Thank you Jennifer
I've just started doing it again after my Taekwondo buddy had great success with it. It's easier than I thought!
I'm Grace from London
I'm not sure how to add you!
I'll add you!
I'm 48 and still going!
I am really with you on this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is skin deep. Attractiveness is more to do with how you feel about yourself and not about how you look. Using attractiveness to "motivate" either yourself or others to lose weight is not effective at all. Our aim, when losing weight is about being fit…
Just before Christmas I was suffering with severe hot flushes and night sweating due to the menopause. I went to my Doctor and she advised me to reduce my carbs, increase my fat and take sage tablets. She directed my to the Diet Doctor website, where they had brilliant low carb recipes. Well, since then, My hot flushes and…
There are so many body weight exercises. I exercise nearly every day and my son plays soccer and table tennis. My partner does no exercise whatsoever and eats what he wants. When we eat together we enjoy our food. I tend to eat more greens and eat the carbs. My partner is very supportive of me and often says I put him to…
Hello Julie, I'm Grace, from London. I've been on here for almost 5 years. I'm 48, a mum to an 11 year old and practice martial arts. I cycle, do body weight exercises and have finally understood, with the help of my Doctor, understood this food and healthy eating thing. Happy to be your pal!
I go up in increments of 2.5lb abd the app is brilliant and constantly updating. Thanks for your notes
Yes we can Izzy
Thank you
Yes, just go for it, swallow your pride and deload. I did it and I am feeling it now. No regrets and I'm looking forward to working up to that 150lb deadlift again. My son is having his first induction in the gym tomorrow and that was a spur for me!
Some fantastic pics here. Very inspirational!
You are amazing and the dedication you have shown to your health has been phenomenal. Stay healthy!
You can still focus on you and be in a relationship. My companion and I practice martial arts and outside of the sessions we take up challenges such as push up or plank challenges. We can encourage and support our partners but only they can find their own motivations for doing something. You can make it work if you really…
I've been on here for three years and still do it.
I have started doing box squats without the weights, while being side on in the mirror and it has really made a difference to my form.
I have also got a sore wrist and have just changed from strong lifts to strong curves. I noticed, a couple of weeks ago that my hands and wrist started to feel really sore so I stopped for a week then deloaded. It began to affect my martial arts practice. Strong curves is good though because of the variety of exercises and…
Well done on what you have done so far. Lifting can be done alongside your walk/runs and it also helps to burn fat effectively. I lift 3x a week, run an hour a week and do Taekwondo 3 hours a week. That, combined with eating more healthily, is working wonders for me and is something that I now do as part of my lifestyle. I…
You look gorgeous and also a great advert for more women lifting. I love lifting because it makes me feel powerful and incredibly sassy. I love when guys look at you as you've just walked into the men's room, wondering what you're going to do next. I'm used to being the only woman because, in my dojang, I am usually the…
Exercise now, unless you are under orders not to, because there are a world of exercises you could do and running is just one of them. Find one that you like then go for it. No excuses! ☺
It goes in the toilet
This tells me that you may need to change your attitude to food. It is your fuel and will make your workouts more effective. Don't be afraid to eat, it really is good for you!
Something I do that helps me to get more veg in my life is to buy it then chop and dice it up then put it in containers. This way I can reach for it an make a stir fry or salad using the veg I want to use. You can simply use rock salt and black pepper to add flavour but as I am Jamaican I use various Jamaican herbs and…
The best way to build muscle is to lift and lift heavy and as a previous poster said start now. There are a ton of programmes out there and the one I follow is Stronglifts 5x5, where you work out three times a week and increase the weight each time you lift. Cardio is good but to burn fat more effectively resistance are…
My latest NSVs were today. I wear size 14 (UK) jeans and I managed to pull them down without undoing them. The other was when my companion told me that he noticed that my face was getting slimmer. What is working for me is my consistency in strength training (3x a week), Taekwondo (3 hours a week) and running (hour a…
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