Hoping it'll work this time

I have tried sites like this before and unfortunately have not had a lot of luck. I am really hoping this time will be different. I am at an all time high with my weight and it's really time to do something about it. Luckily my roommate is on the same wavelength so hopefully we can motivate each other. Any tips or suggestions on the best and most helpful things around here? I would appreciate any encouragement I can get.


  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Having your roommate to team up with is a huge advantage. You guys could issue a challenge to each other -- when I was in college, my roommate and I decided we were going to go two weeks without sugar. We decided that if one of us fell off the wagon, she'd have to cut off her hair (it was the 80's -- hair was important!).

    You could also choose a reward instead of a threatened punishment. If you guys achieve whatever goal you set, you can go out for manicures or pedicures or facials; or even to one of those paint-your-own pottery places. Something fun that has nothing to do with food! =)

    Good luck -- it's not easy to lose weight, but it IS simple: less calories in than out! Focus on that and cheer each other on.
  • dachsiehaven
    dachsiehaven Posts: 8 Member
    In my view succeeding in a weight loss lifestyle change is like quitting an addiction. You really really have to be ready to do it to succeed. Some people can do it on the first try but many of us start and fail a number of times before we really are mentally ready to go all the way.

    My road to weight loss has been similar to the road I took to quit smoking and I'm using the same basic mental strategy. I tried to quit smoking for over a decade before it finally took. I have been trying to get rid of the extra pounds for about half that long and this time its finally taking...I hope. It has been a bit over a year and a half of slow steady success intermixed with not quit so much success but no real gain.

    I think part of my success is I took up knitting when I quit smoking. It gave my hands something to do in my down time so I didn't need to have a cigarette in them. If you have one hand on each knitting needle there isn't one left to smoke with. I have transfered this idea to snacking. Two hands on the needles leaves no hands free for munching. When I get cravings to munch I pick up my knitting and get to work. Last week my friends were giving me guff when we went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Those chips and salsa are so tempting but I just took out my little pocket knitting project and kept those hands busy until the entrée arrived. Total chip consumption 1.

    So keep positive and if you really are ready you will succeed.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Be consistent and don't give up. I've lost all the weight I have because I was consistent and patient. It took me 15 years to become a fat *kitten* and it wasn't going to go away over night. I've created a new habit. Try it...it's called eating right and exercising. It works wonders. Who would have thought they were right. Dang know it all's.
    You can do it. Just stay focused and like you said, you and your roommate support and motivate each other. Having someone to help keep you accountable is tops.
    The other thing I like to help people I coach is to think of each meal as a battle. Win more battles than you lose!!!!
    They food you eat you really only remember it while it's in your mouth. 20 minutes you've eatin it it no longer matters. Might as well eat better foods. Also...get it thur your head (not intended to sound mean but it does...sorry), that not everything you put in your mouth has to taste good. Some people get hung up on that...Don't.
    Now, some guide lines to help you to the new you.
    1. track your food - find your calorie range and eat there.
    2. get rid of and stop eating all processed foods, white sugars ,flowers,rice & sodas, diet and non diet.
    3. eat 5-6 small meals a day and eat slower. (takes 20 minutes for stomach to tell brain, I'M FULL)
    4. eat only complex carbs...(whole grains, fruits and vegetables, sweet potaotes)
    5. eat only lean cuts of meat
    6. stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup
    7. drink at least 1/2 your body weight in water.
    8. No fruit after 2 pm
    9. 1/4 cup of almonds every other day.
    10. workout in the mornings and on an empty stomach.
    11. do a combination of cardio 1 day and resistance the next. (keep all cardio HIIT for best results)
    12. track your food.

    That's all for now. Good Luck.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    You can do it! So quit hoping it will work and just make it work. :-)

    PS... I'm NOT cutting my hair!!!
  • Shawnalee0703
    It will most definitely work if you stick to it! It sounds like you have a wonderful support system! I have lost 70lbs, and it took some time but I had a REALLY effective year last year. The best tips are to eat from the ground and animals-avoid processed food. If you can't understand the ingredients chances are your body can't either. ;) AND mix it up! Don't eat toooooo repetitively the same thing over and over you will get bored and so will your body. Mix up your workouts, have fun with it! This is not supposed to be hell! It is a life change, be realistic! Just stick to it! Best of luck! Add me if you want a cheerleader!!!!! :-D