Nasty Surprise Involving Soy Sauce



  • Antlady69
    Antlady69 Posts: 204 Member
    Oh yes, I can relate! Only this morning I was munching one whole ball of mozzarella cheese, enjoying it in blissful ignorance. Then I added it to MFP and actually looked at the calories. HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! It added a whole 309 calories to my breakfast! You can be sure now that a) I won't be eating a whole ball again, and b) I'll look at the calories first if I don't know them yet, before I eat something. *rolls eyes*
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Soy Sauce-sodium. Now I use low-sodium and cut it alot with Rice Wine. Sirachi is a great replacement on rice!

    Pickles-sodium. Used to eat then now I don't.

    But the biggest surprise was dried fruit. My husband ate a small bag of prunes as loves them to snack on and they were over 1000 calories!
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Cottage cheese. I always see people saying it's a great protein source, but then look at the sodium...totally ruined it as a "great" source for me. I still eat it, but only on days when I'm not otherwise eating salty things. :(
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Just an FYI, many (if not all) the spray butters our there have a salty taste with zero salt or fat. Sometimes I just pour it on my rice.
    That really helped me. I don't like it plain either.

    Uhh.. I'm not sure if you were joking but spray butters are all fat. The label says 0 calories because in the US, anything with 4 calories or less per serving can be reported as 0 calories. I think an entire bottle is usually 900 calories?
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Sodium isn't all that bad so long as you can balance it with water. It's Chinese culture to eat a ton of sodium in their sauces, but they also have a lot of watery dishes and soups to balance it out.

    That being said, it's insane how much salt American processed foods have in them, hidden away. Might wanna boost that 8 cups a day to 12 cups if you're planning on eating that stuff!
  • smithntuck
    smithntuck Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"

    Too funny!
  • genefabes
    I buy a bottle of bragg's liquid aminos and mix it with water in a misto. 2 parts bragg's, one part water is a good lower sodium soy replacement.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Soy has wheat in it, too, not a biggie, unless you're like me and had completely cut out wheat. Or so I thought. I guess it should be called 'wheat sauce'.

    Also, Basalmic Vinegar has sugar in it. Strange.

    Since I bought my food scale I've been happy to realize I was measuring fairly accurately, but then again, I had cut out the snacky foods before that. Also, a serving of peanuts is pretty darn skimpy and easy to underestimate.

    Oh, I remember one! Special K. Yeah, no wonder you can lose weight eating that stuff. The serving size is a few tiny bites with a few sips of milk. Good luck staying full on it.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"

  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I'm in the store readin' the fig newtons label. I looked at the serving size: two cookies. Who the hell eats two cookies? I eat Fig Newtons by the sleeve. Two sleeves is a serving size. I open em' both and eat em' like a tree chipper. "DADADADADADADA! Fig newton shavings comin' off the side. DADADADADADADA!!!" What the hell they talkin' about, two cookies? "Hey, you want another one?" "I don't know. I already had two. Maybe I can muscle down on more. MMMM!!! I AM STUFFED TO THE RAFTERS!!!" "We got an ER here! We have a three fig newton eater." "How many did he have? What is he NUTS! Doesn't he read?!" The serving size for ice cream is a half a cup. That sounds like someone put it there for a joke or something. "Hey, come here. Look what I put for the serving size. I just put it there for a joke but they're going out that way. What should I do? Just let it slide?" It's like: "Hey, man. You wanna grab a bite to eat?" "Oh! I had a half a cup of ice cream. I just kept eating and eating. I must have had two spoon fulls!"

    I honestly believe the suggested serving sizes are deliberately unreasonably low because it would put too many people off of eating the product it if read '1000 calories, 20g fat etc per serving'. Instead the manufacturers can point the finger of blame at all of us for not following their 'suggestion' when people complain about how calorific the product is. B*stards.
  • txlissa62
    I hate plain rice, so I like to sauté a lot of garlic and then throw some plain cooked rice in with it. It makes it taste so much better and I find myself not missing soy sauce.

    I like to mix some pico de gallo with rice - very tasty, and you don't miss the salt at all.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Just an FYI, many (if not all) the spray butters our there have a salty taste with zero salt or fat. Sometimes I just pour it on my rice.
    That really helped me. I don't like it plain either.

    Uhh.. I'm not sure if you were joking but spray butters are all fat. The label says 0 calories because in the US, anything with 4 calories or less per serving can be reported as 0 calories. I think an entire bottle is usually 900 calories?

    Yup. There is some moron out there now who is suing because the was unable to properly comprehend how food is labeled and was dumping spray butter all over her food.

    I count spray butter as 1 calorie per squirt.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Breakfast cereal threw me. 30g is a serving. I was routinely eating 90g servings. I still do, but I only eat cereal occasionally now and treat is as a treat, so to speak.
  • txlissa62
    Oh yes, I can relate! Only this morning I was munching one whole ball of mozzarella cheese, enjoying it in blissful ignorance. Then I added it to MFP and actually looked at the calories. HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! It added a whole 309 calories to my breakfast! You can be sure now that a) I won't be eating a whole ball again, and b) I'll look at the calories first if I don't know them yet, before I eat something. *rolls eyes*

    This is why I log my meals before I eat. No nasty surprises afterwards.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Such a disappointment to learn of an interesting new food you would like to try because it sounds healthy and delicious, but then you plug in the nutritional info and find its basically a dish of salt with some veggies sprinkled on top.

    Example: Taco Bell Cantina Bowl is only 550 - 560 calories, which for me would be a good sized lunch as I am on 1610 calories for the whole day. But I'm also trying to limit my sodium to 1800 or less and the Cantina Bowl is 1560 - 1600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: :devil: :huh: :mad:
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Also, for cooking I use salt substitute which is potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. Same salty taste without the sodium.
  • bubmaster
    tined soup!
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Hey folks,

    So after reading another random thread about a lady's food diary asking for opinions, someone mentioned her sodium was way too high and explained how to add sodium to the diary to it's viewable.

    I turned mine on and I knew Soy Sauce was high in salt but HOLY COW!!! My eyes are open now and I will be cutting back ALOT!

    Anyone else have a wake up call like this involving a food you didn't think was "that bad" if so what was it?

    Try using turmeric in the rice while you boil it, instead of soy sauce. You'll never turn back! It's cheap and studies have linked it to alzheimer's prevention.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Over 900 calories in one tube of Aldi's own brand Pringles. Crazy. A serving size is a few crisps (chips).
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Yes it is wise to plan ..log, then eat what you logged.. no suprises.. Iknow like steak sauce, whorsershire (spelling) and th like are high in salt so Mrs Dash, comes to my rescue with its wonderful flavors. Great on rice and I add celery and sometimes onion, tomatoes etc while its cooking that adds flavor..if i use soy, its very little. Ifound a dab of sesame seed oil in the mix adds a nutty flavor I love and so good for you!