Helen_Ch Member


  • Sent friend requests out :) I too, have lots of friends, but only a few that post regularly.
  • I did a hybrid of Chalean Extreme and Turbofire last spring and saw some great results! I found the key with Chalean Extreme is that you have to really do the full 90 days. I didn't see a lot of results until the last month with it.
  • This is my 2nd time through Turbofire. I love it! The time passes quickly and I really enjoy Chalene. This time around I'm doing a hybrid of Les Mills Pump and Turbofire to change it up a little. Just finished week one and I'm sore!! :)
  • Make sure your feet are together when you measure :)
  • I definitely see a big difference! You are doing great!!
  • I'm using this hybrid: http://ontheflyfitness.com/turbo-firechalean-extreme-hybrid-schedule This isn't my website...I just found it when googling TF/CE hybrid.
  • Hey! I bought them about 2 weeks ago and have only tried Fire 60, but it's an amazing workout!! I'm currently on week 6 of a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid and absolutely loving it. I would put the money towards Chalean Extreme if I had to choose though. CE completely transforms your body. I found a different hybrid…
  • I'm just finishing up week 5 of a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. The scale didn't move until this morning. I only have about 8lbs to lose - my main goal is to tone and gain muscle. I was getting frustrated, but at 4 weeks I measured and had lost about an 1.5 from my waist and hips. To me that's more important than the…
  • Wow! That's great! I have gloves, but have been too chicken to use them just yet. How did affect calories burned?
  • Great tip! I work out on carpet too and use running sneakers so my shoes definitely stick a little. Does it make it too slippery though?
  • Finished Fire 45...also my fav!! And Core 20!
  • I have been using my Brooks running sneakers and they seem to work fine, but I went and tried on tons of different cross-trainers. I didn't like any of them! Nike runs way too narrow for me and the other brands were very uncomfortable. So I'm sticking with my running sneakers and will just make sure I change them out when…
  • I get the exact same way! Instructors would always ask me if I was okay and thought I was over-exerting myself, but I could talk just fine. I think, for me, it's just that I flush easily and when I workout it gets ever worse! It's embarrassing and I wish I could change it about myself :) So you are not alone...
  • Definitely sounds like Oral Allergy Syndrome. I can't eat raw apples, peaches, cherries, plums but can eat them cooked without a problem. Can't do raw almonds or hazelnuts either and strawberries are starting to give me issues too. I went to an allergist and he told me it's really common and to avoid these foods or take an…
  • I would just try half a banana instead of the shake. I find that a shake "sloshes around" while I work out and also makes me feel sick. Good luck with TF...it's a great program!
  • I bought the variety pack on larabar.com so I could try all the flavors :)
  • I also recommend adding more cardio.
  • My absolute favorite is Blueberry Muffin..yum! I also love Coconut Cream Pie.
  • You will love it!! I'm in the last month and I'm loving the results. I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but my arms and abs are noticeably toner. It's a fun workout!! Good luck!
  • I use NOW Foods Whey Protein Isolate - Dutch Chocolate. I've tried a few other brands and it bothered my stomach so I did some research online and found that others liked this one and it was easy on the stomach. I only use 1 scoop and mix it with half a banana and water/ice and it's not gritty at all.
  • Thanks everyone! I look forward to motivating each other toward our goals!!
  • Bumping up! Anyone else interested in motivating each other?
  • The other great thing about Turbo Jam is that it really works your abs the entire time! And don't worry about looking like a fool...just have fun and move :) It's my new favorite workout! I just bought the Punch, Kick & Jam DVD on ebay.
  • I'm also in the "healthy" range, but would like to lose about 4 more lbs. I have found that I lose more when I do both cardio and strength training. I've been doing about 45 minutes of cardio 5-6 days/week and also doing strength training (lifting heavy/low reps) 3 days/week.
  • I do the 45 minute Cardio Party DVD and burn about 400 calories in 45 minutes :)
  • Can I join too? username: IamWillow first name: Helen Height: 5'6 Starting Weight: Started at 140, now at 132 Goal Weight: 128 What am I doing: Chalean Extreme, Turbo Jam, running, step aerobics I've had a bikini in my closet for years, but have not felt confident enough to wear it. This is the year!!
  • Definitely look at Turbo Jam. You can do the entire workout low-impact and two of the people in the video do the entire workout that way so it's easy to follow. Plus it's fun!! :)
  • Well I use 5lbs for the warm-up and then use 8, 10, 12, 15 and now 20 for some lower body exercises. It's hard to know what weight will work for you. I agree that the band might be a good way to start if you can't buy weights right now.
  • Hi everyone! Room for one more mom? :) I'm a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful kids, ages 8, 6 and 2. I'm trying to lose the last 10lbs and tone up. I started working out again about 5 weeks ago and I love how I feel. I'm doing the Couch to 5K program and am currently on week 6 - it's tough now! I'm also doing Chalean…