
  • Wheweeee, I have not been able to get my focus on this month. Looks like everyone has moved on soooo I will see you on the wall! Keep up the good fight and keep moving forward and we will all achieve our goal! Wish everyone the best....
  • Wheweeee yesterday I weighed and was quite disappointed. Up 3 lbs. Didn't expect to see such a gain. Will weigh again tomorrow and hope to atleast be back to ticker. Got to dig deep and FIGHT for my loss this month!
  • Great advice Fireswan!!! Skate party went well yesterday. I did eat 1.5 slices of pizza and small slice of cake but all in all did quite well. Today drinking lots of water since I didn't drink enough yesterday. Let's make today a LOSERS DAY.
  • Hey Suzzee, We are having my niece a skating party tomorrow at the skating rink. We will be having pizza and cake. I am really going to have to have my game face on. I can't skate sooo I won't be burning calories like everyone else. I think I am the only one who can't skate. Never could even when I was little. ...LOL…
  • Good afternoon ladies, Today I am back to 193.5 sooo my MONDAY LITE goal is to either maintain or LOSEEEE! Got to keep my focus this weekend and not come back here on Monday up 5 lbs. That story is OLD as dirt. This sure has been a harder struggle than I thought it would be.
  • Good afternoon ladies, I have bombed 3 weekends straight. I lose app. 5 lbs during the week, regain over the weekend, lose during the week, regain, lose, regain.... here I am today, almost back to ticker and HERE COMES THE WEEKEND!!! I MUST get focused and beat the weekend. Just think, I have lost the same 5 lbs 3 times…
  • Good afternoon losers, How we doing? Renee, hope you are feeling better. Hey when you are sick, you have to take care of yourself. Get back in here and on track when you are feeling better. Oh my, Fireswan, you did have an awesome workout! You took it to the next level and it WILL pay off. I still am not on track as I too…
  • HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY to everyone!!! This weekend was really busy and I haven't been on the computer much so trying to catch up. Renee, congrats on your loss!!! I have to get my head in the game and get focused. It seems like I allow every little thing to derail me and I lose focus. It is time to make me and my goal…
  • Marie, finally got the A/C repaired Monday evening. The humidity was awful over the weekend. I am tired today but my niece has a softball game at 6 so we will go straight there after work.
  • Hey girls, I am still here. It has been so busy here at work. I have also been taking my niece to softball games. I am having to learn to juggle my time differently. Sorry I have been missing! Calie, we do not care which program you follow so keep posting!!!! Our goal is to get us all healthy with which ever eating program…
  • Hey girls, I have not eaten well over the weekend but will be back on track tomorrow. I MUST track my food as I do so much better when I do. Busy weekend and our A/C still isn't repaired. The humidity has been awful but so thankful there has been a strong breeze all weekend plus a cool front moving in... Thank You LORD…
  • Hey,hey, hey sorry I have been MIA but this has been a crazy week. I am always busy the first week of the month at work. Our A/C went out sooo it is sooo warm and humid and sultry. I will try to catch up tomorrow as a storm is rolling in....
  • Today's numbers: Gross carbs: 95, Net Carbs: 67
  • Res, my dh used to snore like a freight train. I was constantly punching him for him to turn over or something so I could get rest. Not sure what happened as we got older cause he very seldom ever snores now. Hopefully when he goes back to work, things will return to normal. Do you have your fitbit on today???? LOL Calie,…
  • Today I had a total of 109 carbs (gross) and 93 net. Monday I am back to the 60 or less. I think I like boosting the carbs for the weekend cause it worked well for eating with all my family.
  • Caliecat, I have been fasting breakfast for a special unspoken need but when the fast ends, I will start posting what my meals too. You are doing great!
  • YUM!!! Caliecat that look's delicious!!! I may have to try that for breakfast. Res, I think it is great you and your dh are going to work out together. My dh has NEVER had a weight issue so he doesn't understand my struggle at all. What a blessing for you and your dh to motivate each other! Girl even if you didn't have…
  • update carbs for Saturday: 133 gross, 109 net. Fireswan, you probably are STILL burning calories from your early morning run down the stairwells!!! Glad it was a false alarm. You definitely got your exercise in! Res, the Wicked Twister!!! Sounds like a roller coaster to me too. You are on a roll. Sounds like you had a busy…
  • Good morning yall. Whew yesterday WAS a long day. Didn't get home till after 10 pm. I am still tired. Yesterday my gross carb count was 117 and my net carbs was 96. I am going to start working on getting my fiber count up. Oops forgot I ate popcorn so let me add that to the food journal and correct my numbers.
  • Good morning ladies and Phil, Phil, I do not much about the fitbit so hopefully one of the ladies who has one will check in and answer your question. I have a busy day ahead of me and I am already thinking about a nap and it is only 7. Katie has softball practice at 10 am and it last 1.5 hrs then we will meet my db. He…
  • I am finishing today with 131 gross carbs and 111 net. I may actually shoot for the 60 net carbs or less during the week and then shoot for 100 net carbs on the weekend. I think with my lifestyle, this would keep me on track and I would not feel too restricted when eating with others. I may experiment with those numbers…
  • Damunchie, you are going to do just fine! In May, I have 4 birthdays coming up. My mother, my brother, my son, and my niece who stays with me on weekends. So I will have to do alot of preplanning, exercising , etc OH and MOTHER'S DAY is coming up too...LOL
  • Here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/577101-6-week-jump-start-to-summer-challenge
  • Yarwell, WELCOME to the group. I am like Res, I thought the pic was of a holocuast survivor too. I think everyone here is watching carbs in one fashion or another. Yarwell, I posted another thread in the discussion area and working toward getting all of us posting there sooo come on down and join us.
  • Wooohoooo, Fit so good to see you join us!!! Congrats on your loss. won't be long you will have the nasty gain off and be sailing! Welcome to nanabanana... I don't think I spelled that right but WELCOME!!! Those are NOT 2 bellies, those are pound puppies and we are putting them up for adoption!!! I bow to Fireswan and…
  • Still working to lower my carb count. Today I have 85 gross carbs and 69 net carbs. Not to much over my max limit for the day. I did walk for over 30 min, around Walmart while waiting for a prescription to be filled. Casual walking, Next week, my goal is to increase exercise intensity and increase exercise time. How's…
  • Hey ladies, I apologize for all the confusion as I learn how to maneuver around this site. I opened a new thread in the discussion for us to post in as it is a bit confusing to all us newbies to post in the introduction section sooo if you will bare with me, please start using the 6 week challenge thread to post daily in…
  • Res, I think your kin to my brother...LOL, he starts on Monday asking about my weekend plans! I sort of fly by the seat of my pants. Saturday morning, taking my neice to softball practice so I will have 2 hours to walk, window shop, etc before I pick her back up. After practice, I think she and I will go to trade day…
  • For those of you who are counting NET carbs: check out Mission's CARB BALANCE whole wheat tortillas. I buy the whole wheat tortillas. Nutritional info: 80 cal 13 carbs 2 fat 3 protein 10 fiber Total: 3 NET carbs!!!!