I have a 2.5 lb hula hoop and within one week I have lost an inch from lower tummy, no extra workouts.
Did you guys have lipo on the underarm fat, breast lateral roll, during the surgery?
Yes this is true
You should watch this regarding ACV as well.
I do 2T ACV with 1C grapefruit juice 3x daily before each meal for energy, but I do notice It curbs appetite so yes it can help in weight loss. I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia, basically my body is tired all the time. I was put on welbutrin and Adderall for energy but I still needed more. I saw someone made a…
I also had a br and my dr told me to lose as much as possible so I could go smaller. The insurance paid for my br and so I didn't get a choice of how small I could go. I did request him to go as small as possible and I went from DD or higher to 38 B, but I had half inch on each side under armpit that he didn't remove, so I…
My aereola was taken off and cut smaller to fit my smaller chest.
I had a breast reduction in 2004, but the dr. did not lipo my sides :(. I don't know why maybe since insurance was paying for it. I really would like to have it done. Most people can not see it through my shirts, but I feel it and it makes my arms stick out more. I workout etc. I would say maybe half inch on each side…
Only with meds. There is not known cause and no cure. It effects my whole life and starts in preteen ages. Looking back I could tell that I had it then. The tiredness that people who don't have this is completely from the tiredness that I feel.
You didn't do 30 day shred with weights? I do HIIT and lift heavy as well. You can make any exercise to your level.
I started this video this week. The first time I did day 1 it was easy, but Jillian incourages everyone to go as heavy as possible. So you can make it as hard as you want.
Just FYI since you are only eating 1200 I would eventually bump that up. just frome experience. Losing weight is quickly is nice but it can always come but very quickly. I to was at 1200 a day and starving and after two years I gained back all I lost plus some.
I think I might do this full body one
Awesome! What routien are you doing? I am strength training as well with HIIT 3-4x a week. I am on week 3 of the routine and I am waiting to get that wow factor where it just hits ya in the mirror. HOw long into did you start noticing?
I never get offended when asked how much weight I have lost, actually I am proud. I am proud that someone has noticed and sometimes they ask because they to want to lose weight.
I wore my HRM monitor when I pushed mowed our yard which took an hour, that's just the front ;).. It was only like 60 calories. So becareful with counting it as exercise. You may not be burning much.
bodybuilding has tons of programs that you can do at home. I workout at home and doing a 30 day program then will switch it up!
I buy the life choice brand , but only like the peanut butter crunch, low sugar carb 210 cals 21 g of protein!
This is the routine I am doing 4 days heavy and one circuit training .
Thanks, I do have a barbell so that's not a problem, just not a pull up bar.
I have the mag at home. I just had foot surgery so it's hard to do lunges, jumping, running. I can do squats and the single leg lunges. I will be doing it at home. The cable flyes I will use db's instead. I thought it looked like a great routine. I am usually gone on the weekends so not sure if I would do the circuit…
I have over 100 lbs in plates with a barbel and a 12 in step, aerobic step dumbbells so I could probably modify it. I did find a 30 day routien she posted in FitnessRX Which I will be doing.
Hey what surgery are you doing? I am having surgery on my right foot on Friday and a little nervouse about the exercise. I will be doing the arm bike a few days after the surgery. I have a sesamoid fracture.
No, not at all.
I agree he did sound jealous. I just thought it was interesting. I do like her videos as well.
It's just saying how she stole her Grandmaster's style of training nutrition etc. How supposedly she was on cocaine and smoked and she had to have 9 surgeries. I thought it was interesting. He how said she was not 70lbs overweight like she claims she was when she first started going to see her Grandmaster.