his own, but I believe there are so many healthy reciepes and foods now available, that you really wont miss the unhealthy meal that we grew up with

    I know turkey is good, the white meat, as well as some steamed vegetables, and stuffing made with whole wheat bread, so Im hoping for a success story on this day

    I agree, its Tureky day, and Im going to indulge, but mostly with the wine, lol........you guys dont know what stress is until you meet my family, ................thats why Im budgeting for the wine, itll help me get thru the day................

    I hope the day turns out great for everyone here, its truly my time to give "thanks " for my new life style, and the fact that Im 115 lbs lighter than I was this time last year.....................Lloyd
  • DancingDreamer
    i have to say that on holidays i dont believe in the whole "i'm on a diet so i'm not going to eat like everyone else" thing (the rest of the year, sure, but not on holidays) that being said. i'm trying to plan the thanksgiving meal already XD i know i want to make some of our traditional foods (corn pudding and my mom's pumpkin soup) but i'm also looking to make some lighter sides than usual. like this year, whatever rolls or muffins i make i will make with stevia instead of sugar, and i will see if i can convince my dad to use stevia in his pies (this will be a challenge but maybe i can get my mom and my brother's girlfriend on my side! XD all three of us are trying to lose weight and cut back on sugar) basically anywhere that i can lower the calories/sugar/sodium i will, and still make our family recipes taste like they always do.

    while i live at home with my parents and they keep saying "we dont know" when i ask them what we're doing for thanksgiving i think that if i can convince them to let ME plan it, i can definately get in the menu for this year that i want. i'm actually really excited about the idea of planning a healthy thanksgiving feast!

    and well....i kind of have two thanksgivings (since for the past two years i've been having the day after with my BFF and her partner and their kid) but my BFF is also on here and trying to eat healthier....soooooo i shouldnt have a problem with day two either. besides....i can exercise!
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    Honestly? There is no plan. I'm sorry to everyone out there that thinks you should have to DIET on Thanksgiving but I disagree with it. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to give thanks and be with family and friends. I don't want to worry so hard about what I'm eating that day since it's only one day. I'll be eating whatever looks and sounds good. It's only for one day.. for me anyway.

    I agree, somewhat. Since I'm looking at this as a new lifestyle rather than "diet", I won't be "dieting" on Thanksgiving. I do however, plan a regular cheat meal once every other week or so. So, Thanksgiving will be my cheat meal day rather than my usual mexican night or pizza night. :happy:

    However, luckily my mom is doing this with me and Thanksgiving is always at her house (thanks Mom! ha ha) so I know she will prepare the meal in healthier ways than usual. And I hope that some of my new habits will help me, such as a glass or two of water prior to eating and knowing when to push away from the table.
  • dachsiehaven
    dachsiehaven Posts: 8 Member
    I'm following the same plan as I did last year on my other weight/food tracking program. Eat it, log it, work out a bit extra and move on. As long as I'm not overdoing it for weeks on end I have no trouble with the holidays. Last year I even lost a pound over a holiday weekend. I have to be a bit more careful over the Christmas season to think about my indulgences. I still enjoy the special treats of the season but just within reason. I try to keep it close to my optimum calorie intake without depriving my body of the good food it needs for the day.
  • fullagrace

    I agree with the one meal thing. I will eat all I can stuff into my mouth for that ONE MEAL and probably with wine.

    I will not stretch it out and have 5 left-over meals however.

    Its one day a year when I will over-do the heck out of a meal. Well 2 days including Christmas.

    But the most you can really gain from one meal is like 1 pound right? Possibly 2. I can kill that the following week. No biggie and worth it to me.

    You may not even gain if your metabolism kicks in.
  • ANewNorene
    ANewNorene Posts: 11 Member
    Im eating everything I want to eat on Thanksgiving but with portion control. I have told myself that I will not stuff myself as I usually do on Thanksgiving because I "build up my hunger" the whole day and do not eat anything until dinner time. This year I will eat my regular breakfast "oatmeal" and have my healthy snack on the road when Im driving to see my family. Therefore I wont be extemely hungry and ready to raid the kitchen after the drive.

    I will track my calories and just give extra effort during my workouts and my meal choices for the rest of the week :wink: