debbysatit Member


  • I think she means in the recipes the site provides. Not her own recipes. And I think it would be nice if it did that as well.
  • Me too sent friend request!
  • It is hard to realize that but just try to make small goals and start over daily!
  • This month’s choices make next month’s body!
  • I eat when I am stressed or emotional. Have not been able to stick to anything lately. I would love to get motivated together. Feel free to add me!
  • Losing weight is a very hard job. I too am like you in that at times I am in the zone but then stop and go back to bad habits. I obsess about what to cook, what to buy, how much I can eat, how I want sweets or chocolate. If this sounds like a match please friend me and we can work on this journey together!
  • Hi Casey, and welcome to this journey to feel better and look better. It is hard and takes time. I thing baby steps. And boy I am doing that..been stuck for awhile. But now trying to incorporate some changes- more water- so tough for me. But made small goal each day and now can do 5 glasses pretty easy...somedays even 6.…
  • I like to make baked oatmeal and slice, freeze and then take portion out. Also crockpot ravioli casserole from pintrest freezes well. Check pintrest for ideas like freezer meals or weekly meal cooking. They have lots of ideas. One pan sour cream chicken enchilada skillet, one pot chicken burrito bowls both freeze well.
  • I like pintrest recipe one pot chicken burrito bowl. I portion out and serve with shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes. Also one pan sour cream chicken enchilada skillet is yummy served with side salad. Later this week I plan on trying the one pan chicken florentine spaghetti.
  • Pintrest has some skillet meals that you could whip up and divide into containers for meals. One pan sour cream enchilada chicken skillet, mongolian beef and ramen noodles and one pot chicken burrito bowls are a couple favorites. I do the chicken burrito bowls and use it with shredded lettuce and diced tomato. Also the…
  • I too am looking for more friends for support and motivation. I like Becky hope to find friends who do more than just like all the time.
  • Feel free to add me too!
  • I am very sorry for your loss. Losing a baby is a very difficult thing and can be hard to overcome. I think focusing on Losing weight and getting healthy is a GOOD thing. Because focusing on trying again can be so hard if it does not happen right away. Every month can be a let down, so having a different focus will help. I…
  • Did you log those cookies? If so that is great. Before you may have eaten them mindlessly and not known how many calories you had. If you tracked it you are aware and can look back on it. Baby steps, this is a long jouney, small steps forward will lead you to victory! I find being hard on myself leads me to make poorer…
  • Recently, chocolate lucky charms, gives me a chocolate fix, I have it either plain ...nibbling a few at a time as a snack or with 1/2 cup milk as a snack.
  • Thin sliced chicken breast- marinate in italian dressing for at least 30 min. Then place on grill. After flipping chicken top with tomato slice and cheese. Cook until cheese melted. Top with slices of avocado. So yummy!
  • Oops just re-read your post and saw about the dinner and dessert. New advice, don't beat yourself up, forgive yourself and start fresh tomorrow! We can do this!
  • A salad for dinner may not have been enough. Salad does not last in my system long. Need more like a salad , some protein and small carb. So it lasts longer. Otherwise you may have been hungry and that triggered the eating.
  • My current weight 248.6 August goal 240.0 1) To exercise 3x's per week 2) To track daily- good or bad
  • Feel free to add me as a friend and I will try to be there for you and in turn you can be there for me. You have had a lot going on, it would be hard to be on track. I am in the same boat, need to exercise and build endurance. Never have been as out of shape as now, feel less strength and hard time breathing. Find myself…
  • Hi, my name is Debby and I am from Wisconsin. This will be my first challenge and hope it helps me get going. Been struggling with motivation. I tend to eat for comfort. I have about 100 lbs to lose. Looking forward to giving this a try!
  • Maybe this is what I need to get going... count me in and tell me what I need to do. Never did one of these.
  • Great post, Thank you!
  • I agree with you it is hard, when I really get motivated I start to obsess about when and what I am going to eat. What to buy, what to cook, how many calories, how much of a portion I can have. Oh, then need to exercise and try to drink water. Before you know it I stop, get frustrated with myself. I do like the idea of one…
  • Just remember what you chose as your name "Prove them wrong". What were your reasons for choosing that, what motivated you to start..are those reasons still there? For me finding friends on here is motivation. Having someone to kind of cheer you on or give you positive comments. It may take awhile to find some that will do…
  • How about going for a bike ride or getting a used stationary bike. I don't think it would require a sports bra. Sometimes you can find them cheap on craigslist. You can do it in front of the TV or listening to music. I agree with Coach Jen maybe you need to go to your local food pantry or Aldi's. The biggest thing is don't…
  • I thaw mine in milk. Pat dry with paper towel . Then salt,pepper, and paprika. Place on baking sheet with parchment paper. Top with panko bread crumbs, parsley, and a little melted butter. Bake at 425 for 20-25min, till flakes with a fork. Kind of like a fish fry but less calories!