

  • A lovely salad, finished off with a cup of coffee (skim milk of course) and a piece of toast with peanut butter. Iceberg Lettuce, 1 cups 97% Fat Free Bacon, 50 g Grated Parmesan Cheese, 10 g Coffee - Mug Instant Coffee With Skimmed Milk, 1 mug (350 ml) Egg - Medium Hard Boiled Egg, 2 medium egg Peanut Butter Crunchy, 10 g…
  • Awsome, I am doing the same thing, orignally i tried to star off slow going from 1500 up by 5%, but after a few days i started to become so hungry that i just upped my levels to my maintenance levels of 2400. I dont stick to this I watch my macros more closely, so most of the time I am under this. I have been doing this…
  • Pre planning is the key. I find pre planning all my food for tomorrow the night before a big help. Especially when I decide ohh tomorrow I really want toast with peanut butter for breakfast, so I allow for that as my guilty option first and then plan the rest of my foods around that one meal that i really want to have. You…
  • Yes, I have just started this week and am having some interesting results. Previously i was eating 1500 calories going to the gym 2 times a week and rollerblading for 3 hours once a week. I re did my calculations and discovered that in order to support my lifestyle i needed to be eating 2400, this is maintenance level so…
  • MFP has lots of great members who are supportive and there is a wealth of information and personal opinion, don't get too caught up in the last one research things for yourself and make an informed decision based on your needs and goals. Remember your an individual and not everything works for everyone. Its all trial and…
  • I just got mine out of the drawer today, and chargerd her up all ready for use!!
  • Part of your information is correct, but the other half is incorrect. Starvation mode in an incorrect term, its more like preservation mode. if you eat below you BMR you may lose something but the body then starts to preserve your fat reservations in order to sustain your body and keep your organs functioning the longer…
  • Thank you, I have recently discovered this also, and am working my way back to eating my correct maintenance level. I do expect to gain some weight back, until this is resolved, but once my metabolism catches back up and is working properly again at least i will have something to cut from.
  • Thank you! someone with the intelligence to realise how things actually work. We cant put brains in watermelons!
  • Bahahaha thats too funny
  • I do weights, and HITT cardio. I am also a skater/rollerblader and play inline hockey.
  • Your bf is right, if you create a deficit with exercise then there is no need to double the deficit with cutting calories as well. That will only ruin your metabolism, you will lose weight for a bit if you do the double up, but eventuall it will catch up and will take extreme measures to get through the plateau. make…
  • I am doing the same thing, I can not lose anymore weight and I train 3 days a week plus play Inline hockey. Recently I discovered I am eating 1000 calories below what I should be, I am reverse dieting adding back in so that when I cut I have something to cut from. Start small I did 5% increase for the first week and then I…
  • You are not crazy or a freak. Everyone is an individual and you have to find what works for you. I am in the same position. I exercise 3 days a week, and play inline hockey, currently eating 1500 calories. This is not enough to support the running of my body let alone all the exercise I do. I am no longer dieting but…
  • Frozen is ok, but you get better nutrients from fresh food's. Alternatively you can try protein shakes, I struggled to eat my daily protein requirements so I supplement.
  • It sounds like your diet is under control. Perhaps changing one of you walks for some weights one day a week. You don't even need to be a gym member, there are plenty of ideas and suggestions on the internet, some as simple as carrying two full water bottels with walking and swinging your arms with them, or shortening you…