newcomer to healthy diet and exercise

Hi everyone, I just started counting calories and exercising regularly for the first time in my life. I always weighed between 105-110 lbs my entire adult life, but a sedating medication made me gain 15 lbs. With my doctor's advice, I've weaned myself off medication and adopted regular exercise to tackle insomnia. But how do I lose fat to fit into my clothes again?

I just started counting calories on MFP a few days ago, and it showed me that I had no idea how much I was consuming a day. (For example, tonight I accidentally made myself a 1100 calorie more butter, I guess.) MFP calculated that I should consume a 1200 net calories a day. Is that too extreme??? I am having a really difficult time abiding by that! It seems that I naturally eat 1600-1800 calories a day. My boyfriend thinks that I only need to increase my cardio intensity rather than count calories at all.

I'm still learning my way around the gym, too. Does anyone have any cardio advice for a petite girl? What's your cardio/diet routine?


  • milksibling
    Has anyone ever lost weight without dieting?
  • R3dVamp
    R3dVamp Posts: 18
    Your bf is right, if you create a deficit with exercise then there is no need to double the deficit with cutting calories as well.
    That will only ruin your metabolism, you will lose weight for a bit if you do the double up, but eventuall it will catch up and will take extreme measures to get through the plateau. make healther chices with your food with a few substitutions and add in exercise and you will see results.