starbeck33 Member


  • So true! I was only logging breakfast for a while, then decided to do it all and I've lost 2 lbs last month.
  • Thanks so much!
  • I'm new to this group and looking for MFP friends too. I'm one year postpartum but still struggling with those last 10-15 lbs and also ppd/OCD since my traumatic birth.
  • I've been searching this site for recipes:
  • I'm in the same boat, I usually walk at our nearest park for exercise, but this heat is killing me. It's also because our house is cape cod style and horrible to try to cool down, so I feel constantly hot. I've shortened my walks to around the neighborhood after 7 p.m. when the sun goes down. But it's still bad. However,…
  • You should check out Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's. I did them earlier this year when suffering from chronic migraine and other fibro-type symptoms. Even if I could only do the easiest one at 30 minutes, I felt so accomplished because I was able to do something! Also, nothing beats a nice walk as well, but when…
  • 30 or more miles for May in combination with my strength/toning workouts. Weather is finally so nice, so most of my miles will probably be outdoors!
  • I was able to get in 30 miles this month (about half LS and half outside) combined with my strength training!
  • Over a year now I have been off of depression meds (buproprion) and I gained 30 lbs. which I'm now working on losing. Best things that helped me was taking a mindful walk listening to peaceful music. Wish I had found Leslie Sansone when I was going through most of the depression, because you can do her walk-at-home…
  • Scored: 27. I used to be in the 40-80 category though, so in my perspective I have done a lot of healing with my body image. The only one I answered "always" is the "looking at yourself in a photo/video"...that's a hard one.
  • I have a Siamese as well and they "paw" the same. He has digestive issues a lot...does yours? It always seems like he has gas...LOL.
  • I'm mixing it up for April as well. I'm adding in some strength training and conditioning, light weights to start. I'll be throwing in some of my FIRM DVD's as well as just doing some basic light lifting. Still want to walk to Leslie (or outside) at least 3x a week for April. I may do a quick warm-up 1 mile before my…
  • Finished with March goal: 50 miles. Total miles completed = 50.75 (some of those were outdoor miles...finally! Also did the toning sessions on the 5 day ultimate walk plan) April will be different though, I've decided to add in strength training/weight lifting 3x a week - so I'm still figuring out how many miles I want to…
  • March Goal: 50 miles. Total miles walked so far: 39.75. Had a couple days of snow shoveling and managed to get outside for a real walk. :)
  • I phase in my other fitness DVD's, like my FIRM videos because they focus on strength and I am looking to adding in weight lifting. Then when the weather warms up, I'll be doing my walks outside and yard work.
  • Miles walked so far = 16. Goal for March = 50. I've had a couple days where I just shoveled snow...mostly a "back' workout, so didn't log it as miles or anything. When it comes time to mow the lawn though...I gotta figure out how I can log that as "miles". Anyone do that sort of thing?
  • So very inspiring, 50 lb. loss and still going strong after all these years! Can't wait to hear about your experience with LS when you get back!
  • I hope to add in some OUTDOOR miles this month as the weather gets better (hopefully!). My goal for March is 50 miles (combined walk at home and outdoor miles).
  • February goal: 40 miles. Total walked this month: 43 miles! GOAL MET! Hope to do 50 miles for March!
  • Goal 40 miles. Miles walked so far 29! Lost a little steam and missed a few days, but then walked extra on others. Did my first 4 miler...wooo!
  • February Goal = 40 miles Total to date: 10 completed! - Just tried the 3 Mega Miles with toning band, and wow, it really works that upper body! I can see why the gloves would be nice to get to help from pinching by the thumb...might have to get those down the line - 5 mile fat burner, really like the boosted walking!
  • Yes, exactly! And it already has as of this morning, evened out. :)
  • January second-half of the month, I made the goal to walk 30 miles and joined this group. As of today 1/31/13...30 MILES DONE. Now time to go watch my new Leslie DVD I just ordered!
  • Yay! Excited to get February started! I am happy to say I also completed my goal for January (30 miles starting January 15th). It was rather an ambitious goal and I pushed it on some days that I probably should have rested. So I want to make a realistic/manageable goal for February. February goal = 40 miles (with the hopes…
  • I've been doing LS for 2.5 weeks now and I stayed under my calorie goal, was hoping for a loss as well...but I GAINED 2 LBS! I have no idea why...(I've done 2 miles everyday) but the other benefits are outweighing the weigh-in. Temporary pain relief, endorphin kick, in better shape, improved mood, meeting my January goal…
  • Started my January goal the second half of this month because I'm new and just started with LS DVD's: Goal to walk: 30 miles Have walked: 20 miles To go: 10 miles!
  • I am a migraine sufferer and Leslie's videos (specifically her 2 mile "Walk This Way") dvd has been a life saver in order to reach my walking goals for the Jan 2013 challenge. I noticed temporary relief in my headache and discomforts as the endorphins kick in.
  • Hi everyone! I am also new to the group. I have just posted my goal to walk 30 miles by the end of this month in the Jan 2013 Walk Challenge. I should probably order more of her dvd's! I only have two so far (Walk this way and ultimate 5 day walk plan). Thanks, Becky
  • I am also new to Leslie Sansone (this week!) but have already done 6 miles. I'd like to make a goal of 30 miles by the end of the month! Right now I only have two of her DVD's: Walk this way and Ultimate 5 day walk plan. I hope to order more of her recent DVD's soon. Thanks for having me, Becky P.S. I love that I can do…