~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All!

    Highs over the past few days: I feel that I have been able to get alot accomplished even though I have not been feeling good at all. I also and thankful for each day! I truly believe that I am blessed!

    Lows: Watching this tragedy in Haiti, makes me feel so deeply saddened! There are so many people that are still hurt and under ruble and concrete buildings. That could have been our country! Some people have said some pretty negative things and it disturbs me. Also TOM arrived yesterday and I look forward to seeing the water weight shed...since I have not budged in the scale.
  • cc_campbell81
    Lows: Watching this tragedy in Haiti, makes me feel so deeply saddened! There are so many people that are still hurt and under ruble and concrete buildings. That could have been our country! Some people have said some pretty negative things and it disturbs me.

    It really upsets me too. I feel so helpless watching. I just keep thinking if I could be there that would be one more pair of hands to help dig people out and maybe a few more people could be saved. I try to ignore the stupid people on tv but it is horrible some of the stuff being said.

    Highs- a nice day with my husband and daughter, getting to sleep in, the scale finally budged. I weighed 137 today. That is 20lbs lost!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats on the weight loss cc.

    The disaster in Haiti makes me me sad too. I try not to watch the news - it always makes me sad. They should have more positive things on all the time.

    My spirits have been higher since the weather has warmed up. I just feel happier. As an update on my New Years goals, I have started listening to the bible on my way to my first client in the mornings (normally a 20 min car ride) and have gotten 2.5 hours into it. Today I am starting my week of vegetarian eating. I plan to have eggs, dairy, cheese, etc but no fish, pork, beef, etc. I filled out paperwork to join The Eagles. My mom belongs and they do a lot of volunteer community work and its close to my home.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mine was nice. Day 1 of vege eating went well. I actually made an egg sandwich for breakfast and had peanut butter and jelly for an afternoon snack. I made several soups to last the week and hard boiled some eggs for lunches. I loved running outside - it was sunny and 40 degrees:bigsmile: The only low in life is that my laptop is still causing headaches.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Highs-again I will say I am truly blessed and that is a high for me each and every day. I also continue to get alot accomplished and it feels so good. School starts back up this week so I want to make sure all projects have been completed before I have to give all of my attention to school.

    Low- ITS SNOWING AGAIN!!!!!! lol! I am losing interest in the winter wonderland effect...before Chriatmas I am all for after christmas I start the count down to Spring one of my favorite seasons...lol
  • cc_campbell81
    Good evening.

    Highs: My sister (age 25) got engaged, went to a movie with my husband (Book of Eli, it was good), rented Wii Biggest Loser game and tried that out, got my 18 month old to sit down for a whole hour to do her hair (She has very curly wild hair), got my husband to join me and our daughter for a walk, my husband straightening up the house while I was Instant Messaging my sister like a giggly 16 year old, and as always my beautiful family.

    Lows: ate too much at the movies, haven't gotten around to my French homework that is due tomorrow. (probably should do that instead of this but I like you guys more:laugh: )
  • mrsbojangles
    Mon amie cc, il est tres importante pour votre etudes de travailler votre francais! :laugh:

    I'd like to join! Is that OK?

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    welcome mrsbojangles :flowerforyou: We look forward to getting to know you. Maybe you can help cc with her French homework. I have no idea what you typed. Just let us know your highs and lows each day.

    Yesterday was a busy day but I ate well and did manage to get 30 min of exercise in late in the evening. My husband was complaining that I was grumpy and it made me realize I hadn't gotten my fix of endorphins from exercise. I guess if your going to have an addiction, exercise is one of the better ones :blushing: High yesterday - caught up on some paperwork and made it safely home from work. Low yesterday - long day working 9 to 7:45. I had 2 short breaks in the car and was able to check MFP for my other addiction fix. I just love the iphone esp since the d@mn laptop is still not working.
  • cc_campbell81
    Mon amie cc, il est tres importante pour votre etudes de travailler votre francais! :laugh:

    I'd like to join! Is that OK?


    Bonjour. Je sais que est important étudier mais MFP est plus amusant!

    Welcome to the group:>

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    Highs-I made the best Turkey meatballs tonight!! Yummo! and they are very low in fat sodium and calories. Only 240 for a serving of 4!

    Lows- I have had a sinus headache and I tired using the Nedi Pot...and I almost drowned myself, but I got the hang of it!! LOL!
  • mrsbojangles
    highs - I finally lost a pound. I've been toiling over the same four pounds for a while. I finally went below the toiling number! Whew!
    lows - my kitten is picking on the other cats. :devil:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone. Tuesday's highs - got my monthly shopping done and the groceries put away and made a great pasta recipe that a friend gave me. Tuesday's lows - $$$ spent shopping and fatigue from pushing full carts. I did manage to run on treadmill for exercise since we got 2 inches of snow and the high was 25. I just love the look of fresh snow on the ground - all white and pristine.
  • mrsbojangles
    highs - made it to work almost on time for my meeting! :noway:
    lows - made it to work almost on time for my meeting. :blushing:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hello my dear group!! I know I fell off the mfp planet around the holidays. I had some unfortunate problems at home but all is getting better. Good thing is I didn't have a backslide while gone and now I'm rarin to go again!!

    I hope everyone has been doing well!!
  • cc_campbell81
    Hi everyone.

    Highs: My wonderful husband and daughter, great weather (low 70's), getting my email at work up and running again, (it has been down for a week, I couldn't access email or any of my saved documents and it was really stressing me, I had 100 unread emails!), and staying on top of my homework for French class.

    Lows: Not being able to run as much as I want. My legs were hurting bad. As I mentioned before I am supposed to take it easy and ease back into running because my doctor thinks I am developing stress fractures. I guess I over did it. It is so frustrating !
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - sorry to hear your legs are hurting again. Make sure to ice and stretch them. I want 70 degrees :sad:

    Yesterday's highs - nice meeting with my bookclub buddies, have been staying on track with eating, tried 5 min of Zumba instructional video (what fun), and had the afternoon off. Yesterday's lows - didn't see much of my husband and accidentally ate shrimp before I remembered this is vege eating week. I plan to cont the week eating vegetarian and try it again next month.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Bienvenue mrsbojanles! And welcome back krhbutte!

    Highs: Playing Wii with my pops, getting homework done early, skin is clearing up (exercise and cutting out junk food really helps!!), family, friends and sleep!!!

    Lows: little headaches! Errg! My mom not being worried about her health enough to do anything.

    It's still cold out, but not horrible. Just as long as we don't get snow dumped on us (WI) then I'm good!!

    Have a lovely Thursday!!!
  • cc_campbell81
    :sad: I had kind of a rough day. I accidently went over the speed limit in a school zone and got a ticket. I felt so horrible,:ohwell: I would never intentionally speed in a school zone. I thought that it wasn't in effect at that time so I went the normal speed limit. I feel so terrible! I was so stressed and upset I grabbed McDonalds because I was in a hurry and ended up over my calories. I don't even like McDonalds' that much. Then I went to pick up my daughter from daycare she fell out of a chair and bumped her head, was running a fever, and threw up everywhere. Then when we got home she threw up again. I put her to bed at 645 but she is waking up a lot because she doesn't feel well. I had planned to take tomorrow off to catch up on laundry and study but it looks like I will be taking care of my little sick angel instead:>

    I am pretty sore from my workout yesterday. It hurts to sit down because my butt and thighs are sore! :laugh: But I view that as a good thing. I got to spend some time this evening just relaxing and talking with my husband which was nice.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    :sad: I had kind of a rough day. I accidently went over the speed limit in a school zone and got a ticket. I felt so horrible,:ohwell: I would never intentionally speed in a school zone. I thought that it wasn't in effect at that time so I went the normal speed limit. I feel so terrible! I was so stressed and upset I grabbed McDonalds because I was in a hurry and ended up over my calories. I don't even like McDonalds' that much.

    This really sux!! The cop could have gave you a warning atleast, considering it was not during school hours! Sometimes the way other people treat us or the things they do to us directly affect how we feel and act. The last time I had McDonalds it was nasty and I could see it for what it was after, but in the moment that I decided to have it had nothing to do with taste. It was all about my emotions and convienience. Don't worry about the McDonalds and just keep going!! I hope your daughter feels better also!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Highs for yesterday: Met a new professor whom I liked, seems like the semester with him will be easy.

    Lows: Well there were not real low points, so nothing to report.

    I am having an old friend over today and I am happy about that but I am also worried that not much has changed. Keeping my fingers crossed that she has welcomed some chnage in her life.

    TTYL :bigsmile: