kimanne4 Member


  • I'll start tomorrow but I need a bit of a push to get through the next week. After that I should be ok!
  • When I'm working out I remember what I felt like a little over a year ago and how amazing the past year has been. I can do things I never imagined doing! I also imagine the pounds dripping off and the feeling of crossing the finish line at a race. Then I think about what MFP will say I'll weigh in five weeks!
  • Success is a daily thing for me. If I stay within my limit for the day that's success to me. Losing a tenth of a pound is success to me. Success, as life, is a journey not a destination. That's my intellectual smart alack answer is exes thinking "dang I'm an idiot!" hahaha
  • I have a FitBit and it is amazing at motivating me to move more. I love the website so I can compete with friends for steps. The only thing I don't like is I don't have the Ultra so it doesn't sync until I get home at night and while it adjusts my calories on MFP it doesn't show it in the newsfeed. I like telling people…
  • I'll be 40 in November and I don't want to look like I'm 40. I've been running and pushing myself to be as physically fit as possible so I can feel good and look good going into my 40s. Plus there is the whole I'm single and men are paying a lot more attention since I've lost some weight. Not a bad thing:)
  • I recently started running three days a week and doing 30 Day Shred daily. I had to increase my calories because I felt like I was starving! I went from 1300 to 1500 calories. The scale is stagnant but I can tell a difference in my body. Muscle definition I didn't have before and things are just tighter. It's difficult to…
  • I think the most important part is to just move. Do your best and keep moving. The only way to get the strength and endurance is to push yourself. You'd be surprised what your body can actually do. I'm 39 and I can keep up...anyone
  • Kelly Clarkson - Catch My Breath Pink - Blow Me (One Last Kiss) One Republic- Breathe Again Metro Station - Shake It I just started running and these are a few of my current faves. I run to some slower songs because they have a good beat even if they aren't really fast:)
  • I gained six pounds last week eating everything I wanted. I started logging again on Friday and the damage is down to 1.8. If you lost it once you can lose it again!
  • I forgot about Shakira. She looks awesome but still curvy:)
  • Jennifer Lopez but with a little more meat on my bones. I have a booty that is never going to be gone but I'm very OK with it! I don't want to be all muscular just toned up some. I want to look feminine and curvy:)
  • Eat the goodies you like just don't eat a lot of it! I've lost weight through potlucks this month that way. It's about portion control:)
  • I'm OBSESSED with my FitBit! Why else would I walk in place while I'm making cookies with my son today?? It is an excellent motivator and I'd feel lost without mine. Actually I have felt lost the couple of days I forgot it when I was getting dressed in the morning. It's always attached to me. Anyone can feel free to add…
  • When I started my goal was 150 lbs and a size 12. Well I'm at a size 16 already so I'm thinking of setting a second goal of 130 and I'm thinking that will be a size 8? I haven't been that small for a very long time. Of course I haven't been the size I am now for about 20 years or so!
  • I just started and yes it is tough! I've been going to Zumba but running is kicking my butt! Looking forward to actually running a 5K so that keeps me going. I don't always make it all the way through my run but I'm running and that's what matters! Just keep going!
  • I have made some changes such as adding more fruit to my diet but I never say I can't have anything. If I do...I'll want it more! So if I want something I'll eat it just not as much and I log EVERYTHING. When my calories are spent I'm done. I am making healthier choices because I want to spend my calories wisely but I'm…
  • I'm going through that right now and I went nuts yesterday and ate everything I could get my hands on. It was BAD! lol It's just an oh well and back to it today though. I watch my calories the next day and move on.
  • What app do you have that helps you with weight training?
  • Measure it out and enjoy your food! I don't believe in saying you can't have something or you'll eat a ton of it. I don't count carbs just calories and it's working out quite well:)
  • Awesome! You're on your way and that is the most important thing...the journey! Congrats to you:)
  • That is an awesome idea!
  • I've used the XBox game but I like the songs that my instructor uses in class better. She even takes requests! For those of you who are shy about the classes please go and try one! I'm not thin by any stretch but no one cares in the classes. It really is like a huge party!
    in Zumba Comment by kimanne4 April 2012
  • Send me an invite please:)
  • You look AMAZING! Congrats on your success!
  • I've been doing Zumba for six weeks now. I've lost 11 1/4 inches and 12.5 pounds so far! It works EVERY muscle in your body! I think you get out of it what you put into it. I might eventually add strength training but right now Zumba is doing all of it. We do a different combo of dances each time I go and I'm super sore…
  • I'm a pear. I've always been a pear and I'll always be a pear no matter how much weight I lose. But I'll tell you love pears! I've yet to have a man tell me my behind was too Sir Mix-A-Lot was right...hahaha
  • Seeing 249.4 on the scale is what did me in. I haven't weighed myself in forever and when I saw how close I was to 250 I about fell over. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of shopping in the women's section. I'm tired of hearing my ex's voice in my head saying I'm fat. Most importantly I'm not ready to be sick. I don't…
  • I'm a quote nut. Love how they can give you the boost you need to get up and go. Here are a few that inspire me:) The voice in your head that says you can't do this is a liar. Start by doing what is necessary then do what is possible. And suddenly you are doing the impossible. Fit is not a is a way of…
  • I log EVERYTHING. Love the bar code scanner! I think you should log everything so you know how much your cheat day costs. I had one a couple of weeks ago and still logged it so I could see how much eating whatever I want is really worth calorie wise. I enjoyed the day but also realized how much progress I'm making. It was…