

  • If you haven't already spoken with your doctor, I would do that right away. Don't delay.
  • I liked turning 30. Seems like I was taken less seriously when I was in my 20's. Now the 40's, that is a whole 'nother ball game: great in the mental and spiritual realm, not so great in the physical. Feel free to add me!
  • There is not much going on upstairs. Just two empty wallets. Bras are painful and tend to cut into my rib cage. Prefer an awwww bra even to sleep in sometimes . But never free in public or around family. They dangle too much from old age, down right humiliating to let anyone see that!
  • Kudos for you. I would have been so caught off gaurd that I would not have responded as well as you did. How hurtful. I'm glad the manager was involved. Don't let the evil few get to you.
  • I'm sorry this affected you so deeply. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
  • This is day 3 of phase one for me and I haven't really been strict. Trying to get used to this new way of eating and detoxing from all the sugar I've been eatin. I will hang in there with you!
  • Thanks for this post. I didn't know you could add nutirents to the food tab. What an eye opener. I always know I've had too much salt or msg by my mouth drying out. But when I see the numbers. Wow! The new RDA is something like 1250 per day or 1200. Either way, I easily exceed that. Had read that excess salt can impede…
  • That's a good idea to not look at the screen!
  • Sounds like it's time for new friends who understand and support you. Tyra Banks said on Dr Oz that any one who made her feel bad about her self in any way were quickly unfriended in her life. Sometimes we need to love unhealthy people from a distance and keep the healthy ones close at hand.
  • It's individuals like you that inspire me!! You give me reason to quit feeling sorry for myself (when that happens) and just get out there no matter what and run. God bless your positive spirit!
  • Jillian Michael's said in one of her books that "the body loses weight systemically across the body." This means all over while reducing. So spot reducing is a myth. My husband tends to lose it in his face first. I have also heard "first hired last fired." Meaning, that where you tend to gain first is the last place to go…
  • I read this a long time ago and not sure how much merti to give it but perhaps this will help. When the body is shedding fat, the fat cells fill with water and you essential weigh the same. THEN, after being consistent with calorie reduction, after 6 weeks the body sheds the water and you finally see the drop on the scale.…
  • I have been where you are several times. I have 4 children and am only 5 ft 2. When my oldest was born in 1993 I tipped the scales at 197 and was diabetic. I felt horrible about myself and wanted so badly to get the weight off. I had miscarried before her and packed on enough weight to start my pregnancy at 163. Today I…
  • Good for you! I am so glad you "by passed" the surgery." There are life long ramifications for taking such drastic measures, but I know it is also life saving for some. A friend of mine had the surgery and it did not take away her desire to over eat. She lost some weight but still had to make life style changes. She…
  • Homemade popcorn with my whirly pop really helped me when I had afternoon cravings. Melt a teaspoon of coconut oil first. Add corn and pop. I then add pepper and salt for savory. Or cin and splenda mix for sweet. Popcorn is low in calorie, high fiber and you can munch on it for a while without feeling deprived. Also, if I…
  • It sound like you are not alone. First I had to find something I LOVE and that had enough variety to keep my from feeling bored. Then I have to tell myself "you will feel better if you do it!" Exercise has NEVER helped me lose weight because of my over eating habits. It only helps me feel better, fit in my clothes better…
  • If you stay within your calorie zone you should be fine. The teacher who did the twinkie diet lost weight and lowered his cholesterol. Its not the food. It's the dosage! Bread is a staple food in many countries. Jesus said "I am the BREAD of life" He didn't say carrots or lettuce of life. He also said "dont' worry about…