

  • coconut oil easily replaces shortening or butter in baking. I sometimes add a splash of imitation butter flavor and you cant taste the difference. I do enjoy wheat germ in most of my baked goods. I also mix it into pancakes, sprinkle it on salads, toss it in with whole grain cereals, etc. I'm not totally unhealthy ;-)
  • Why did you choose to replace the Ritz crackers? Just curious, since you get a larger portion at only 100 calories more.
  • Lentils are yet another thing my son is allergic to. We avoid all legumes except pinto beans, black beans, lima beans and pink beans. Its impossible to test him for all legumes but he has reacted to several. So these are the ones we DID test for that he didnt have an issue with. I have white rice and brown rice flour. I…
  • My little guy has food allergies. Do you have any recommendations for bread products? We limit wheat sine I also have a nickel allergy. I just picked up some rice flour to try in bread, but going breadless isn't an option. I do sprinkle nuts and seeds into things like my tabouleh and bulgar cereals, but am trying to add in…
  • Do you think this is true even given the frequency of his feedings? I'd be interested to find out. Of course, I think that's a conversation for a lactation consultant. I will say that everything I eat DOES affect my milk significantly. He has food allergies, and if I eat, say, custard with eggs in it (did this this other…
  • I definitely do NOT want my milk to dry up. I don't eat any milk, eggs, soy, or peanuts, or most legumes. This means I completely avoid processed foods and some of those easy calories (say, an egg or a cheese quesadilla) are unavailable. I looked into this a LOT last night. I think I'll shoot for around 2000 calories a day…
  • He's still nursing a ton and I still have a heavy letdown and a lot of milk. My little guy is a toddler now, and would definitely let me know if there wasn't enough milk. Of course, I can't see the quality of the milk to be able to tell you if the fat content is what it used to be when I ate more calories. I am losing…
  • I am White (German, Native American, and ???), 5'11'', 285 pounds, and I wear a size 20 comfortably.
  • I ADORE veggies. But I'm always changing it up. Balsamic vinegar makes tomatoes and asparagus DELICIOUS. Squash is great in many ways, though I usually like winter squashes just with butter and salt. If I also have a sweet tooth I add a touch of brown sugar and nutmeg. Brocolli with a good deal of black pepper, brussel…
  • They mean something to me too! I doubt I wiill ever be super toned, and I have no desire to be buff. BMI is a great way for me to say, "hey, Im healthy".
  • Thank you everyone! And congratulations to those of you who have lowered your BMI with MFP. It is DEFINITELY a step in the right direction.
  • I think he was trying to give you a compliment, or even be cute, but it came out insensitive. I'd shrug it off and go about my business. Keep losing weight and doing what you're doing. I bet he's just excited to see a new, sexier you. I doubt he was trying to be hurtful. Sometimes, people just say stupid things.
  • - Giant bag of fresh pears on our porch, no note, no clue who from. - 19 cardboard boxes (empty) on our porch, no note. - my trash can back in our driveway where it belonged, rather than on the curb. - car door open all night and NOT stolen or vandalized. I conclude that we have nice neighbors.
  • I like to heat up a teaspoon of olive oil, season the fillets with salt, pepper, dill, and rosemary, and then just pop them in the pan. When it's really hot, I add a splash of water and cover the pan quickly with a lid or foil to trap in the steam. Then I squeeze lemon juice on the fish right before I serve it. It's also…
  • To an extent, yes! My daughter is turning 3 in January, and my son is 19 months. I am 100% devoted to them. Their needs above mine and all of that. I literally have not been away from either of them for more than an hour at a time in their entire lives, save for the hospital visit to deliver my son. Sometimes it's…
  • Congrats on you new little one! Try to take some time for yourself to rest and recover, even if you feel great! Those 6 weeks are really crucial! After my first, I tried to get moving too soon and ended up tearing my incision open several inches. NOT FUN!!! Rest- the weight will come off!
  • I think a big part of it is that I'm focused on myself in other ways. I'm focused on my kids, my job, my school. I want to better myself, but I haven't been doing much for myself PHYSICALLY. Seeing a couple extra pounds on the scale was pretty eye opening though. And today was a good eating day-- tomorrow will be a good…
  • So, what is too low? I have 100 pounds to lose. I seem to hang around 1,200-1,500 calories a day. BMR says my goal should be 2,100 a day. Is this an acceptable deficit?
  • I absolutely know it's a health problem waiting to happen. And I don't want that. I'm still down 40 pounds from when i had my son, but I've got a LONG way to go. I just recently resolved the last of my health problems that were keeping me from exercising. Now, no (err, few!! Lol) excuses!
  • Thank you! I used to eat SO much better. But as my breastfeeding son's allergies increased, the healthy things I loved became off limits. It's like i just don't care enough about myself to get rid of the weight. I've started caring more though, and I think that's a start. I'm surprisingly healthy, but I'm young. Eventually…