

  • FJMilner
    Wow, what a total inspiration....I think most people are guilty of making up excuses - not enough time, healthy food is too expensive, too tired, family/friends sabbotaging diets etc....but hell, faced with a diagnosis like that and still kicking *kitten*, well im in awe! Friend request on its way...
  • SimplyKry
    Wow, what a total inspiration....I think most people are guilty of making up excuses - not enough time, healthy food is too expensive, too tired, family/friends sabbotaging diets etc....but hell, faced with a diagnosis like that and still kicking *kitten*, well im in awe! Friend request on its way...

    I made excuses, and I had a good month and a half of depressed thoughts and binging. That and the treatment made me pack on the lbs. My friend actually pulled me up and out and gave me a reason! :) for that I am thankful for! I just keep reading my goal list and I get excited all over again. Oh how I can't wait to meet them all!
  • candy102389
    Would love the supposrt and the push!
  • SimplyKry
    Would love the supposrt and the push!

    Added!!! Hope I can help you meet your goals and stay there!!
  • DexterDarko
    That's really sad.... this year I'm 99% sure I got diabetes and I dropped out of school when I was depressed. :L

    But now that I'm back in a healthy state of mind, life is so much better. I wish you luck with everything, and don't ever give up :O
  • SimplyKry
    That's really sad.... this year I'm 99% sure I got diabetes and I dropped out of school when I was depressed. :L

    But now that I'm back in a healthy state of mind, life is so much better. I wish you luck with everything, and don't ever give up :O

    That's another thing I am afraid of. Diabetes. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I hope it's a low "type." Many people in my family have diabetes so I run a high risk. I'm not gonna let it take me too!!! Best of luck to you! Glad you pulled out of the depression! I know sometimes it can be SOO hard. I'm here for you if you want some support!
  • SimplyKry
    Reaching out again for anyone who needs some help staying motivated! I'm always here for you and always sharing my victories and doing jigs for yours! :)
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Hello,i'm sorry about you having cacer you are so young, Hope everything will be ok. you may add me for sure. I'll support you.
  • SimplyKry
    Thank you! I got a few more friends already! Thank you all!