

  • Lost 33 pounds, actually gained muscle in the process. What now?
  • How about someone who has been very successful telling you you're wrong about all this? Firstly, the brain doesn't need as much glucose as you seem to think it needs. A person in ketosis can power their brain almost entirely by ketones. The only time it's even going to look to muscle for something to break down is if…
  • you say "can cause ketosis" like that's a bad thing. It's not. It's not harmful in any way.
  • Good advice, telling someone who is doing a <20g carb diet (which works and is easy to maintain) to up their carbs.
  • You should've told me that back in June, when I started pretty much exclusively eating meats and cheese, that would've saved me the trouble of... losing 33 pounds... and getting considerably healthier... and ... wait.
  • Oil is pretty much pure fat, in a liquid form. ANY oil is this way, it just depends on where you get it from. Olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, it's all a lipid, just from different sources and thus different quality.
  • There's not actually any such thing as a "negative calorie food" - not even raw celery, however as this topic seems to at least be partially joking, I'm sure you knew that already. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_calorie_food Also, in my experience, as well as extensive and well documented testing, aspartame and…
  • If you want to make gains by combining protein and a workout, you're going to want to have your protein AFTER the workout, within a half hour of when you've finished working out. What you want to have BEFORE the workout however is more food. Don't focus on protein so much, protein is a building block for muscles, whereas…
  • I personally have had great results from going keto. I've reduced my carb intake to a maximum of 20g of net carbs, and increased my fat and protein intakes. I don't stick to super specific percentages other than keeping carbs as low as possible, but I aim to consume more fat than protein. I eat a lot of cheese and meats…
  • Several liters during the run of a work day, and when I'm home from work a good number of large glasses. Can't get enough of the stuff, I have to limit myself so I'm only going to the bathroom on an hourly basis.
  • "Wow, your face is really rectangular now!" I'm still not sure if that's a good thing.
  • My motivation was this: My girlfriend had been out of the city for a few months, doing her work term in a far off part of the province. I was getting things together to go and visit her, and it just struck me. I should REALLY surprise her. So about a month and a half before the visit, I got into Keto on recommendation from…
  • You don't know what you're talking about here. Just because it's not "Natural" doesn't mean it's bad. After all, nature isn't designed around our existence. Nature doesn't have to tailor it's products to best suit us. Whereas the stuff we develop, the stuff we research and make for ourselves? That is more likely to be…
  • Whoops, didn't know that. Guess that's why I died doing 4 months of keto, and am now a ghost posting on the internet.
  • I, like others who have chimed in here, have been doing keto. I've stuck pretty strictly to the rules, <20g of net carbs per day. I've lost over 30 pounds in under 4 months, and feel better than ever.
  • Quest Bars. They're delicious protein bars with a load of good stuff, high fibre, high protein, low sugar, low carb, gluten free, come in a ton of great flavors, taste AWESOME, and fill you. They fill me, anyways. I eat one for breakfast.
  • Avocados are a treasure trove for someone doing keto or another low carb diet. They're a good source of vitamins and whatnot, they're a great source of fat, and also a pretty solid source of fibre. Plus they're delicious. It's like eating the vegetable kingdom's equivalent of butter. If you're low carbing it (which has…
  • In order to drink 8 glasses of water a day, I would have to pace myself a bit and sip the water longer, and go thirsty at times, to only drink 8 glasses. I don't think I would like it.
  • Name: Blake Reddit Username: Lord_Nuke Male/Female? - Age? Male - 28 Where ya from?: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Add me up, yo!