Nasty Surprise Involving Soy Sauce

Hey folks,

So after reading another random thread about a lady's food diary asking for opinions, someone mentioned her sodium was way too high and explained how to add sodium to the diary to it's viewable.

I turned mine on and I knew Soy Sauce was high in salt but HOLY COW!!! My eyes are open now and I will be cutting back ALOT!

Anyone else have a wake up call like this involving a food you didn't think was "that bad" if so what was it?


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I was shocked when it came to serving sizes for 3 things in particalar: nuts and nut butter, coffee creamer, and cereal. When I stopped "eyeballing" and pulled out my measuring cups and spoons, I was shocked!
  • shortnerdy
    The nuts one I can relate to for sure! Also cheese.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the coffee creamer serving size gets me too. 1 serving is a teaspoon?? i easily use 10 times that
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey folks,

    So after reading another random thread about a lady's food diary asking for opinions, someone mentioned her sodium was way too high and explained how to add sodium to the diary to it's viewable.

    I turned mine on and I knew Soy Sauce was high in salt but HOLY COW!!! My eyes are open now and I will be cutting back ALOT!

    Anyone else have a wake up call like this involving a food you didn't think was "that bad" if so what was it?

  • shortnerdy
    I'm going to experiment with low sodium seasons for my rice and see what I can come up with. I think I may even quit soy sauce altogether.
  • kissedbytheocean
    kissedbytheocean Posts: 131 Member
    This just happened to me recently, too. I had no idea that I was consuming so much sodium. Now I feel bummed out every time I read the nutritional labels. Even reduced sodium stuff is too much. :(

    I hate plain rice, so I like to sauté a lot of garlic and then throw some plain cooked rice in with it. It makes it taste so much better and I find myself not missing soy sauce.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    for me it was stock cubes - even the reduced salt ones are still quite high. Also passata, I genuinely didn't realise it had added salt, unlike tinned tomatoes :noway:
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I was shocked when it came to serving sizes for 3 things in particalar: nuts and nut butter, coffee creamer, and cereal. When I stopped "eyeballing" and pulled out my measuring cups and spoons, I was shocked!

    Right? But seriously who doesn't love a mouth full of nuts?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    the coffee creamer serving size gets me too. 1 serving is a teaspoon?? i easily use 10 times that

    This!! Now I use 1/2 a serving and only use it in my first cup. Going more with splenda & nondairy creamer
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I agree a cookie sleeve of FN's is the proper serving size
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I'll probably be poked at for being an idiot, but...

    one of my first weeks here on MFP, I was just innocently logging my foods... I had no idea eggs (including yolks) were so high in cholesterol. I wasn't really alarmed, but I was surprised.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hey folks,

    So after reading another random thread about a lady's food diary asking for opinions, someone mentioned her sodium was way too high and explained how to add sodium to the diary to it's viewable.

    I turned mine on and I knew Soy Sauce was high in salt but HOLY COW!!! My eyes are open now and I will be cutting back ALOT!

    Anyone else have a wake up call like this involving a food you didn't think was "that bad" if so what was it?

    Yep, and even the low sodium one has loads..
  • greyhoundbloke
    The amount of sugar in many breakfast cereals - even those that are supposedly "healthy" was a shock to me. Since starting MFP, I've only consciously cut out one foodstuff - sugar. I feel much better for it - although that could also be the better diet in general (loads of salads and veggies) and exercise.
  • elisheva
    elisheva Posts: 11 Member
    I used to be a huge salt consumer. Try using other spices like chili, cumin, curry powder etc. You'll find that by adding other spices you don't really need to add any salt. Also salt, like sugar, is something that you don't need so much once you're not as used to it.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Regarding nuts, I measured out 250 calories of nuts yesterday for a snack (I wasn't particularly hungry so thought nuts would be good). It was a surprisingly small amount. I mean I knew but it hit me because in the past year, I probably had days where I ate 1000 calories worth of nuts without thinking too much about it.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    It's interesting to track different nutrients and get one's eyes opened.
    I use soy sauce that's reduced sodium, and only one T, some of which stays on the plate.
  • elisheva
    elisheva Posts: 11 Member

    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"

    AAAAAAAAH hahahahahahahahhahah!!!!!!! Hahahahah! Phew, oh, ah, that was good. Thank you. I just burned a few newtons laughing.
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    I've learned A LOT about portion sizes since I started logging on here. I try and estimate how much things are before weighing them and I'm usually way out. It's impossible to guess and you often end up overindulging...
  • ktull68
    Thanks for this post. I didn't know you could add nutirents to the food tab. What an eye opener. I always know I've had too much salt or msg by my mouth drying out. But when I see the numbers. Wow! The new RDA is something like 1250 per day or 1200. Either way, I easily exceed that. Had read that excess salt can impede weight loss much like white sugar. Plus, too much salt at dinner from say a big chinese meal leaves my fingers, belly and face swollen the next morning. Not good for me.