

  • if all you ate your calories on was chocolate then that would be bad, but seeing as you have extra calories you need to eat up then go fot it! if you end the day under on your calories too often you head toward starvation mode so if your little treat tops your energy back up then do it. i often do and it doesn't hurt to…
  • i agree, the exercise logging is a nightmare and it's so much guesswork how can it be right? there is an option for walking uphill 3.5 mph but i find it isn't the same as my treadmill reads. my gym has programmable one so you can put in your age, weight, etc and it's a more accurate measure of calories burned. mostly i…
  • monitor your inch loss and maybe ring the changes with your food. i find i get stuck into a regular menu that i know fits in my calories allowance but then i eat same old same old everyday and the weight loss slows. shake it up and try some more new things and change your exercise routine too. always helps not to be stuck…
  • getting your sugar from fruit is better than processed sugar because it takes time for the body to convert it to glucose, it's a lower GI so the energy release is slower especially if the fruit you eat is high in fibre (think pears, figs, apples, avocado). I see a nutritionist and she recommends combining the fruit with…
  • my supplements advise 1000-2000mg and i usually take some after breakfast and some after dinner as i gives me serious heartburn otherwise. not sure they help with weight loss but they do improve stuff like hair, brain function and joints if you excersie a lot.
  • taking 20 minutes to walk 200 yards! and having to accept every stick, stone and worm as the wonderful present she intended it to be. always being late because of this delightful practice! knowing the theme songs to all her favourite programmes on tv and sadly singing them even when she's not with me! the hugs! i love the…
  • i often find there's a big differnce between wht my gym equipment tells me and MFP database so i use the gyms figures mostly. i find difficult is working out calories burned during resistance/weights so i don't usually count these but figure it's extra exercise cals i'm not eatign so it's good. MFP is mostly data other…
  • try internet searching for elimination diets/ exclusion diets. these cut out whole food groups to help people with intolerances. i'm gluten intolerant and i've found certain products that are based on other foods and available in the shops too. again try protein that is non dairy but can be yummy, for instance i love…
  • I'd say that you need to try and get more low fat protein and fresh fruit and veg. try spreading it out. yesterday you ate no breakfast. is this a normal thing? try eating something first thing to get your metabolism started and small healthy snacks keep you feeling fuller especially if they have protein in so you don't…
  • i love the idea of having a goal that isn't a number of pounds lost but about how you feel in your dress. i've promised myself a new outfit for new year if i'm under 130 lbs by xmas day but i'm struggling because of my daughter's birthday party and it's only a week to my first of 4 xmas meals out! if i put on 2lb because…
  • ignore her. if you eat fruit instead of a biscuit, crisps or chocolate it's much better for you. try and mix and match with nuts and low GI food such as oatcakes but don't be fooled by a fool. it's better to eat fruit which is healthy and nutrious in so many ways than some of these so called diet bars and low cal foods…
  • good on you! it is very hard. it's such hard work to change to keep motivated and make things become a new habit so it becomes automatic not difficult and full of effort. i'm loving this site and the app on my phone makes it easy to track too. i've tried others like this and found it hard to use and too much effort. keep…
  • another thing i know from previous sites such as this is you need to be REALLY honest about the things you enter in aswell. most of us are very sedentary in our daily lives whilst believing we are really active. just coz i'm knackered from looking after my 3 kids about doesn't mean i lose weight i'm just tired from the…