

  • Thank you! I got a few more friends already! Thank you all!
  • Reaching out again for anyone who needs some help staying motivated! I'm always here for you and always sharing my victories and doing jigs for yours! :)
  • That's another thing I am afraid of. Diabetes. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I hope it's a low "type." Many people in my family have diabetes so I run a high risk. I'm not gonna let it take me too!!! Best of luck to you! Glad you pulled out of the depression! I know sometimes it can be SOO hard. I'm here for you…
  • Added!!! Hope I can help you meet your goals and stay there!!
  • I made excuses, and I had a good month and a half of depressed thoughts and binging. That and the treatment made me pack on the lbs. My friend actually pulled me up and out and gave me a reason! :) for that I am thankful for! I just keep reading my goal list and I get excited all over again. Oh how I can't wait to meet…
  • Positivity's all I got. Negativity and depression won't do anything but keep me eating and feeding the disease. Doesn't do anyone any good. My efforts may be fruitless in the cancer department but dangit, I'm gonna feel great!
  • I continue to get invites! Thank you all for your kind words and support!
  • Any others out there looking for an addition to their support system?
  • ADDED! Thank you for your vote of confidence! All of you believing in me makes me positive I can do this!
  • The more the merrier! Especially when you know they are watching and will let you know when you fall off the track. We can do this!!!
  • Enjoy your workout! I always feel awesome afterwards! On those days I really have to drag myself there I just remember how great I feel after! Basically, what I've done is make a promise to myself. I figure if u can't trust and depend on yourself then who can you??
  • Thank you for all the friend requests! Feel free to post also if you are looking for support. I know that having a circle of friends who are all also friends can lead to some funny conversations!
  • I think "precancerous" basically means that whatever is going on has a high rate of causing cancer. That's only my interpretation from what I heard the Doctor say before he did the biopsy. Being in that limbo after hearing that "could be" was probably the scariest point of the whole thing so far. Not knowing if I do, but…
  • ACCEPTED! Thank you! Sorry to hear about your struggles! But just remember that there is always a way it could be worse. That's the mindset I am in. Although cancer is not-so-great, the type I have could have been worse. Thank god I don't have leukemia or brain cancer. I am thankful the type I have is something I can…
  • Thank you! I'm really glad she popped in randomly. I usually don't read much of what's on FB but I just happen to see the post up top about her success. My Jaw dropped! She is amazing and is still checking in on me daily! Thanks for adding me! I hope we can support each other!
  • Bumping so more people see!
  • Maybe no one is really READING the post about 5500 calories, or I didn't explain it well. Let me break it down (I'm not saying I agree or disagree, just explaining the article) Your body, right now, not moving is burning calories. While you sit at work or lay in bed, or sit on the couch flipping through channels, you are…
  • I'm not offended by your question at all. My ticker says "0" because I just started on Sunday last week. I'm weighing in, on the 1st and 15th of the month. If I do it more frequently, I become a slave to the scale. I did sneak yesterday and saw amazing progress I am proud of but I'm not posting it until the 1st of October.…
  • I appreciate ALL the feedback!
  • I can see where you're coming from but I don't agree with it. I read an article explaining the amount of calories required to gain a lb and the number was 5500. 2000 of which your body requires to maintain your current wait (maybe more depending in your muscle mass) sitting still. Another 3500 to equal that lb. 5500…
  • Hey Jen! I hope that you benefit from all the amazing people here! There are some whackadoo's but a lot of great supportive people! I look forward to being part of your journey!
  • Looking for more friends to help stay on track with! Hoping to get some friend requests!
  • Anyone else out there?
  • Thanks so much! We will both hit our goals!!
  • Accepted and Added! YAY! Thank you so much!
  • You have been added!! Yay! Thank you! I look forward to going in this journey with you!
  • At that rate they might as well just become anorexic or bulimic(sp?)! It's the same thing!! I couldn't imagine exercising that much! I'd be so burnt out. I'm a fat girl at the heart of it all, and I love my food. If I ate it, then made it disappear.. I'd eat more. Lol,
  • This will be awesome! Congratulations on taking another step towards your goal. MFP is an amazing place to help keep your self in check and make friends to keep you motivated. My food diary is viewable to friends so feel free to check it out for any ideas. That's one of my favorite things to do. I always need fresh ideas…
  • Yes I think I'm gonna weigh once a month. I'm also not telling any of the people around me. I want them to notice. When they do, it'll be an amazing feeling. :)