

  • I was hungry all the time for like a week and I went on 1200 cals too. It took my body a little while to get adjusted, and then it became used to less food. Give yourself more time...being grumpy is normal when you first start a diet! Hang in there!:-)
  • Fruit is a great choice for additional calories and they are loaded with good nutrition. If you can't eat a whole apple, then eat some dried fruit-even more calories per serving! I like almond butter, it has a great, smooth taste even eaten plain on a tablespoon, and again, high cals. Whatever you do, don't deprive your…
  • I like to alternate jogging/walking on my treadmill while swinging 3 pound weights. I find I really burn a lot of calories if I swing my arms as hard and fast as I can with my gait. I usually burn 400 cals in 35 min.
  • I make myself stop until I eat a lot of something really healthy like a big apple, a big handful of raw spinach, or a couple glasses of water. Usually, I will start craving healthier stuff, fill up on that and quit the snacking...I've been in the same boat the last few days :-)
  • Give it another week! You WILL start to see a difference. Best of all, I;m sure you already have more energy from eating healthier. A healthy life and diet is for life, not just for a few weeks. Also, make sure your salads are not coated in fatening dressings.
  • I know when I was pregnant my care provider told me that if I ate healthy foods, the baby weight would come off a lot quicker. I would think that if I ate healthier now, even if it was the same calorie count, I would build lean muscle better and loose the weight quicker...I guess.
  • pre washed baby spinach whole almonds or walnuts low carb, high fiber, 80 cal whole wheat tortillas green peppers garbanzo bean veggie dip (for extra protein)
  • I really helps me to cook a little extra on friday night and stash it in the freezer for a quick dinner. Mexican is one of my favorite dinners because it is so versitile and can be very healthy depending on how much cheese you use and if you pour boiling water over the cooked ground beef to get rid of some extra fat. You…
  • I know how that goes...I always used to go over my carb limit, but when I got pregnant I began a high protein diet and cured myself of my carb addiction! Of-course, now I always go over on my protein, but at least its lean protein. One of my favorite snacks is a low-carb whole wheat tortilla (they sell them at cost-co)…
  • I have a friend who plateaued and it was discouraging, but she actually ADDED some calories to her diet, just changing what she ate to more vegetables and low fat items and stuck with it. Pretty soon she was back to losing a pound a week. Good luck.