ashtonladkins Member


  • After being pregnant and having my sweet little girl almost a year ago, I just haven't been able to make it to my favorite 5:15am exercise class. I have continued exercising and have been going to other classes, mostly in the evening, but with a baby that wasn't sleeping through the night, I just couldn't do the 5:15am…
  • Being prepared has been really helpful for me. I've always been good at meal planning, but I never really planned for the weekends, but I have been planning more for the weekends and I've been able to lose more consistently. Also prepping healthy snacks to have throughout the day plays a big role in my success. My motto…
  • I am currently breastfeeding my 9month old and stopped counting my breastfeeding calories because I wasn't losing much weight. When she was 8 months old, I logged about 250. She just isn't as interested in eating as much because she loves table food. I would do 250 and if you aren't losing, then bump it down to 150.
  • I had Mirena inserted when my daughter was 6 weeks old. 1 year later, I weighed 10 pounds more than I did 6 weeks after having a baby. It was crazy. Like many other women, I had hair loss that entire year! I also grew a mustache and had crazy mood swings. I seriously tried everything to lose weight, MFP, weight watchers,…
  • Just bought the book yesterday, I'm excited to get started! I would love to see some more activity on this board. Did any of you incorporate any cardio while doing this program? I do utilize some of my calories from exercise for extra treats and special occasions to continue to aide in weight loss. I just don't think I'm…
  • I just purchased this book yesterday and I am excited to get started! There was a Strong Curves Group page on MFP, but it doesn't seem very active... I'm curious for you jemhh, did you try to incorporate any extra cardio in while doing the SC program?
  • Breastfeeding always made me hold on to extra weight. Are you on any kind of birth control? When I was on the mini-pill and Mirena after having my older 2 daughters, I really held onto weight. It was too much progesterone for my system. I also know that with each child, it has been more and more challenging to get my…
  • I could also never lose weight while on the "mini-pill" while breastfeeding. Too much progesterone for my body. I currently have an almost 8 month old and I ate around 1800 from 1-5 months, then decreased it down to 1700, around month 6, and now I'm around 1600 because my daughter isn't nursing as frequently. Like previous…
  • In my settings, I calculated that I wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week. Then each day, I add breastfeeding 30 oz to my breakfast, which gives me an extra 500 calories a day (for some reason it won't show up on my iphone app for the net calories, but it does online). I did this for the first 3 months and breastfeeding was well…
  • MTS Whey Protein, 150 calories. I usually mix with water, but recently started mixing with some unsweetened almond milk, which is 30 calories. So 180 for my shake. Not too terrible. I usually have mine for breakfast or post-workout.
  • I love the MTS Whey Protein because it has high protein, less sugar, chocolate or vanilla flavored. I usually have mine for breakfast and will add a piece of fruit or something small. I've also used them post-workout (depending on what time of day I do my workout). I will mix with milk or water depending on my calories for…
  • Eat a reasonable dinner and try to stay maybe 100-200 calories down tomorrow as well to help with the deficit. Looking at your calories for the week can give you a different perspective. I agree with previous posts about getting some exercise in.
  • Paragard is non-hormonal and I have lost nearly 15 lbs with it. I am sensitive to progesterone (sp?) heavy birth control (Mirena and Depo Shot) and I gained 10 lbs on Mirena, in addition to a bunch of other nasty side-effects.
  • I use runkeeper and love it! It seems accurate when comparing it to my HR monitor in regards to calories burned.
  • I had a little princess in August and I am currently breastfeeding. I have lost almost 15 pounds in the past 8 weeks. Slow and steady wins the race for me. I add 375 calories per day for breastfeeding. I initally saw a slight dip in my supply, but I started trying to eat more oatmeal and adding flaxseed to my diet. I also…
  • black coffee with a shot of sugar free hazlenut or vanilla. Then I will add a little bit of non-fat milk instead of half&half and maybe a splenda.
  • Try to remember why you wanted to lose weight to begin with... what was that driving factor? For me personally, I was hating having my picture taken. I have almost zero pictures of me with my daughters and it was starting to break my heart. I looked back at pictures of myself when I was at my goal weight and it inspired me…
  • Maybe try to take a walk during your lunch break? Burn some extra calories so it will balance out a bit more. I get to work early and try to get a 10 minute walk in before the day starts and then I try to walk 15 minutes at lunch.
  • Don't set yourself up for failure. You are more likely to quit when you don't see the results you expected.
  • It took my body a good 2 weeks to get used to exercising, then I was able to drop pounds more quickly. Don't give up! It will be worth it!