MindOverMatter Member


  • Just to add to what everyone else is saying here...I would like to add that I agree height, shape, bone structure, and muscle have everything to do with sizing. Sizing is a tricky thing for women because we can very well assume that the number means everthing. Unfortunately designers use a person a inspiration and if that…
  • WOW! Thank you Ladies! For all the love and support! I think as women we should all support each other and help one another since we are such emotional beings! I agree that the people around us often are the ones that undermine your success in fear that you will some how surpass them. I have tried to remove negative…
  • Lorrigarcia- It's crazy because even now as I watch the number of views go up I am wondering what prevented some of the people who viewed the post from saying something. I don't want to be that way...and not share who I am with the world! I am who I am and that should be good enough for me to accept! If there are people…
  • LOL! I certainly do not know the secret but I know that anger definitely is the surface emotion and not the root! I have found the root of my anger and I am trying my hardest to deal with that!! @ Nikki-Thank you :)
  • Hello! How has everyone been?
  • Hello All, Its been a while since I have updated, I apologize for my absense! Our family had a scare with my Grandfather who has been fighting cancer. So things were tense and tough. I found myself eating food that I hadn't touched in months and now I am paying for it. My stomach is in knots! I have decided that cheese and…
  • Highs-Had a relaxing day and my body is sore from working out Lows-Didnt get the change to complete my laundry as i had planned ...lol there is always 2morrow!
  • Highs for yesterday: Met a new professor whom I liked, seems like the semester with him will be easy. Lows: Well there were not real low points, so nothing to report. I am having an old friend over today and I am happy about that but I am also worried that not much has changed. Keeping my fingers crossed that she has…
  • This really sux!! The cop could have gave you a warning atleast, considering it was not during school hours! Sometimes the way other people treat us or the things they do to us directly affect how we feel and act. The last time I had McDonalds it was nasty and I could see it for what it was after, but in the moment that I…
  • :bigsmile: Congrats to EVERYONE who has hit their goal before Feb 1st!! Also Congrats to those that are well on their way!! I on the other hand have to figure out what is holding me back from losig the scale has been holding steady and not budging! I think it is time to REVAMP and REVISE. I think I might have to tweak my…
  • Hola!! Highs-I made the best Turkey meatballs tonight!! Yummo! and they are very low in fat sodium and calories. Only 240 for a serving of 4! Lows- I have had a sinus headache and I tired using the Nedi Pot...and I almost drowned myself, but I got the hang of it!! LOL!
  • Ok its Monday and I am ready to start my week on a good note! I have my day mapped out and I am ready to just "Get Ur Done" LOL!!! LETS GO!!! :)
  • Hey Everyone! Highs-again I will say I am truly blessed and that is a high for me each and every day. I also continue to get alot accomplished and it feels so good. School starts back up this week so I want to make sure all projects have been completed before I have to give all of my attention to school. Low- ITS SNOWING…
  • WOW, where has this week gone! Just realized I have not posted since Monday! I have not been feeling to hot, but I feel a little better today! I have not budged on the scale but TOM started yesterday and I tend to retain a whole week prior to it! I am hopeful of a good number on Sunday.
  • Hello All! Highs over the past few days: I feel that I have been able to get alot accomplished even though I have not been feeling good at all. I also and thankful for each day! I truly believe that I am blessed! Lows: Watching this tragedy in Haiti, makes me feel so deeply saddened! There are so many people that are still…
  • Low: I am completely EXHAUSTED...I am not sure if I am sick or what...but I have not been feeling so hot. Highs: I got alot accomplished today inspite of being so stinky! :)
  • Hello!!! Welcome to all the NEWBIES!!! Well I have not budged on the scale but I figure that is because my body is retaining water at this point! So I realize that all though I am working I am not really going to see to much. I finally got that Zumba schedule and it is offered at several times during the week and I am so…
  • ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!! KNOCK em dead girl!!!! :)
  • Hello Friends!! I found the BEST SALSA EVER and of course I wanted to share! It's made by a company called Desert Pepper and there are several flavors, but I had the peach mango salsa!!! YUMM-O , HOWEVER it cost me $4.79 but it was SOOOOOO worth it because the flavor is great and the sodium is only 25g per serving and that…
  • WELCOME NEWBIES!!!! I am feeling a little lazy today but I am aware that I weigh in tomorrow and I am trying not "order out" since I have boarded the lazy train...LMAO! I will be ok I just need to get my but in gear and make dinner once I actually start it will not seem like such a problem!! How is everyone??? How did you…
  • Today has been VERY uneventful!!! LOL! I know that Aunt Flo is right around the corner and I get supper lazy and tired around that time, but I try to fight it. LOL! II am trying to get some pep in my step so I can begin dinner but I think I am too lazy for that right now. I just woke up from a mini nap and I have to say I…
  • They have Zumba at my gym but I still haven't done it! I want to so I am getting the schedule again so I can join in. I love dancing and that sounds like a fun and excellent way to burn calories!! WoooooHOOOOO! I was thinking of making pizzas tonight but I find that the premade wheat dough is not my friend...it doesn't…
  • Highs-completed one home project!! YAHOOOO! Lows-I am so tired and I cant sleep, I also went ove rmy calories :(
  • Do you find that you are craving water now? I am a water person and always have been, sometimes I crave a soda, but when I am thirsty the only thing that can really cure the thirst is water! Maybe I am just a weirdo from birth...lol but I find it so refreshing, I go NOWHERE without water, all my friends make fun of me.…
  • Pinbot- I love shopping but what I really love is finding fantastic deals like...a $100 leaning ladder bookcase for 39.99! I have such a feeling of satisfaction, but then I realize that oh wait that probably is still most than cost! Good luck on your shopping, I wish you many deal findings... :) :) Keri-Sounds like you had…
  • So I am back as promised and I went to the grocercy and I am fully stocked! I actually went to 2 stores and then realized that I prefer my fav to the one I was in...even the sales couldn't keep me there. I guess we are all creatures of habit...I love shopping at stop and shop because of the shopping buddy...ringing as you…
  • Welcome Newbie Kerimcdonald! Glad you found us! cc_campbell81- I am happy that your pain is managed but I am sorry you are not hungry. How ironic, that there would be a level of anguish about NOT eating. I hope that you can get to atleast 1200 everyday, woudln't want you to get sick. I have struggled with eating myself I…
  • Hello Old and New Friends!!! This Challenge should be great! Everyone seems to be so PUMPED and ready to lose this weight!! Did anyone see Biggest Loser last night? I swear that is my motivation because we are all capable of getting out of control! When I started losing weight I was 239.5 and that is not far from 300 and I…
  • Good Morning MFP Friends! I wanted to say that I am so grateful for this group! You all are wonderful and I really appreciate that we are all able to share good and bad experiences. For me, this is wonderful keeps me out of the kitchen trying to find "Comfort" snacks...LOL! You guys are the best!!! :) Highs: I have my Good…