jalopes Member


  • you dont need to buy weights, just use things around your house, like big cans of soup, or bottles of shampoo.
  • i love pilates, especially the Stott Pilates DVDs. I was told that its good for toning and weightloss, because its all resistance training, so there is an element of cardio, unlike weight training. your flexibility will greatly improve too, which makes all other exercises easier. good luck, i hope you like it!
  • no matter what time you get up, you are supposed to eat as soon as possible. this kickstarts your metabolism. then eat every 2-3 hours for a snack or a meal. i'm jealous that you get to sleep till 9 or 10!:happy:
  • try perch, its very mild tasting. i made fish last night, i put pesto on it, and it masks the flavour pretty well.
  • Hi everyone, does anyone have good ideas for a healthy breakfast that is high in protein but does NOT include eggs? i need to eat breakfast more often, dont want to load up on carbs, and can't stomach eggs first thing in the AM.......help please?
  • unsweetened applesauce....sounds crazy, but its really yummy
    in Carrots Comment by jalopes November 2008
  • Stott Pilates isgreat too. they have a website and a lot of different DVDs. also try taking a class at your local rec-centre. i just finished a 10 week course, and loved it. once you pay for it, you are held accountable to show up, that really helped me with motivation too.
    in pilates Comment by jalopes November 2008
  • i also heard that cardio is the only way to get rid of mid-section fat. but not to work out too hard, you need to stay in your fat burning zone for your body. if your heart rate is too high, it works your heart and lungs, but not your fat.
  • don't do it, go drink a big glass of water instead. I went to an xmas party on the weekend, and had a few drinks, it cost me about 600 calories! its all these little things that add up. You can do it!!!!
  • Try using natural sea salts, and put it in a grinder. They are healthier than the iodized table salt, but you still get a bit of your craving satisfied.
  • Good luck!!!! They are alot cheaper than the baby carrots too. I find it takes a good 20 minutes to eat a big carrot, especially since I dont love carrots to begin with. Apparently lots of chewing signals your brain that you are full.
  • none, you've gotta go hardcore, lol. just munch the carrot alone :smile:
  • So I have a problem with snacking, and even healthy snacks leave me hungry. I have reently starting buying the bg bag of whole carrots... you know the kind we all think that only grandmas and farmers buy?!?!?! well,i dont cut it up and dip it, and i dont buy those soggy baby carrots. Just wash a giant carrot and munch on…
  • i use the skim milk version, instead of soy milk, its even less calories.
  • i need to start over today too. ate a stupid cinnamon roll for breakfast and then realised it cost me 450 calories! ugh. i hate mondays! help....
  • thanks for the support everyone, looks like we are in this together :smile:
  • i need to lose 5-10 lbs to fit into my old wardrobe. i would be happy with that. but when its only a small amount to lose, it seems easy to cheat and start over the next.......this has been going on for 2 years! my downfalls....no energy for exercise, and fastfood weekends. anyone in the same boat? can we help each other…