Burning 1,000 calories on bike everyday now, eating help!!!



  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    My daily goal is 2100 (without exercise)...when I do exercise i try to get as close to 2000 as possible. If you're having trouble increasing calories: peanut butter, avocado, olive oil bump up calories a lot. I also eat "healthy" but i throw in some ice cream, chocolate, pizza, whatever as long as its within my goal. And i lose about 1 lb per week consistently. You really shouldn't make this about how fast you can drop the weight. Be consistent and the weight will go. Trust me.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Log your exercise and use the goal MFP gives you after. A net calorie intake of under 1200 is considered unhealthy and dangerous for most women.
  • I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.
  • rdsalem88
    rdsalem88 Posts: 8 Member
    Although the machine is telling you that you are burning 1000 calories, I'd still err on the side of caution. Even with the general input of weight/age etc, machines have been known to inflate the amount of calories that you are actually burning. I stay conservative with how much cardio machines tell me I'm burning i.e. if it says I burned 400 calories, I actually log 300.
  • Thanks JOJO. You are doing great with your lose. I want at least 2 pounds a week. That is still healthy loss right?
  • Although the machine is telling you that you are burning 1000 calories, I'd still err on the side of caution. Even with the general input of weight/age etc, machines have been known to inflate the amount of calories that you are actually burning. I stay conservative with how much cardio machines tell me I'm burning i.e. if it says I burned 400 calories, I actually log 300.

    Thanks. I think I need to get a heart rate monitor that tracks the calories burn. Maybe that will be most accurate!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Invest in a HRM..... Even though it to is a device that estimates calories burned I would trust it over the machine or MFP calculations... I use my Polar FT60 for my steady state cardio and eat back 85% of my total calories burned.... On the weightloss side of the equation don feel the need to rush to your goal, you have to make this sustainable for the rest of your life, you sure don't need to speed that process up.... Best of Luck
  • SumoH
    SumoH Posts: 23 Member
    I bike about 20 miles a day at an average speed of 13 mph with some hills and burn roughly 1400 Cal according to my HRM and Strava. If I biked at 19 mph for 85 min I'd probably die of a heart attack. I think what folks are trying to say is to tone it back so you don't burn out or get injured. Make your work out enjoyable and challenging and you will keep it up. Make it a daily superhuman effort and you'll likely crash.
  • Invest in a HRM..... Even though it to is a device that estimates calories burned I would trust it over the machine or MFP calculations... I use my Polar FT60 for my steady state cardio and eat back 85% of my total calories burned.... On the weightloss side of the equation don feel the need to rush to your goal, you have to make this sustainable for the rest of your life, you sure don't need to speed that process up.... Best of Luck

    WoW ED!! Excellent weight loss. I am going to get a monitor.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.

    Um, I said it was possible in a previous post ... I'm 103 lbs, and if I do HITT for 30 minute on the stationary bike (w/ different resistances and speeds as intervals, never dropping below 20 mph ...), I burn about 310 kcals ... so for someone of your size, going at 19mph, it is totally possible ... Please eat your exercise calories back, you are putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your body by not doing so ...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.

    I know I have to run about 10 miles to burn that much. That would take me about 100 minutes. For me it just doesn't seem like biking is as difficult as running. Maybe it is accurate. If you are losing weight, continue on as you are!!
  • I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.

    Um, I said it was possible in a previous post ... I'm 103 lbs, and if I do HITT for 30 minute on the stationary bike (w/ different resistances and speeds as intervals, never dropping below 20 mph ...), I burn about 310 kcals ... so for someone of your size, going at 19mph, it is totally possible ... Please eat your exercise calories back, you are putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your body by not doing so ...

    Thanks Tiger Bite. I appreciate your post. I think I did say you did think it was possible and I appreciate that. I am a big girl and I just want to be healthy and do it right but also work hard. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Anway. I will eat most of the calories back. NOT all incase it isn't as acurate.

    Someone else said enjoy it... I am enjoying it. I am thankful that this is my only job right now. I am fortunate enough not to have to work and am making losing weight and being my healthiest my job right now. I am more focused and happier then I have been in a long time because I am putting ME first. :happy:
  • I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.

    I know I have to run about 10 miles to burn that much. That would take me about 100 minutes. For me it just doesn't seem like biking is as difficult as running. Maybe it is accurate. If you are losing weight, continue on as you are!!

    Let's not forget to take into account I weigh 208 pounds. I think if I was smaller then yeah I think you are right.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    Eat back half of those calories. I personally like to eat back my calories, but I just love food in general lol.

    And mix up your workout with some strength training for your upper body and core. Maybe do a totally different cardio one day a week, like swimming, walking, jogging.... You will lose the benefits of doing that exercise if you are doing that all the time, which means you will end up burning less calories doing it. But if you mix it up, your body is always doing something different, then you will continue to benefit from that awesome exercise.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I have a really stupid naive question as I am totally new and gasp don't exercise yet. What do you all mean eat your calories back?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I have a really stupid naive question as I am totally new and gasp don't exercise yet. What do you all mean eat your calories back?
    MFP is designed for people to lose weight without exercise. Essentially, it treats everyone as a non-exerciser; so before an active person even enters any information at all, they are already assuming an exercise-induced calorie deficit because MFP excludes exercise activity in it's formula.

    For example, if a person has a goal to maintain weight and burns a legitimate 500 calories from exercise, MFP will provide a maintenance intake that is potentially 500 calories less than what's needed. Thus, members have to add a good portion of those exercise calories to adhere to their specified weekly weight goals.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Thanks JOJO. You are doing great with your lose. I want at least 2 pounds a week. That is still healthy loss right?

    Yes, 2 pounds a week is considered the maximum healthy loss, and it's for people who have a lot to lose, so at 208 lbs a 2 lb per week goal seems reasonable. But your 1200 net calories target already has a 1000 calorie defict (which should average a 2 lb per week loss) built into it. So if you don't eat back your exercise calories, you're increasing your deficit to 2000 calories a day, which would be an unhealthy 4 lb a week average loss. You say you're eating some of your exercise calories back, but I took a look at your diary, and most days you're grossing less than 1400 calories, so you're eating less than 20% of your exercise calories back.
  • darcyinmo
    darcyinmo Posts: 129 Member
    I am biking the entire 85 mintues at an average of 19 miles an hour keeping my heart rate at 155-165 on level 11, actual miles I rode 27. Why does everyone not think this is possible??? :frown: Its kinda discouraging.

    I am so envious!!! If I go 15 mins with a HR of 155-165 I get scared and stop cause I think I'm gonna stroke out! LOL! Outstanding!!! I'm close in age and weigh a little less, but am sucking at exercise!! I so applaud you!!! Keep up the fantastic work! Even if the machine says 1000 calories and if it's not accurate, who give a ....? 85 minutes at a HR of 155-165 constantly is tremendous!!!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Gym machines are notorious for saying way more calories burned than actually are. Get an activity monitor if you want to be accurate. You can't be doing 19 miles and hour for all 85 minutes. You don't get on the bike and instant hit 19 miles an hour.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Gym machines are notorious for saying way more calories burned than actually are. Get an activity monitor if you want to be accurate. You can't be doing 19 miles and hour for all 85 minutes. You don't get on the bike and instant hit 19 miles an hour.

    I'm not a biker but 19 mph seems pretty high to maintain. Maybe you are a seasoned biker or maybe I'm clueless. Are you sure the machine is accurate?