Thank you. Not trying to get there any quicker....I'm not unhappy with the way I look now, so no rush. I'm to a point where I want to shake things up and see what the old bod is capable of looking like.
I can do 250 pretty easily, and I'm 6'4", but I have really strong, big legs naturally (wish they were leaner haha). But I had to work up to it. Our range of motion is a lot maybe it makes it more difficult (I have never experienced a workout from a short perspective so I dunno). Lastly, don't listen to anyone…
Very beautiful!
Very beautiful
Looking sexy in that suit!
Very sexy yourself...I would kill for lips like yours! Beautiful!
Quite hansome...nice smile :)
Wow this was a while ago! On my way back to the fit me, one little baby step at a time....if I can do it once,i can do it again!
Fabulous accomplishment! Wtg!
Dance :)
Friend hug
You smell like success. Great job so far on your weightloss!
Cotton candy
Aeropastale Blue jean model!
Coffee and mischief :)
Great Rod_M, thank you! I'm not concerned at all about production quality, just workout quality. Is there a lot of jumpinging? Does it require any equipment? As soon as this knee is healed, I'm going for it
Please let me know how you like it Isabelle...I'm holding off for now due to my knee injury but I think I'll give it a try once I've recovered.
I never got it due to having to have knee surgery but I might after I'm recovered
Wowzers! Awesome job!