Tummy fat


I've been doing the whole diet/ exercise/MFP since Sept. I've lost some weight but if seems like the weight has come off everywhere except my tummy!?? Why? and what can I do about it (except for crunches... I HATE THOSE). :sad:


  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member

    I've been doing the whole diet/ exercise/MFP since Sept. I've lost some weight but if seems like the weight has come off everywhere except my tummy!?? Why? and what can I do about it (except for crunches... I HATE THOSE). :sad:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I'm having the exact same problem, I've lost another 2" in my waist, but nothing from my tummy.
    My personal trainer tells me its normal, the tummy and inner thighs are the hardest parts to lose weight apparently - it will go eventually, we just have to be patient :flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    Well then, I guess that I have some "very old" fat that may be around for a while....:laugh: At least the new fat is going away....:flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    Well then, I guess that I have some "very old" fat that may be around for a while....:laugh: At least the new fat is going away....:flowerforyou:

    I've got some fat that is older than most of the people who post on here! In fact, I think some of my fat is wearing tie-dyed and singing "Blowing in the Wind." :tongue:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    If you're not exercising your stomach muscles, some of that "fat" is really weak muscle, and you will always feel (and probably look) fat there if you don't strengthen it. Crunches get better over time, as they get easier! But there are literally hundreds of exercises you can do for the core. Have you tried pilates?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My thoughts go to body function. We may hate (AND I DO MEAN HATE!) ab work but the benefits are not just to look good.

    The core lifts your body. You may not see the muscles now, but when that last 10-20 are coming off they will come shining through!!

    I still have a lot of bottom belly fat-hips area, and this was the 1st fat to come on, but the upper portion is down to a 29" and last night someone commented on my 'tiny' waist!

    You can do ab work standing up and there are some great youtube vids to help with that. slim in 6 has 3 ab exercises built in. I didnt even realize I was working the abs until the next day!!

    I did note however, that when I went to get out of bed I didnt grunt!!! My body lifted itself with no problem! Yeah Abs!!:love:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    Well then, I guess that I have some "very old" fat that may be around for a while....:laugh: At least the new fat is going away....:flowerforyou:

    I've got some fat that is older than most of the people who post on here! In fact, I think some of my fat is wearing tie-dyed and singing "Blowing in the Wind." :tongue:

    omg shore:laugh: :laugh: i have tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    Well then, I guess that I have some "very old" fat that may be around for a while....:laugh: At least the new fat is going away....:flowerforyou:

    wow 48, only 15 pounds to go!! You must feel fantastic!!
  • stephiepoo
    I also have a flabby tummy and big thighs and arms.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    Well then, I guess that I have some "very old" fat that may be around for a while....:laugh: At least the new fat is going away....:flowerforyou:

    I've got some fat that is older than most of the people who post on here! In fact, I think some of my fat is wearing tie-dyed and singing "Blowing in the Wind." :tongue:

    omg shore:laugh: :laugh: i have tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard!!!

    Think that's funny--you should hear them all on Saturday nights when the fat cell that looks like Joan Baez leads them all in a rousing rendition of "We Shall Not Be Moved"!! :laugh:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member

    I've got some fat that is older than most of the people who post on here! In fact, I think some of my fat is wearing tie-dyed and singing "Blowing in the Wind." :tongue:

    Think that's funny--you should hear them all on Saturday nights when the fat cell that looks like Joan Baez leads them all in a rousing rendition of "We Shall Not Be Moved"!! :laugh:


    That's hysterical. Wait - I think I hear my tummy and thighs singing selections from various Big Hair Bands of the 80's. Scares me sometimes.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    I've got some fat that is older than most of the people who post on here! In fact, I think some of my fat is wearing tie-dyed and singing "Blowing in the Wind." :tongue:

    Think that's funny--you should hear them all on Saturday nights when the fat cell that looks like Joan Baez leads them all in a rousing rendition of "We Shall Not Be Moved"!! :laugh:


    That's hysterical. Wait - I think I hear my tummy and thighs singing selections from various Big Hair Bands of the 80's. Scares me sometimes.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I like pilates. It strengthens the core and makes my whole body feel better.
    Upping my cardio is what really made a difference in my pouch.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I heard once that the "oldest" fat will be the last to go--and the hardest to lose.

    that sounds quite plausable - I gained weight on my tummy and thighs first, and boy are they hanging around!
    I just got myself one of those pilates home kits, so I'm gonna watch the DVD tonight and do a little bit, see how I get on - well that's the plan, I might end up sweating just watching the DVD !!! 552.gif
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Just a side note...
    I lost ALL of my ab jiggle using Slim'n 6.... I am talking able to see actual muscle definition!
    I use Turbo Jam (which works my obliques more...but is standing ab work)...
    I use P90X (love it) works all over.
    Denise Austin Pilates (works awesome)

    It's finding what you like and doing it.

  • jalopes
    jalopes Posts: 20 Member
    i also heard that cardio is the only way to get rid of mid-section fat. but not to work out too hard, you need to stay in your fat burning zone for your body. if your heart rate is too high, it works your heart and lungs, but not your fat.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    ok this might be a dumb question. But how do I know what my fat burning zone is?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    ok this might be a dumb question. But how do I know what my fat burning zone is?

    There isn't a 'fat burning zone'. It would be great if there was, and things would be easier, but there isn't.

    The 'zone' theorizes that, at lower intensities, we can use more fat for energy since there is more oxygen present, as the energy system that uses fatty acids is oxidative. However, our bodies don't work that way--there isn't a certain 'mode' where we just burn fat and nothing else. We ALWAYS use ALL of the energy systems during aerobic exercise. It's only during anaerobic work (no oxygen--like sprints, powerlifting, resistance training) that we don't use almost any fatty acids. The irony of it all is that we use the most fatty acids when we're sitting around doing nothing. So there's your 'fat burning zone' I suppose.:wink:

    The energy systems we use always go in the same order, too. We always use creatine first, then just glucose, then glucose and fatty acids and animo acids. So when we get up to use the bathroom, we're using pretty much just creatine and glucose before we hit the seat. When we start jogging, we use those too, and then after a couple minutes we're using glucose and fatty acids. At around 60 minutes of moderate-intense exercise, when we start running out of glucose, we'll use more fatty acids than we were previously. So if you're walking at a low intensity for 30 minutes, you haven't burned many calories *or* reached the treshold of glucose depletion--not even close. You're not working intensely enough to use up anything. So now you've burned fewer calories than you would have with a higher intensity exercise, and since it's calories in vs. calories out, the work out isn't going to be very effective.

    It's NOT exercise that reduces body fat--it's a calorie deficit. You can do all the crunches you want, and if you're eating too much, it won't make a difference. So lucky for you, crunches are unnecessary. Try planks or overhead squats, those work your abs in a way they're made to work--stabilization. Crunches are a very unnatural movement, and sit ups primarily work your hip flexors. There are better abdominal strengtheners out there.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Thank you songbyrdsweet! It's great having you share your knowledge with us!
    I'll continue as I am, making changes to keep it fresh.