ravengirl1611 Member


  • Way back in the beginning of my time here on MFP I changed my diary to have just one category called all food - I start logging in the morning and finish at the end of the day - just consider yourself warned that if you go in an change from a multi category to one category you will lose the information from previous…
  • I also have knee issues and my trainer worked really hard to find things that I could do that didnt aggravate my knees. We started out with glute/ham raises and worked up to the other usual ones on the machines (cant for the life of me remember what they're called - basically lifting the bar thats across your ankles up or…
  • Bravo!!!!!
  • I found the Dan's roadmap on the 2nd or 3rd day on here and started it right away along with strength training with a personal trainer - although the scale weight hasnt dropped as fast as I may have liked it - the other losses have been huge and Im super thrilled with my progress so far - I've lost 5% BF and untold inches…
  • Thank you Thank you Thank you - I was getting depressed trying to think of a way I could still have my nachos when I found this post - you just made me a very happy girl!!!! Will definately be having these as soon as I buy some potatos.
  • 1200 cals is a general number that rarely fits anyone - regardless of who tries to eat at that amount - for me I had to understand and be able to figure out what a good quantity of calories would be for me right now and into the future (I re-evaluate every 5lbs lost or so) When I started on MFP I found this link and it did…
  • those are some awesome NSV's - keep up the great work!!!
  • I know this will be hard to understand but in my family none of us are baseball people and I've truly never got the fascination with the game - however - family bonding time - that I get and this is another fantastic post that brought a tear to the eye (unfortunately I read these at work so I get some strange looks…
  • for me - I change up my program so to speak every 3 weeks or so - I do a full body workout 3x / week every week with cardio either before or after (depending on schedule) what changes is what particular exercises I do during that full body workout - some things are always on the menu but other things change - I tend to get…
  • I have mini goals set for the next while - when i reach those I'll set some new ones - and so on and so on - even when I reach maintenence I'll just find some other goals to work towards. As long as you keep moving you keep living and I plan on living a long time
  • non - scale victory A way of measuring progress (and a great one too!) that doesnt include a scale!
  • regular day to day tidying up I dont count or log or anything that is a normal part of my daily routine - anything outside of that yep I log it - when I put up all the christmas decorations - it got logged - I spent the better part of 12 hours digging all the boxes and totes out of the attic (18 trips up and down the…
  • at the risk of sounding repetative - watch the sodium, drink lots of water - if you're in the habit of weighing daily then I would continue - you know why the extra weight is going on and you can keep an eye on it better if you're weighing often. Also - although going off the meds is causing the water retention if it is…
  • I'd double check that you dont have your numbers set too low - When my numbers are set right I dont get hungry at all but I'm usually ready to gnaw on my arm if they're too low. Check this link out - should help you! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 Good luck
  • Just sits back and applauds the pundits and appropos comments and laments not being able to get here sooner.
  • Here's the link to Dan's info - just follow the directions - keep between BMR & TDEE and you'll do fine http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • Personally I have never had this and never will - but my mom and grampa both love peanut butter and onion sandwiches - just the thought alone is enough to throw me but I like peanut butter on toast and you dip it into corn syrup - not often but once in a while gotta have it.
  • Watched a bit of the video - however from the comments here I'm thinking I'm pretty thankful there's no sound on my pc at work. The whole Body by Nautilus / Brain by Fisher Price thing has never worked for me. The first thing I notice and find most attractive about a guy is a good mind - ok after a nice *kitten* and maybe…
  • I usually just have yoghurt & cheese and fruit with me every day to nibble on as I feel nibbly - but I also usually have something in the desk for those days Im a little extra nibbly - last week it was popcorn and pistachios - I have a little bowl that holds between 1/4 & 1/2 a cup so I just fill it and put the rest away -…
  • all this is is a cash grab - you arent supposed to be the one holding the parties to begin with - either the jack / jill (also called a stag & doe or buck & doe) bridal shower/ bachelor party - maybe the engagement party - and if you do have an engagement party its just to let everyone know about the engagement and to give…
  • I do all of my tracking by measurments - the scale weight is just a guideline for me to see how my sodium intake is affecting me. High sodium will mean a gain of up to 3lbs in a day - but if I keep the sodium low I get losses. To me measurements are the only thing that should be getting tracked - especially if you're…
  • I've tried a number of different kinds - they're all similar and as was said - gender neutral - I just looked for the highest protien qty w/ lowest carb qty for the best price.
  • genetics may (and thats a big may) play a part in whether or not you will gain a lot or a little bit of weight when you're eating and not exercising habits go all to hell for whatever reasons - however - if genetics were the only factor in weight gain no one would be able to lose the weight. There are a lot of issues that…
  • I havent cut anything out - cutting things out is a diet and this is a lifestyle change for me. What I have done is cut my portion sizes down to a more acceptable amount, for example eating 2oz of cheese every day instead of 6oz. I keep within my macros. The biggest change that I've made besides portion sizes is cutting…
  • Thankfully I read the wall comments before reading this and left my coffee sitting comfortably on the other side of the desk so as not to spit it all over the monitor whilst laughing my fool head off - thanks Scott for another awesome post. Hopefully all of the TFT family are doing well. Please have a safe journey home.
  • A calorie is just a unit of measure - it just measures heat energy - food / beverages are made up of the macro nutrients - protien, carb, fat etc - everything is made up of the macro nutrients in some mix
  • best freaking post I've read yet - please keep reposting this every day until the information it contains sinks into every head on here! Thanks!!!!!!