SumoH Member


  • Not sure about other folks, but I need to eat or I crash pretty hard. On bike rides more than an hour, I need to eat something or I feel terrible as I approach the second hour, so as a rule I try to eat every 25 miles on long rides. I also eat 5 small meals and try to at least net + 1000 calories for the day. I am just…
  • Pretty much the same as DJRonnie. Only difference is telling folks. I just tell them I watch what i eat and exercise everyday. Maybe a half truth, if you look at the whole picture, but essentially what I am doing now. I also feel like I'm eating small meals all day. The biggest change has been logging excercise and food.…
  • Looking at the wrong app. 40 km daily not miles. :(
  • I'm just over a year out. For me excercise has been a much bigger factor than diet. I log my intake to keep me accountable, but really focus on meeting my protein intake instead of total calories or carbs. I weigh myself about once a week, but look for monthly trends since your weight can fluctuate greatly day to day.
  • I'm not a runner, but I do cycle just about 40 miles daily. I'm not sure how you can survive off of 1400 calories a day with a 4 hour workout. I find I need about 2000-2800 calories just to maintain @ 5'7" and 190 lbs. If you are stalled, it's probably because you are dealing with a energy gap as your body has adapted to…
  • I'm one year post-op. Down roughly 100 lbs, about 60 of those as a result of the procedure and 40 through excercise. The procedure was uneventful for me, and each day post op was an improvement. At about 2 weeks I felt good enough to do daily tasks. You do need to watch your fluids and food intake as you run out of energry…
  • Not working from photobucket :(
  • Done both, enjoy both. Options are good...more the better.
  • I use Strava as well. Premium version though I think the free version is good enough if you don't have a powermeter. I like how you can track segments and see how you stack up against yourself and others. I also use it to estimate my caloric burn for my work outs. Seems like it takes in a lot more variables than other…
    in strava Comment by SumoH December 2013
  • I have not given up any of the foods I used to eat. I just priortize them. As other users have said, you have to be choosy about what foods you eat since your capacity will be much less. I prioritize protien first, then move to starch and veggies. Hitting your protien goals will be hard to do post op. I struggle with my…
  • Your top 3 Solo Artists: George Winston, Tom Petty, Sammy Hagar Your top 3 Bands (2 or more ppl): ZZ Top, Pink Floyd, Eagles Your top 3 Albums: Dark Side of the Moon, Full Moon Rising, Hell Freezes Over Favourite Genre of music: Classic Rock Favourite Composer: Beethoven First Album: Eagles, Hotel California First Single:…
  • There is a difference between a face mask and a respirator. Your problem may only be a nasty smell now, but if left unprotected could = brain damage later. Choose your level of risk. I'd rather be safe and smart, then homeless and brain damaged in 5 years.
  • I find using Strava and a heart rate montior to be pretty accurate. Things like hills and the riding surface do affect the amout of calories you burn. If I could affort a powermeter, I would add that too.
  • I bike about 20 miles a day at an average speed of 13 mph with some hills and burn roughly 1400 Cal according to my HRM and Strava. If I biked at 19 mph for 85 min I'd probably die of a heart attack. I think what folks are trying to say is to tone it back so you don't burn out or get injured. Make your work out enjoyable…
  • You can add me. Sleeved in March 2013.
  • It is a lot like a classic vs a new car. Old school styling, mechanically more complicated than modern design. Modern designs are simpler and easier to manufacture. In the end both do the same...just how much you want to pay.
    in 1911's Comment by SumoH October 2013
  • I agree that walking is better than nothing, but I do think you need to add another activity to take advantage of your post-op recovery. I was sleeved in March 2013, and see it as giving me a year to incorporate a lifestyle change to prevent a "relaspe". I added biking as a low impact exercise and commute to work for my…
  • 560 miles last month.
  • Greeting all! I had my surgery done in March 2013. As of today I have lost about 60 lbs post op and about 20 lbs pre op. I had my procedure done at Kaiser in Hawaii. I'm enjoying the renewed energy and look foward to cycling everyday. Open for friend invitations. Aloha!
  • Necroposting this topic. I'm about 6 months post op and have been cycling as my primary form of cardio. I'd like to eventually complete a century ride, but I am concerned about fluid and food intake issues due to VSG. Does anyone have an idea for the frequency and amount of intake required for a 100 mile ride? I'm in the…
    in Exercise Comment by SumoH September 2013