Help!! Not losing

This is my first ever post, I have dieting since April 2012 and have only lost around 30 pounds I am gettiing very disappointed and dont know how I should change what I have been doing. I have been eating the 1220 calories a day with usually doing 30 day shred or 20 min of zumba usually 5 days a week. Every morning for breakfast I have a smoothie that is 2 cups zero vitamin water, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of fruit, and light yogurt and I will have this for lunch also which I have calculated at 157 calories then for snack I will have fruit and 100 calorie pack and then the rest would be at supper time. I dont know how I should be changing the diet to start losing, any help or suggestions would be welcomed.


  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Check out
    You probably arent eating enough. Understand the science, trust it, and you'll see it works.
  • alijane9
    alijane9 Posts: 67 Member
    Check out
    You probably arent eating enough. Understand the science, trust it, and you'll see it works.

    This... ^^
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    It's VERY likely you aren't eating enough. The link the last poster gave you is an excellent place to look.
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    Can you open your diary? It sounds like you aren't eating enough. You are burning say 500-700 with Zumba each time. If your only eating 1220 then you are only actually getting 520-720 calories. Your body is starving!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I agree. If you are exercising that much, 1220 probably isnt enough calories.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Check out
    You probably arent eating enough. Understand the science, trust it, and you'll see it works.

  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    Eat. More. Food.
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you I did read the above link very interesting as all of you can probably understand that eating more will trying to lose weight doesnt make since and I have been not wanting to do, but the article made a lot of since and what do i have to lose to try it besides to losing again. Thank you all.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    This is my first ever post, I have dieting since April 2012 and have only lost around 30 pounds I am gettiing very disappointed and dont know how I should change what I have been doing. I have been eating the 1220 calories a day with usually doing 30 day shred or 20 min of zumba usually 5 days a week. Every morning for breakfast I have a smoothie that is 2 cups zero vitamin water, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of fruit, and light yogurt and I will have this for lunch also which I have calculated at 157 calories then for snack I will have fruit and 100 calorie pack and then the rest would be at supper time. I dont know how I should be changing the diet to start losing, any help or suggestions would be welcomed.

    open your diary. are you logging your food?
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    Yes I am logging my food
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    open your diary.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    This is my first ever post, I have dieting since April 2012 and have only lost around 30 pounds I am gettiing very disappointed and dont know how I should change what I have been doing. I have been eating the 1220 calories a day with usually doing 30 day shred or 20 min of zumba usually 5 days a week. Every morning for breakfast I have a smoothie that is 2 cups zero vitamin water, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of fruit, and light yogurt and I will have this for lunch also which I have calculated at 157 calories then for snack I will have fruit and 100 calorie pack and then the rest would be at supper time. I dont know how I should be changing the diet to start losing, any help or suggestions would be welcomed.

    As many people have already said... it is actually very important to get all of your calories in (if this is the dieting method chosen). Your body can go into starvation mode where it then stores the fat.

    The other thing you may want to consider is doing your higher calorie meals/intake in the earlier portions of the day. Unless you work at night, you have more movement/activity during the day so your body needs more fuel during that higher activity period. Try doing the smoothie for your dinner time intake.

    Congrats on the 30 pound loss, that is very healthy in the timeframe you have done it :) and always remember it took time to put it on, so it will take time to take it off! You are doing doing an excellent job!
  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    You need to eat more calories and the weight will melt off. It's amazing!!!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Eating is the first thing that comes to my mind.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Thank you I did read the above link very interesting as all of you can probably understand that eating more will trying to lose weight doesnt make since and I have been not wanting to do, but the article made a lot of since and what do i have to lose to try it besides to losing again. Thank you all.

    Just don't freak out if you see a gain at first! Your body needs to get use to getting all the food it needs again. After a possible initial gain, you should see it melting off again if you use the Road Map method!
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    I would suggest changing your view of how much you have lost and how to lose more. Instead of "I've only lost 30 pounds" try "I am so proud of myself - I've lost 30 pounds!" That is 30 pounds less than you were last March. As far as losing more - what everyone else has suggested - read IPOARM and make adjustments, give it a month and reassess.
  • allylbrown
    Did you say you have lost 30 lbs since april or 3 like your ticker says?
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    When I get like this there are always some things to change. I'm just usually too close to the situation to see them. So, asking for ideas was a great... well idea. I've been off artificial sweetners for a year. That really help me reduce my sweets and carb cravings. Last summer when i was in a funk I pulled out an old Weight Watcher cookbook and cooked dinners from it for a couple weeks. That really helped me. Tosca Reno has a clean eating series you can find her on the web. Check her out. Maybe follow one of her plans until you get moving again.
  • kingmmmy
    kingmmmy Posts: 22 Member
    I dont know why my ticker only says 3 and I dont know how to change it I have almost lost 30 pds since april 2012
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    You are not eating 1200 calories.
    If you were eating 1200 calories for that length of time doing that type of workout you would of lost weight.
    You also would look & feel like complete crap and have very little energy.

    You are not tracking correctly.
    You have to open your food log up.
    You are missing something.
    do you use cooking oil for instance?

    Unless you are weighing or measuring every thing that goes into a meal you are preparing you are most likely not properly tracking.