sjp_511 Member


  • I find that if I eat more the day before my long run I dont have the crazy hungry feeling after. So I spread my long run calories out over 3 days: day before, day of, and day after.
  • I am a new mom. My son is 4 months old. While I wasn't at goal weight before getting pregnant, I was at the lowest weight I had been in years and probably the most fit I have been in my life. I gained 45 pounds while pregnant. The first 20 pounds came off within 2 weeks of birth. For most of my maternity leave, I sat on…
  • Ditto on the first 2 paragraphs. I run half marathons quite often (I have done 30 total since I started running in 2008). I am slow (~ 12 minute/mile pace). I tend to either eat a Nutri-Grain bar (easy for when I travel for races) or an English muffin with PB. Like gelvinso, I use gels on my runs that are 90 minutes or…
  • 24 extra ounces a day?!? I am so jealous. I feel like I barely produce enough....
  • I really don't track very closely. I would estimate for my husband and I we spend $200 - $250 per week (that includes eating out).
  • I also love the Annie's Poppyseed dressing.
  • Some people drop weight fast while breastfeeding. Others aren't so lucky. A while back someone posted an article on here that explained all the hormone levels nursing mothers have and why some women struggle to lose weight while nursing. I am nursing my 4 month old. I have my MFP calories set at maintenance and I do not…
  • I don't think everyone gets to that point that you are talking about. I exercise regularly and have for a while. I enjoy exercise and I feel a lot better when I do it. However, laziness is still my default setting. When I skip exercise, I don't get an anxious feeling that some people seem to get. I took a whole week off…
  • Your son doesn't have a game everyday, does he? Some days it is just practice, right? One of my friends said he was in the best shape of his life when his kids were elementary school age. He would take them to soccer practice then go for a run for an hour while the kids were practicing. Built in exercise time.
  • I have a Pampered Chef microwavable rice cooker that I use 2-3 times a week.
  • As long as you don't do that in a race. I hate it when people run with music and without headphones during a race. I don't want to listen to your music!
  • What is the point of bumping a 4 year didn't even add anything to it...
  • There are 4 calories per gram of protein. If you are consuming 30% protein with only 78 grams, then you are eating too few calories. It is nice to have a balance of fats, carbs, and protein in you diet, and by your percentages it looks like you intend to do this. So why does your protein have to be low fat? Eggs are a good…
  • I did egg, ham, and provolone on an English muffin. It is rather tasty and comes out to 247 calories and 20g protein.
  • Last night I made and froze 12 breakfast sandwiches and cooked 7 chicken breasts....
  • I have half marathon #31 in April and #32 in May. These are my first half marathons since having a baby last November.
  • This is one of those things that you need to practice with on your long runs. Everyone has different preference on what to eat - and some people don't eat anything for a half distance. I am a fan of Gu. I tried jellybeans once and didn't care for them. I am fat and slow, so 13.1 miles takes a lot of time. I tend to have a…
    in gu? Comment by sjp_511 March 2015
  • There's still one left. It is cream filled with a powdered sugar coating
  • No problem. I thought all of your advice was pretty spot on.
  • When we bought our house a couple years ago we made sure to get one that had room for a home gym. Gotta love the relatively low real estate prices here in the Midwest! And the discipline to work out at home isn't too different than the discipline to go to the gym and work out. It is all about getting started. My husband…
  • A good running warm-up doesn't include static stretching (holding a stretch for a period of time. Start with a short walk or jog. You can include some strides (where you speed up (not quite to a sprint) then slow down). Then include some dynamic stretching. I usually do a few of the following: - large, slow arm circles -…
  • TDEE-20% is considered a fairly aggressive rate of weight loss. If she goes for a slower weight loss goal, she will probably see better performance on the marathon training. It is a matter of priorities: losing weight or marathon performance.
  • If you aren't logging your activities, you should use a TDEE calculator. In MFP you can put in a custom calorie goal (and any other nutritional goal). People around here like the Scooby website for a TDEE calculator:
  • It was a regular donut. A Google image search gave me similar pictures for both types so I was confused. Thanks for the help.
  • I have a 4 month old baby and agree that it can be a challenge. I exercise at home after my baby has gone to sleep. I eat dinner between 6 and 7:30. I can get the baby to bed between 7 and 8. At 8, I exercise for an hour, then shower, pump, and am in bed by 10 PM. There are nights when he fights sleep a little bit more, so…
    in New mums Comment by sjp_511 March 2015
  • As part of planning for a baby, I invested in enough equipment to work out at home. It is wonderful to not have to take the time to go to the gym. It also allows me to take a break from my workout if my baby needs me. I do miss spin class and my husband misses the pool, but it is nice to not have to fight gym crowds.
  • I lift 2x per week and run 3x per week as follows: M: lift T: run W: rest Th: lift F: run Weekend: long run For my long run, I choose Saturday versus Sunday based on weather and other commitments.
  • I am also a new mom to a 4 month old baby. I am still exclusively breastfeeding. For the first 3 months (while I was on leave from work), I didn't track calories and ate a lot more than I should have. I did start to exercise at around 6 weeks postpartum and have been increasing frequency and intensity. About a month ago I…
  • Weight loss helps with the sex. Being thinner and fitter = more fun in the bedroom (or wherever else ;) )
  • Eat fruit. It is very good for you.