How to get super skinny legs?

My goal is not to lose weight, but to get skinny legs.

My upper body is very skinny, more like skeloton, but yet legs, calves, thighs are big.
I don´t know why.
I dont want to have big legs, i want skinny as possible, but when i try to do some diet, i lose only weight, but legs still fat :(
I hate my legs, please, how to get skinny legs?

Dosent matter if i diet and eat 1000 calories, or eat normal and jog 1800 calories, legs still are not going any slimmer.


  • Elsprez
    Elsprez Posts: 1 Member
    My main problem area are my legs also. I hadnt realized that my legs had gotten slimmer until I did a comparison picture. Ive been doing alot of weights. Weighted squats, lunges, step ups, etc. Do you use weights or the machines for your legs? Running has also helped me alot.
  • andresparu
    No, i dont have any weights or machines for my legs.
    I dont want any muslcles, bulky or big legs, just skinny legs as possible.

    I dont have money for machines
  • Katrinadionne1808
    I've heard running is the best thing for the legs - but have only heard. I don't have experience in that.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    It's all genetics. Tone up your legs and get them nice and firm and strong. Unless you have some radical proceedure, you will probably always have bigger legs - might as well get them strong and looking good.
  • gigglebunny1
    Three things have helped my lower body and legs slim down: 1) doing Zumba, 2) using exercise machines that work the lower body, and 3) squats, lunges, step-ups, etc.

    Doing the items in number 3 doesn't cost anything. Just learn how to do the moves. Some gyms don't cost too much in monthly dues, or there may be centers in your area that would be cheaper or free - worth a look to see if anything is available.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Why not build muscle in your chest and get in proportion rather than attempting to do something your body has no intention of doing?
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Why not build muscle in your chest and get in proportion rather than attempting to do something your body has no intention of doing?

    That would also LOOK better than being skeletal all over.
  • janebagwell1
    Walk, walk, walk!!! Everywhere. Park as far away from where you go as you can and WALK! Walk in your neighborhood or find a park nearby and walk around it a dozen times. I have a Fitbit and it tells me how many steps I have taken, how many miles I walk, how many calories I burn and how many stairs I climb. I aim for at least 5 miles total each day which is 12,000 steps and usually burn around 1600 calories. This is pretty much the only exercise I do each day and I have been doing it since January. My thighs are down 2 inches each so I know this works.
  • KJoy7
    KJoy7 Posts: 246
    please seek professional help :)
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Why not build muscle in your chest and get in proportion rather than attempting to do something your body has no intention of doing?

    That would also LOOK better than being skeletal all over.

    Especially for a man!
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Get a muscle wasting disease?

    Or why not be fit, strong and healthy looking instead?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Seek professional help
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Is this real life
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    My goal is not to lose weight, but to get skinny legs.

    My upper body is very skinny, more like skeloton, but yet legs, calves, thighs are big.
    I don´t know why.
    I dont want to have big legs, i want skinny as possible, but when i try to do some diet, i lose only weight, but legs still fat :(
    I hate my legs, please, how to get skinny legs?

    Dosent matter if i diet and eat 1000 calories, or eat normal and jog 1800 calories, legs still are not going any slimmer.

    I know what you mean. It's completely genetic. My problem is the thighs. They're slimming down so slowly! I think you should start running long distance. When you do certain sports or workouts, your body will eventually get the shape that's ideal for your sport and if you look at the runners, they always have super slim butts and legs. Good luck!
  • kg4ulu
    kg4ulu Posts: 39 Member
    I have always had large calves due to sports when I was younger. They aren't going anywhere. Instead of trying to get rid of what you have, work to make it more attractive. Do cardio, squats, lunges, etc. Toned, muscular legs are far more attractive than skinny as possible. Also, as other posters have said, work on your upper body too. Good luck!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Honestly, by your question I thought you were a girl, and was surprised by your profile that you are a man. Why do you want skinny legs versus strong legs? Most men I know do not carry a lot of fat in their legs. They do carry more muscle there, so their legs are bigger than most women, but not fat. Why not work on being strong?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Sounds like someone else with body image issues and disordered eating.
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    Can I ask a stupid question? Why do you want skinny legs? Don't let models be your role models. Imo, for the most part they are too skinny and not attractive at all. Shapely, tone legs are far more attractive. I think a lot of men would agree with me, if that matters.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Sounds like someone else with body image issues and disordered eating.

    Agreed. Some of the responses here are pretty tasteless in that light also.

    OP: Please consider seeking some kind of help. Sounds like you have a very unhealthy view of yourself.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Can I ask a stupid question? Why do you want skinny legs? Don't let models be your role models. Imo, for the most part they are too skinny and not attractive at all. Shapely, tone legs are far more attractive. I think a lot of men would agree with me, if that matters.

    The OP IS a man