Hmmm. Struggling. Any ideas?

So I've been on here for well a long time. My weight has gone up and down this year from 150 to 130 back to 150 and now around 160. I've been changing the bi-polar meds that I've been on and that is making a HUGE difference in my weight but makes me mentally much better... with the exception of tacking on 10pounds in a couple of days :(
So I exercise regularly (walking) and am doing weight training at home but my scale just continues to stay right around 153. My clothes really don't feel that different and I am getting frustrated.
Does anyone have any ideas? Here is my food diary as it's open to the public.



  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    This is a hard one, because its your meds causing the weight gain. I have a friend that has a similar problem. Keep working out, because the best thing you can do for your body is to keep it moving. Eat as healthy as you can and I would even talk to your doctor about your concerns. Maybe he/she will have an idea on how to help you manage your weight without interfering with your meds..
    Hope this helps a little..
  • sarasotatim

    Just by looking at your diary, I can see there are tons of things that would contribute...most of your individual food items are high calorie, and extremely high fat, some were over 40 grams of fat per item, which adds up VERY quickly.

    Sorry just noticed, I was looking at your carbs, not fat....still, carbs are going to end up as sugar, so massive carbs with every item will be detrimental.

    I'd try to make better choices when eating out, most places have lower fat/lower calorie choices, give some of them a try, some aren't great, but some aren't so bad :)

    Hoorah on the weight training, keep it up!! :)
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi there, this is only my opinion and what I've done to keep the fat off. I maintain my protein to around my body weight and I keep my carbs low, trying to get carbs from natural foods, fruits and veggies etc. I'd try upping the protein and lowering your carbs.

    I've lost body fat much easier that way. This is only my opinion and what worked for me. Good luck
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    I see 1 day of your food intake. My suggestion would be more protein and less carbs. More veggies and fruits and less proccesed foods. Of course when you are short on time it is hard to incorporate whole foods, but it is so worth it. I get up 10 minutse earlier to make sure I have fruit, egg whites and veggies cut up for at least 1 meal. I make sure to have apples and bananas on hand. They have helped me a lot.

    Hope this helps.
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    what I learned is to much sugar and sodium intake can mess up your weight loss.So maybe you should focus on that as well.
    I know,so many thing to watch out for,but it helps;)good luck!
  • catgoodey
    I'd say that you need to try and get more low fat protein and fresh fruit and veg. try spreading it out. yesterday you ate no breakfast. is this a normal thing? try eating something first thing to get your metabolism started and small healthy snacks keep you feeling fuller especially if they have protein in so you don't feel hungry so much. i usually have a yogurt and some nuts and fruit first thing, snack on fruit, nuts and lo-cal snacks during day and have smaller meals like baked potato with lofat soft cheese and ham. i also have cut out caffeine as it makes stress hormones (cortisol) in the body and once cravings had gone so had the 'biscuit with the cup of coffee' moments too.
    good luck. it's a hard battle and especially when you're fighting mental illness too. i changed my eating because i had depression after my baby was born and it has definatley helped along with the meds just to make me feel better about myself and healthier too.
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, i'm no expert, but just had a look at your diary for yesterday and i would say that a lot of the foods you eat are quite high in sugar - popcorn, cake, wafers etc, but you are not tracking sugars. Try tracking sugars aswell and then you may see where the problems are. Also, you didn't have a breakfast - don't know if that is normal for you - but you should have some sort of breakfast, good luck!
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149

    Your meds are part of the problem but as mentioned you need to make better choices ie spaghetti instead of regular purchase either wholewheat or high fiber infused pasta which are much better for you. Also try drinking regular coffee with light cream etc. Mood stablizing meds do contribute to weight gain, my suggestion is to make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water over everything else you drink. Hope this helps.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    tracking everyday and try to make more of your own food You will save alot of money and have a better handle on fats and protion sizes. Good Luck.
  • MomsDaily140
    So I've been on here for well a long time. My weight has gone up and down this year from 150 to 130 back to 150 and now around 160. I've been changing the bi-polar meds that I've been on and that is making a HUGE difference in my weight but makes me mentally much better... with the exception of tacking on 10pounds in a couple of days :(
    So I exercise regularly (walking) and am doing weight training at home but my scale just continues to stay right around 153. My clothes really don't feel that different and I am getting frustrated.
    Does anyone have any ideas? Here is my food diary as it's open to the public.


    Good Morning Brittany :)

    Your Food Diary doesn't give us much to go on. Your medicines, I am sure, play a factor. However, from the one day of logging I saw, it looks like you need to space out your meals and eat smaller meals, every four hours, rather than one large meal a day. That could be the problem. If you are waiting until late in the day and eating one massive meal, that will put your body into starvation mode, which could cause your body to retain extra fluids. That can cause a huge flux, scale wise. Also try taking measurements once a week, rather than going strictly by the scale.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for your insight. As for the question of not eating breakfast, technically the 12am-8am is my Dinner as I work nights, so that makes anything from 12pm-8pm breakfast and 8pm-12am lunch. It's very strange I know but since I work nights it works for me better that way to log it.
    As for getting more "milk" type items ie yogurt, cheese, milk Oh boy would I love to but alas I'm lactose intolerant and when I do eat them I feel like crap for the next day..and my husband jokes that I have to sleep in the other room cause I stink :P
    I will try keeping an eye on my sugars and see if that helps along with eating lower fat and higher protiens.
    Thanks guys!