kg4ulu Member


  • Low calorie bread, 1/4 cup of sliced strawberries or 1/4 of blue berries, 2 tbsps of 1/3 fat Cream cheese, packet or two of sweet and low, and spray butter. Spray the pan with PAM,spray the bread with spray butter, mix the cream cheese with the artificial sweetener add to bread, add the berries, and grill it like a regular…
  • I know parents who have had their kids do Insanity in gym class and the kids LOVE it. Do parents or any other person who says it's too intense, lazy teaching or any other negative comment bother to ask the kids if they enjoy it? It's not like these kids have to do the workout at Shawn T's level, they can do it at their…
  • I have always had large calves due to sports when I was younger. They aren't going anywhere. Instead of trying to get rid of what you have, work to make it more attractive. Do cardio, squats, lunges, etc. Toned, muscular legs are far more attractive than skinny as possible. Also, as other posters have said, work on your…
  • It's disappointing to see friends like this, family, and even people on MFP. Unfortunately, they have to make up their own minds to change for good. The "Oh, I'm starting today! 2nd day of such and such"....then nothing for a month or horrible food choices. I feel like it's a lot of the boy who cried wolf and attention…
  • You get up at 4:30 am daily, even on Saturdays, to workout.
  • That is your target heart rate zone. That's one reason why you put in your age, height, weight etc Then it gives you your target heart rate. Look on their website for more specifics.
  • I do not lie. If I screw up, then by putting in my diary I'm holding myself accountable. If I choose to lie on a web site about what I eat so people don't know, I am only lying to myself. Those people aren't going to suffer from my choice of food. Whether it's good, bad or ugly, I log it.
  • ^^^this I'm there to focus on me!
  • I also like that I am done for the day. I am at work by 7:15 so I'm in my workout room by 4:30. I also burn more in the mornings. This week I'm finishing up Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack this week and I also do arms every other day. Every day I do approximately 45 minutes of cardio (elliptical or treadmill). This also…
  • Way to go! Congrats!
  • The gym machines and the MFP lists are inflated. They can't account for intensity, etc I use my HRM for all my calories burned. I too have a Polar.
  • 0 points still have calories. Fruits and veggies still have calories and should be counted. Water and 0 calorie sodas are the only 0 point things I can think of at the moment.
    in 0 Calories? Comment by kg4ulu March 2013
  • Along with what the other posters said, be consistent with your time and your rituals each time before weigh in. If you weigh in at 6 am one week, be sure to do it around the same time the next.
  • I've had this issue running and on the elliptical. I ended up having to get an insert that helped a lot. I don't have to use them now but go back to the store and tell them the problem. They too may have a suggestion whether it is the lacing or if you need an insert.
  • After a hard workout and you are sore, you will likely show a gain. Happens to me all the time. Your muscles are retaining water and healing. Just keep at it. Great job for pushing yourself. It is not always fun especially when you get your butt kicked by the trainer. But do you regret that workout? It's making you a…
  • I log a majority of what I have planned the night before and then complete each daily entry shortly after dinner/before bed. If there are changes throughout the day, I make them. Try to set a time that you want to complete your log and log as you go along. It may help.
  • I have the pink FT4. It gives you time, calories burned and your heart rate based all on your stats. Like the other posters said, it's easy to set up. It also tracks your overall workout time and calories plus I think up to 10 sessions.
  • Pick one scale and do the same thing every time. There will be differences between your scale and the Y. You can't compare one to the other.
  • Scream by Usher totally puts me in the zone while running.
  • ^^^this I have my bag of M&Ms and we usually eat out on Friday's. Just one meal, not the whole day.
  • 6 days a week 60-90 minutes. Combo of strength, weights, and cardio.
  • I take one rest day a week and do not run 2 days in a row. Rest days are important and believe me you enjoy them. Don't risk injury or burnout. Then you'll just have a set back. Example: running everyday and pulled a calf muscle. I couldn't run for several weeks.
  • Keep doing it! Seems to me when I am sore I still do the workout at hand when scheduled and it helps loosen me up. Take the other advice as well: stretch, Epsom salt baths, ibuprofen, and heating pads too.
  • Preplan your meals. Every night plan the next day so you are meeting the minimum 1200. If you are hungry and have worked out, eat some of those calories. Your body is screaming at you that you need the fuel. I mean genuine hunger not boredom hunger. Like the other posters, you need minimum 1200.
  • Dark water (Oceans, lakes, rivers).
  • Yes! I have a Schwinn. It was around $300. Look on No frills just a bike a computer that shows calories, rpm, mph, and time. There are videos out there too. I also try to mimic classes by doing hills, sprints, etc. I miss spin class!
  • Totally agree with this and other posters. You must take responsibilities for your actions. Saying a coworker did it will not help you control what you put in your mouth. That is up to you and you alone. We aren't saying this to be mean. We are saying this because we all have been there and have to learn control. Next time…
  • I lose first in my face, chest next, other areas next, and last in my stomach. Right now you can see the bones in my chest and collar bones but I still carry a lot in my middle. Smaller yes. The biggest fat containing area for me unfortunately.
  • My niece's wedding at the end of March. Most of my family hasn't seen me in around 2 years. I'm already 40 lbs down from then and just want to be in the 130's. I'm at 140.6 so anything past 139 will be a great bonus!
  • It works. Some days I eat most of them, especially on a day I know I'm eating out and trying to capture all the calories I know I'll be eating. Other days I eat only a couple hundred or just half. I also burn 700+ calories daily (6 days a week) calculated by my Polar FT4. I try not to eat the same amount of calories to…