gaining weight ???

I don't know what I am doing wrong im eating healthy and going to the gym doing bootcamp classes and according to the scales I have put 4 pounds on since monday :( I do feel bloated tonight though is this normal as I haven't exercised in along time and have 4 stoneto lose but I'm gutted im gaining :(


  • Exercise can cause small "tearing" in muscle, causing them to retain more water. What you're seeing on the scale is most likely a result of water retention as a result of increased exercise.
  • So It should eventually disappear cos Ive noticed im drinking water but not going the toilet for a wee as much so maybe its right Ihope I start noticing soon
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Are you tracking your food?
  • Hi Lora yes everything it tracked and Im always below on everything I hope if its water it bloody goes quick haha feel like Im doing all this exercise and healthy eating for nothing :(
  • This happened to me, too. During week 1, I lost 2 pounds (yay), during week 2, I gained 4 pounds (the 2 I lost and an additional 2). I was so bummed. However, at week 3, I lost 5. Try drinking more water and cut back on sodium. That seemed to help me.
  • ashtonladkins
    ashtonladkins Posts: 20 Member
    It took my body a good 2 weeks to get used to exercising, then I was able to drop pounds more quickly. Don't give up! It will be worth it!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You didn't gain 4 pounds of fat in 3 days. Stop weighing yourself so often and keep doing what you're doing.
  • Thanks Everyone Im not gonna give up i need to lose it for my holiday haha just wondered if it was normal Definately water retention i think after reading a few articles i will weigh myself on monday that will be a week then and see what the scales say ...
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Yesterday I weighed myself in the morning, and again at night just for fun. I had "gained" nearly five pounds.
    If you are gonna weigh so often, you have to be ok with seeing crazy fluctuations.
    Food in your stomach or bowels, water retention, etc

    You've gotta be patient!
  • Thanks I'm just gonna jump on the scales every week I was just excited cos I know I worked hard lol
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    I don't know what I am doing wrong im eating healthy and going to the gym doing bootcamp classes and according to the scales I have put 4 pounds on since monday :( I do feel bloated tonight though is this normal as I haven't exercised in along time and have 4 stoneto lose but I'm gutted im gaining :(

    I am confused. You are doing bootcamp classes, yet have not exercised in a long time? I must have misread. As for gaining 4 lbs so fast, I doubt you have gained fat. Your a woman!! My weight fluctuates daily. But I am losing inches and toning, so I am not worried about it.
  • Yes I started doing bootcamp at my gym on Monday It is hard work my instructor said just do what i can manage and I did the same as everyone else maybe im doing to much too soon but im just so determined to get it off x