

  • I run 5+ miles two or three times a week, do pilates twice a week and spinning once or twice a week and eat 60% fat, 30-35 % protein and 5-10% carb. I know a lot of people will shake their heads at the low carb % but my doctor was all for this. I have never had more energy, I don't need to count calories like before, the…
  • I've tried alot of apps and the only one that has never failed me is endomondo. I've used the free app for a year now and loved it so much that I decided to buy the pro app. Not much difference so I'd absolutely reccommend the free app. I use it for running, cycling, walking and hiking. You can follow all your workouts on…
  • MFP has already calculated a calorie deficit for you so I'd say eat them. I didn't to begin and was fine but then the weightloss slowed and stopped. So now I eat most of them but very seldom all of them... For more info I'd suggest reading this:…
  • Yummy, I'm going to try some of these later. Thanks all :wink:
  • Hey guys, didn't do the shred yesterday. Needed to blow off some steam so I went to the gym instead and did a 90 min spinning class. Had planned on shredding when I got home but was kind of exhausted. Today was my off day so I only went for an hour long walk. Apart from today though I've worked out every day this year :)…
  • D4L1 done. Had planned to do both levels 1 and 2 but just wasn't feeling my best. Had a rough couple of days personally... But will try to do L1 and L2 tomorrow. I'm not seeing much result but it is getting easier. Since I'm doing body spinning w.weights two days a week, I'm also going to count that as part of my shred so…
  • Go to Food and by selecting My Foods you'll find the option to create food :)
  • Leela - MFP gives me 258 so that may be accurate. I don't have a HM so I'll just go by that for now. Thanks for the info. BTW this is an awesome thread, so much motivation and energy and positivity from everyone. All of a sudden D3L1 tomorrow isn't looking as bad :)
  • Hey there - hope I'm not too late in joining in. I started the shred on the 2nd of January but will also be doing a body spinning class with weights twice a week and (hopefully) the shred 4-5 times :) I've started it a couple of times but never finished and am hoping this will give me the motivation to stick with it. So…
  • Good job everybody. 60 min bodyspinningclass w.weights done. Back on the shred tomorrow and planning to do levels 1 and 2. Let's see how it goes. This is turning out to be a roaring start to the year :)
  • I've lost 25 lbs and been frustrated that I'm not seeing enough of a difference, although there is some muscle definition and my endurance is so much better. This morning I was putting on a skirt to wear to work and it wouldn't stay up, after zipping it up it just fell to my ankles. Rejoycing I put on a pair of jeans and…
  • It's 11:30 pm and I just finished L1 30DShred. Really wasn't in the mood though. Have a spinning class tomorrow and then only the shred until Monday. Have to say it was harder now since my muscles are feeling it. I'll probably be a roaring mess come Monday. How's everyone getting along? Well done doing the 6w6p. Have heard…
  • Hey how is everyone getting along? I didn't do the shred today but did a 100 min body spinning class instead with weights and burned up a storm. Will be back on the shred tomorrow though. Some awesome news. I'm ahead of my mini goals and my BMI just went from obese to overweight. I'm kinda stoked :) @ xxweerachceex - hope…
  • Hmmm... I was just looking over my measurements and it seems I wasn't really paying attention since I found a couple of mistakes. These should be correct: Height 5'10 - 178cm Weight 210.8 lbs (95.6 kg) measurements in inches (cm) under bust 40.5 (103) waist 37.7 (95.5) tummy 43.5 (110.5) hips 45 (114.3) arm L 14.8 (37.5) R…
  • First day - did the 30 day shred level 1. Probably should have done both level 1 and 2 since I didn't really feel much but I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. Did my measurements and am really hoping to see some results at the end of january. Especially for my tummy - a real problem area: Weight 210.8 lbs (95.6 kg)…
  • I'd love to join you guys. I've started the 30 day shred a few times but never finished. Hopefully this will be the motivation I need :) I'll start on January 2nd and take a 90 min spinning class 2 times a week so I'll probably only do the video 5 times a week. Love the idea of posting measurements before and after. Will…
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