- according to the rules trolling is not allowed. I think posting pictures of a book saying 'stay fat then' and 'there, there' is pretty rude and I would consider it trolling.
Yep, I am thorougly addicted to my phone :D
Hey, thanks for responding, message sent :)
I am interested in a very serious motivational buddy for texting or IM ing, may I ask whereabouts you are? I am in the uk. Please message me if you are interested :)
I am not going to say 'oh I am so sorry for you' etc, you are a strong powerful woman and that guy is clearly a self centred, vain and shallow ****hole. You are brilliant and can achieve anything you want to. Lose all that weight AND DO IT FOR YOURSELF then have you seen that, episode of Friends when Monica is a teen and…
Ps I am 5'2" and 10 st 2lb, want to get down to about 9st so I think we a roughly the same BMI too
Hiya, I have been looking for a motivational buddy to text/IM though I don't know if you'd be interested? I am 28, in England :)
Oh p.s. I am in the uk, so ideally a motivation buddy based in the uk would be fab :)