Size 12= about 40 inches of fabric



  • 40 inches of fabric around your waist is quite a lot seeing as how carrying weight around your waist means you're more at risk of heart disease/diabetes etc.
    We have an advert here that says if your waist measures more than 80cm for women (which is 32 inches) it is an indicator of internal fat deposits, which can coat the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas, and increase the risk of chronic disease.

    It IS important.

    The OP didn't say 40 inches of fabric around the waist. I'm pretty sure she meant total...or at least one complete garment (pants, shirt...whatev).

    Size 12 is 40 inches waist...For God's sake, don't be so obtuse. Where do you think they're measuring???

    Actually, it's not. I was the OP on the post that THIS OP is talking about. I'm a size 12 and a 35 inch waist, thank you very much.

    NO NO NO NO NO! Where do you wear pants? Pulled all the way up to your natural waist? NO! You wear pants on your hips. 40" hips ffs.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    5'10" Size sixteen...
    And darn proud of it seeing as I was a 24 in August.
    Wow suddenly the arguing doesn't make a bit of different, I'm a 16! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

    I forgot my stats:
    Cuban, Italian, German...(A family reunion could bring on world war three, I know...)
    223 pounds. :)
  • I am White (German, Native American, and ???), 5'11'', 285 pounds, and I wear a size 20 comfortably.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I don't really care about this debate... nobody else's opinion of me matters to me. I just felt like putting in my stats :)

    Mixed race, 5'3.5", hovering around 150 lb currently, Size 6/8 depending
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    White/Native American, 5'2.5", 115, size 4
  • White (1/16th black,if that even really counts)/ 221 lbs / 5'1 3/4" / 16-18
  • (it's ALL in my stomach!)

    If I didn't have this huge tummy, I'd probably wear 16/18.

    THIS. is me. lol
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    40 inches of fabric around your waist is quite a lot seeing as how carrying weight around your waist means you're more at risk of heart disease/diabetes etc.
    We have an advert here that says if your waist measures more than 80cm for women (which is 32 inches) it is an indicator of internal fat deposits, which can coat the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas, and increase the risk of chronic disease.

    It IS important.

    The OP didn't say 40 inches of fabric around the waist. I'm pretty sure she meant total...or at least one complete garment (pants, shirt...whatev).

    Size 12 is 40 inches waist...For God's sake, don't be so obtuse. Where do you think they're measuring???

    Actually, it's not. I was the OP on the post that THIS OP is talking about. I'm a size 12 and a 35 inch waist, thank you very much.

    NO NO NO NO NO! Where do you wear pants? Pulled all the way up to your natural waist? NO! You wear pants on your hips. 40" hips ffs.

  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    40 inches of fabric around your waist is quite a lot seeing as how carrying weight around your waist means you're more at risk of heart disease/diabetes etc.
    We have an advert here that says if your waist measures more than 80cm for women (which is 32 inches) it is an indicator of internal fat deposits, which can coat the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas, and increase the risk of chronic disease.

    It IS important.

    The OP didn't say 40 inches of fabric around the waist. I'm pretty sure she meant total...or at least one complete garment (pants, shirt...whatev).

    Size 12 is 40 inches waist...For God's sake, don't be so obtuse. Where do you think they're measuring???

    Actually, it's not. I was the OP on the post that THIS OP is talking about. I'm a size 12 and a 35 inch waist, thank you very much.

    NO NO NO NO NO! Where do you wear pants? Pulled all the way up to your natural waist? NO! You wear pants on your hips. 40" hips ffs.

    That makes more sense. Last time I measured, my hips were somewhere around 40 inches. Was the shouting necessary, though?
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Age 51
    5' 10"
    197 pounds
    Size 14 pants but they are getting loose! :tongue:
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    Age 39
    Australian size 10
  • TrekkieChic
    TrekkieChic Posts: 109 Member
    I'm mixed race (mom was Bushman, Xhosa and white; my dad is plain ol' white Englishman). I have the typical bushman build: short, small hands and feet, big boobs and wide hips. Sadly, I have a flat *kitten* :( I'm 5' nothing, 188lb, UK size 12/14, Levi's size 32.

    Tall girls are usually surprised by my clothing size, but they often don't realise that I'm *very* short, so smaller sizes fit me better than bigger sizes do.
  • femmefae
    femmefae Posts: 65 Member
    Age: 19, Black, 4'11", 146, US Size 10
  • namari
    namari Posts: 54 Member
    Actually in true sizing 12= 32 inches 10= 30 inches 14= 34inches its only the vanity sizing that throws everything out.

    Case above trekkiechic who is size 12/14 and 32" in jeans :) proper size 12
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Black, 5'10", 168lbs, 10
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Caucasian, 5'2" (when I stand on my good leg), currently 153 and the two newest clothing purchases (some jeans and a skirt to tide me over for a while since I'm swimming in most of my clothes now but don't want to spend alot on a new wardrobe now when I still have about 38ish lbs. to go and will soon outshrink any new stuff) are 14. My goal is 115ish and size 6 -- not because of any cultural conditioning or outside pressure but only because I know that when I was at that weight many years ago, that was my size, naturally. That IS what I am very realistically when I'm at a healthy weight and I'm good with that. If something has changed and I get to my weight and my body has changed its related size, OK fine....I'm so not obsessing over a number. Merely figuring that when I get to my former weight, my former size will be comparable to what it was before. But I am SO OK with who I am....I was OK with myself at my heaviest, I'm OK with myself now and I'll be OK with myself in another 38 lbs. This is merely a means of proving a medical point to my doctor so I can get my joint pain issues addressed for real. IMO anyone who likes me more or less because I weigh more or less is not really my friend anyway so I will hang with those who like me no matter what because I like me just the way I am. As far as whether size 12 is fat .... I agree with your main points but let me point out that a size 12 on someone who is 6 feet tall is going to look way different than on someone who is 4'8" for I totally don't think you can make any kind of generalization on this point. I have a friend in the fashion industry and evidently "The Devil Wears Prada" was not too far off the mark in saying that there is great pressure in that field to be a size 4 or less, the smaller the better so if you buy into that hype and think everyone needs to be a size 0 or be forever considered "fat" -- you are going to wind up with alot of needless stress and insecurity and body dysmorphism that destroys your self-confidence and gives you a jaundiced, twisted view of reality; and I for one have alot better ways to spend my time and energy than to get caught up in worrying about all that.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I cant help it my butt's big and i have to get a bigger size to fit in jeans cause of it! :/ GAHH! PSHHT! Ohh well, id rather have a bigger jean size then a flat a s s ! lol. but, then i have to get them hymed cause they drag the floor when i walk!


    i'll never tell.
    it really depends on where i shop, i dont have two pairs of jeans the same size.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I have something to say. A thread from yesterday, "Size 12=fat", really has me feeling a certain kind of way- so, I need all of you to help me prove a point. See, many people argued whether size 12 was consider fat or not. Some people said yes, some said no. Which is even the more reason why there is no "right" answer to this question. Whether someone looks "fat" or "skinny" is in the eye of the beholder. Folks even threw in the race card..... So let's be real, the size that one appears to be -is based on numerous aspects- culture, culture perception, culture preference, personal preference, height, body structure, body frame, bone structure, elasticity, muscle tone, clothing brand, color, material, etc., and etc.,.! Yesterday someone even compared Kate Moss to Marilyn Monroe-stating they had the same measurements, therefore, Marilyn was not a size 12, as many people argued she was on the tread. I don't know what size Marilyn was, considering there are so many speculations, but, I can tell you she was curvy, her weight fluctuated, and she and Kate Moss- definitely do not have the same body shape, period! Which proves again, that clothing size or weight does not necessarily dictate your actual size. As woman we really need to stop comparing ourselves to others and setting unrealistic objectives. We were all given a body we did not choose. We all have specific body types and structures. Do not believe that you can achieve any body type you want, it's not true! However, you can perfect the body you already have. And am' talking via natural remedies. We all have the capabilities to be beautiful and comfortable in our skin, whether your skinny, thin, muscular, semi-muscular, curvy, thick, full-figured, big, etc., and etc.,... The first key to happiness is loving yourself. The second is being healthier. The third, is finding "your" ideal body- within realistic measures. I have friends here who range from, very fit to heavy- yet, they all look great. It's all about what you want; we all have our own opinions; and everyone is not going to find you attractive. The truth is "Size 12= about 40 inches of fabric". Embrace who you are and your preference! Do me a favor and list as followed: Race, Height, Weight and Clothing Size. Watch and see how everyone's sizes vary:

    Such a beautiful post.
    White, 5'3.5, 172lbs, size 10/12
  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    White, 5' 7", 296 lbs, size 22
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    White, 5'4, 158lbs and UK 10-12
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