breastfeeding and weight loss



  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I am exclusively breastfeeding and eating anywhere from 1680-2000 calories a day. I find I actually even lose better when I am eating a little more and that the baby's poop is the right colour and consistency (not meaning to be graphic here--this is an indicator of baby health and nutrition). I have lost about 9 pounds this month. It really depends on your height, initial weight and your weight loss goals. Eating 1200 calories a day will likely have an effect on your supply (unless you are very very petite). Also, it can make you lethargic and miserable which are not good for you or the baby. My suggestion would be to up your exercise and increase your intake.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    cmje94066 wrote: »
    I am exclusively breastfeeding. Thanks all for the feedback!!

    I had a hell of a time losing weight when I was home on maternity leave and exclusively breast feeding my son. I tried to add the 500 calories and eat 1700 and I wouldn't lose. I tried to cut them down and my milk supply suffered (which I then struggled to bring back up again after the fact). In retrospect, these were my problems:

    1.) I was far too sedentary. I was freaking exhausted. I went on the very occasional walk but I didn't move enough. If you think this might be you, buy a fitbit and link it to your Mpf and enable negative calories. It's eye opening.

    2.) I wasn't accurately logging. I wasn't weighing my food and I didn't log certain snacks (like fruit or teas). I most likely was eating too much to lose weight.

    3.) I expected the weight to just fall off like all of the other nursing moms. Some of us just have it rough. I think if I had been a little more patient and a little more focused (see 1 and 2) and didn't expect miracles with weight loss it would have happened.

    4.) Drink massive amounts of water. Seriously, like a gallon a day.

    I hope this helps you even slightly. Don't cut your calories lower than 1700-1800 minimum. Try sticking with that, logging accurately, and going on lots of walks or working out and see how that goes. Give it 4-5 weeks to see how it works. Don't cut your calories too much and hurt your milk supply and add a cranky, hungry baby to the mix!

    +1 to all this.
  • ashtonladkins
    ashtonladkins Posts: 20 Member
    I could also never lose weight while on the "mini-pill" while breastfeeding. Too much progesterone for my body.

    I currently have an almost 8 month old and I ate around 1800 from 1-5 months, then decreased it down to 1700, around month 6, and now I'm around 1600 because my daughter isn't nursing as frequently.

    Like previous post said, drink a TON of water.

    I've successfully lost almost 20 lbs while breastfeeding and weigh approximately 3lbs less than when I got pregnant. You can do it! Enjoy your little one!