Monklady123 Member


  • Or a burger. That's how I like my tomatoes best.
  • Hmm.... I've never heard of this kind. I think I need to take a look next time I'm at the store. Can you buy this in a regular grocery? or is it from somewhere like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods? I try to stay away from WF because it's kind of expensive, but I'd make an exception for some salted caramel or chocolate ice…
  • I satisfy my chocolate craving with one or two of the individual Dove dark chocolates. -- But, for me chocolate is not something that I crave and then eat too much of. If that's the case for you OP and chocolate you'd need to be careful that it doesn't overtake your daily calories. Otherwise, have just a one or two and…
  • I see people referring to "DD" on this thread.... is that Dunkin Donuts? Or is it the Duck Donuts that I mentioned? I've never had Duck Donuts because it's new to this area, but Dunkin Donuts is really close to my house. I avoid that altogether, which is easy because their parking lot is horrible. But I will go out of my…
  • The problem for me with breakfast is that I'm not hungry right away in the morning. I do drink my coffee with sweet creamer so I think the sugar in that cuts my appetite a bit. Also, I just don't like food in the morning. So, if I'm not working (I have varying work hours) then it's not a problem because when I'm hungry at…
  • lolololol. Go find my reply in the Krispy Kreme donuts thread if you think I'm on a "low carb, whole foods hobby horse". I regulate my carb count because my doctor told me to. And I do eat a donut every once in awhile if I want it. :) OP, I apologize for what some have called "derailing" your thread. Not intended. I…
  • Okay. Sorry for misunderstanding. The OP did say "do YOU lose more..." but I guess she meant the general "you".
  • We have a Krispy Kreme not too far from me and you can go down there and watch them making the donuts, then get one hot off the press. Lovely. :love: Although... we're getting a new place even closer to me called Duck Donuts. I've never heard of it but apparently it's a place from the Outer Banks that's been expanding. And…
  • Yes. :) Eating potato chips, or chocolate chip cookies (my two main downfalls) adds a LOT of calories to my diet but neither one keeps me full for very long. So therefore not only am I eating the chip/cookie calories but then I'm starving and eating a bunch of other stuff. By simply eliminating those things -- and white…
  • Same thing happened to me last week. I had one of those "blah" kind of illnesses....who knows what exactly, an upper respiratory kind of thing. I just did not feel like eating. I made sure to eat something for energy but I got the "You are not eating enough" message from MFP for a few days. lol. Oh well... I lost more than…
  • I don't know because I have tried once or twice and didn't like it at all. I figure life is too short to mess with my coffee! lol. Also, it's best for my family's mental health (and possibly their physical health as well :wink: ) if I drink my coffee as I like it first thing in the morning.
  • Yes. Potato chips. Specifically Utz brand ridges chips, nice and salty. lol. There no way I can just eat a small portion of them so it's best not to eat them at all.
  • Reading the WW message boards is NOTHING like what going to a meeting can be! oy... Some of those WW message board folks are vicious. Kind of like here. :wink: Or on any message board, come to think of it. I attended WW for awhile and lost a lot of weight. That was some years ago and gained it back. That wasn't the fault…
  • :) We just got back from our walk and this is the "I'm STARVING!" look. She's still too hot though, because it's awful outside. I CANNOT WAIT till Fall! (ignore all the boxes in the background, that's all recycling on its way out the door, lol)
  • Well, for me personally when I get that shaky hunger it means I've had the blood sugar spike and then crash. It comes from eating breakfast (mostly happens mid-morning, but not always) that's too heavy on the carbs and not much fat or protein. It raises blood sugar, then crashes in a couple of hours giving me that shaky…
  • Of course it's *possible*, but it's not *sustainable*. When I went on Weight Watchers years ago I lost 6 pounds my first week, and 4 pounds the second week (I have my little weight tracker book in my desk which is why I can remember that, lol). I lost those large numbers because I was overweight by a lot and I cut out junk…
  • At least you know ahead of time so you're already thinking about it. If I know about an event ahead of time I always eat lightly for the meals before. So I'd maybe have an egg white and veggie omelet for breakfast and go heavy on the veggies. Then I might have a big salad for lunch with just a bit of lean protein (and…
  • Are you talking about lunch at home, or taking your lunch to work? If it's the latter then it can be more challenging depending on whether you have a refrigerator and/or microwave. I usually take some combination of the following: -- leftovers -- hard boiled egg -- raw cut-up veggies -- hummus -- Greek yogurt -- fruit --…
  • For me personally I just say "eh" and start new the next day. Anything involving trying to count those extras the next day seems like math to me and I hate math. ;) -- But seriously, I just start over the next day. I used to be the type who might say "okay, so I ate that whole pizza last night so I've fallen off the wagon…
  • Well, yesterday I was under by about 500 calories. But -- that's because I wasn't feeling well at all. :p If it was like that day after day then I'd have a problem -- Otherwise it doesn't happen often, and I always figure I've miscounted something. For example I don't usually measure my coffee creamer anymore. At the…
  • Yes, it was intended a purely something to chuckle about, poking a bit of fun at all of us since I would imagine most of us have tried one or more on the list in the OP. I've done WW so I know all about low fat. I'm pre-diabetic so I can tell you all about low-carb. And all of us have seen ads, or replied to questions…
  • Lol at you all. And I didn't even think of the tap water vs. mineral water thing. I don't know.....the chlorine (or whatever it is) that they put in our tap water must be good for us, right? And of course ice burns more calories than simply drinking water -- your body has to work to melt it, like someone said. ;)
  • Woo-hoo! You all are geniuses! :) Thank you very much.
  • I drag it from where? From iPhoto? From my desktop (which I think I know how to put a photo there...)? Like I said, Technology Dinosaur. oy... But thanks, I will try it as soon as I get back from morning errands. :)
  • This is why -- for me -- it is SO easy to lose weight in the first week or so. My diet overall has never been too bad, so if I just stop eating junk and drinking calories (mainly wine with dinner and another glass afterwards) I'll lose weight. Easy. Too bad it's more difficult as the weeks go on. lol.