kingmmmy Member


  • this week 1 lb loss Which is good for me since I have been stuck for month's!!
  • Chantix was the best for me, I smoked for the first week and then just quit but during the first week you kind of forgot that you smoke and it really started tasting bad. I know there are different ways for everyone and this was the way for me.
  • Thanks, I usually have a cheat weekend once a month or month and half but that really is the only time I do go over. I wouldn't think that i eat enough to gain 6 pounds this month. Just really stuck right now I
  • For exercise I usually do 30 day shred by jillian micheals which is 25 min or Hard body by Jillian Micheals which is 45 min just depends on the day. I do have sweets but my carbs or 50% or under I have been trying to keep it at 40%. I have a fitbit which says I am burning between 2200-2500 calories a day but I don't know…
  • First week starting at 186 need a lot to break through this plateau
  • **********************
  • If you want a fitbit I have a flex I would sell you I only wore it twice, found out I don't like wearing stuff around my wrists
  • Correct me if I am wrong but, since I never eat back my exercise calories does it matter how many calories up that I burn. I know I estimate them and keep them on the low side say if the dvd is 25 min i put 18 and if its 45 I put 28 because I don't have a heart rate to get the exact amount?
  • A year from now you'll wish you started today
  • I have been eating 1500 for almost 2 weeks, I do sometimes exercise right now letting a knee heel so no exercising right now but when I do I do the 30 day shred usually 5 times a week. Just looking for advice because i get worried when the scale goes up
  • I just started trying this too but just upped to 1350 so we will see since I've been at a stand still
    in Calorie ? Comment by kingmmmy May 2013
  • Have you tried the jillian micheals 30 day shred I know its like 9.00 at walmart and cheaper online but I have noticed a great change in my body since doing this plus she has strength training in it and being that I am a mom also it is a 20 min workout so there's no excuse not doing it.
  • cw 207 gw 160
  • I have my diary on open now so you are able to see, No I really dont use any oil for cooking. I dont think getting on here and calling someone a liar is helpful, I am stuck and dont really need someone else on here telling me I am not logging right everything that goes into my mouth is logged, I see no reason not to since…
  • I dont know why my ticker only says 3 and I dont know how to change it I have almost lost 30 pds since april 2012
  • Yes I am logging my food
  • Thank you I did read the above link very interesting as all of you can probably understand that eating more will trying to lose weight doesnt make since and I have been not wanting to do, but the article made a lot of since and what do i have to lose to try it besides to losing again. Thank you all.