BradWI Member


  • When your iced coffee comes back completely white they probably used more creamer/half n half than the website lists. My local MCD had $1 large iced or regular coffees all summer and I had tons of them w sugar free french vanilla. But they always came back pure white so there's no way there was only 2-4 tablespoons in them…
  • It should be good for about 2.5 years even once opened. When whey goes bad the taste changes dramatically and you'll be able to tell.
  • How do mackerel taste compared to sardines? I always see canned mackerel next to the sardines but have never tried them.
  • A quick google of "creatine ketosis" and discussions on reddit and BB seem to say creatine is fine for keto/low carb.
  • You shouldn't care if you don't lose 0lbs. or 8 lbs. of water weight via low carb. Your goal should be fat loss not water loss. If you're lifting, take the creatine.
  • Read this page and the 3 links in the section "Digestive Efficiency and Your Poop"
  • A can of tuna in water mixed into 1/2 C of fat free cottage cheese will get you over 33g of protein for under 200 calories. Great for those looking to increase protein without adding too many calories.
  • What's the label say? I've seen Total 0%, Total 2% and one that just says Total. Is it the latter?
  • Marks Daily Apple just did a post titled - "Why the Omega-3/Omega-6 Ratio May Not Matter After All" "It appears as if the problem with low ratios of omega-3 to omega-6 is the lack of omega-3, not so much the omega-6." "Americans get almost 70% of their PUFA (mostly omega-6) from oils, shortening, and margarine and just 6%…
  • LOL at everyone simply dismissing what Teyden is saying as nonsense. If you google "does cooked food have more calories" you'll find a bunch of info on the subject that supports what he/she is saying.
  • The reason for potatoes might be because of the resistant starch (RS). When you cook them they lose a lot of their RS. If you cook them and then cool them they actually gain more RS. Resistant starch (RS) is starch and starch degradation products that escape from digestion in the small intestine of healthy individuals.[1]…
  • I take Psyllium Husk every day. Not as any type of "colon cleanse" but because it makes my poops 10X less messy. It basically empties out the chamber....otherwise I usually have this -
  • Went there a few nights ago after the casino. Saw the new power protein chicken bowl picture on the drive-thru menu - "that looks good I'll try that." "Sorry sir, the cantina items are only available until 11PM". What, did the "Cantina Chef" go home or something? "Crunchwrap supreme, please".
  • Double chocolate chunk in the microwave for 5-10 seconds is ridiculous. As good as Betty Crocker brownies.
  • Less than 20 grams of protein AND $4 per serving? NO THANKS!
  • No, it's not a waste of time. However you will hit a plateau eventually [maybe quickly]. Your body basically needs more and more resistance (e.g. progressive) to continue building muscle. But don't let that stop you from starting!
  • I really like Cake Batter. It won't be the one I buy every single time but it will be in my rotation. I did not like Double Rich Chocolate at all.
  • WOW. Scrolling down to the "1, 2, or 3 cups of pasta" section on that photocalorie website I see that growing up my "normal" spaghetti dinner was 2-3 CUPS of spaghetti + sauce with meat + cheesy garlic bread. And sometimes 1.5 helpings - holy crap that was always 1500+ calories.