Help!! Not losing



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Check out
    You probably arent eating enough. Understand the science, trust it, and you'll see it works.

    Use the road map, it's awesome and it works. You are not properly fueling your workouts and creating to big of a deficit. There is already a caloric deficit built into the goal MFP gives you so you are expected to eat back your exercise calories or at least most of them. If you can't properly fuel that kind of exercise then stop doing it.
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    You are not eating 1200 calories.
    If you were eating 1200 calories for that length of time doing that type of workout you would of lost weight.
    You also would look & feel like complete crap and have very little energy.

    You are not tracking correctly.
    You have to open your food log up.
    You are missing something.
    do you use cooking oil for instance?

    Unless you are weighing or measuring every thing that goes into a meal you are preparing you are most likely not properly tracking.

    I have my diary on open now so you are able to see, No I really dont use any oil for cooking. I dont think getting on here and calling someone a liar is helpful, I am stuck and dont really need someone else on here telling me I am not logging right everything that goes into my mouth is logged, I see no reason not to since it would only be hurting myself, but thanks for the tip
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    so, what is your goal weight and what do you weigh now?
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    so, what is your goal weight and what do you weigh now?

    cw 207
    gw 160
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I think you might be underestimating you calories: one each of yogurt, spinach and fruit is going to be more than 150 calories.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    how long have you been eat 1200 calories?
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    maybe your thyroid is not well? have you had a check up?
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you I did read the above link very interesting as all of you can probably understand that eating more will trying to lose weight doesnt make since and I have been not wanting to do, but the article made a lot of since and what do i have to lose to try it besides to losing again. Thank you all.

    My food diary is open so take a peek at it. I use to be that way, eat as little as I can, work out as much as I can. I have learned thruogh trial and error , that that method does not work and sure to fail. I know eat more than I can fit into the day. I feel like I am always eating. LOL. But it is the type of foods I am eating. My calories are close to 1200 a day. and the weight comes off pretty quickly now (I have lost 40 lbs so far), just joine MFP on Jan 16th though, so that shows only a lb so far
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    One thing is for sure,it doesn't take much to get to 1200 calories. To all of you with a 1200 calorie a day budget,you should be proud of yourselves. I have 2430 a day limit in order to lose 2 pounds a week,and sometimes,I am surprised how quickly I get up to 2000.
    I start my day with a banana & cottage cheese, have a lean cuisine/weight watchers meal for lunch,and I usually have a small bag of baked chips as a snack,or fruit, That usually leaves me between 1200-1400 calories left for dinner,but I always try to make sure I have room to spare finishing around 2100-2200 for the day. Keep up the good work, 30 pounds lost is still weight lost,a real positive thing
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Eat more and trust the advice here, I promise it works x
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    according to your diary, weight and colorie intake you should be losine about a pound every 5 days.

    How long have you been on this 1200 to 1300 a day diet?

    if you have been on it a short time, you may be losing weight but gaining water weight or a muscle from the zumba class or both. you can put on up to 4 pounds in water weight.

    relax, it will come off before you know it.