~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • cc_campbell81
    Good morning. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I stepped on the scale. It hasn't been a good week. I was expecting a gain but I'd lost a pound. My mini goal is to weigh 140 by Jan 1st. Almost there!

    SW 149, GW 130, CW 142 -7 lbs lost since 22 Oct


    Having a great family & life
    losing a 1lb this week
    getting a little more sleep

    Still sleep deprived
    Having a mile long to do list
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc_campbell81 - that's cool that you are on the other thread too. There hasn't been much action on THE thread lately except for weigh-in days. Congrats on the weight loss.

    My day is turning out much better than expected. My highs for the day so far have been the scale liking me and being down a pound and that a client canceled so I have this free hour to be home and have lunch/check the internet :bigsmile: I haven't decided if it's good or bad but the cleaning lady had to cancel due to bad roads - at least she won't find out what slobs we are. So I guess I better run and do some cleaning. I have taken aspirin twice this morning and my back is down to "2" for pain. It should be gone by this evening. It is not normal for me to have back pain :grumble:

    mpogo - My husband already calls me the crazy cat lady. We have 5 and they are spoiled rotten. That's what happens when you don't have kids. How many cats do you have?
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    My father died from heart trouble 3.5 years ago and I found myself on a downward spiral of depression and gaining tons of weight. 11 weeks ago, I had my all time low when the scale tipped 237. After a good cry, I decided to do something about it. Thank goodness The Biggest Loser was on that night and in the trainer tip Jillian said people that log their food are 10 times more likely to lose weight. I found MFP on google search and haven't looked back. I got off my derriere and started exercising. My energy and outlook have really improved.

    Hey There!

    I know exactly how you feel about your starting weight!! I started this journey at 239 an all time high for me...I gained all of the weight after leaving a domestically violent relationship that change my life. I used food emotionally and the weight was protection from othe men that may come into my life. I cried my heart out when I saw the number! I never bought bigger clothes which was part of my denial...I was stretchy clothes to make myself feel ok! I took before pictures and I can't even begin to tell you what I felt when I saw that picture the first time. Anyway...welcome aboard and please know that we are here to support you on this journey. Everything is not picture perfect an I truly believe in order to succeed we really need to waht got us here in the first place, address it and move forward!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Mopo!!

    I understand how hard it is to maintain weight when you have grown up with poor eating habits! My mother meant well but unfortunately her relationship with food is awful! I didn't really learn how to really eat right until Feburary of this year...I took a nutrition class and it was life changing and eye opening!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All,

    I want to apologize for my absence yesterday! I had a very intense day and I couldn't get it together to get on here. I have finals coming up, papers due, a xmas gathering today and alot of other stressors...lol!

    Yesterday my highs were: Living, good conversation in class, and time spent with my daughter!

    Lows: finding out my friend is getting abused, a loved ones progress with chemo, and the stress of trying to plan this xmas gathering while I believe I am PMSing....that always affects things!


    Highs: seeing friends, relaxing and enjoying my time

    Lows: My need to over compensate, too many things to do that I decided to do, not knowing why some people are inconsiderate.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Good Morning!!
    I got off work this morning to see the sun rise which was beautiful, until I had to bare the cold to scrap the frost off my car. Every Saturday morning I have breakfast with some of my regulars I had at a bakery I used to work at but has since closed. This has been an ongoing tradition for a couple years now. I'm the only female and the youngest by at least 20 years, but I love it. That is my high for today, to see my guys and listen to their stories. All of them have served in at least one branch of the military, two are Vietnam vets and one a Korean war vet but they don't tell me gruesome stories because "a lady shouldn't hear such things." My low for the day is hearing about the health problems that some of them are suffering. One was just diagnosed with throat cancer and it's undetermined if it originated somewhere else, and anothers severe COPD. I'm trying to be postive and cherish the time I do have with them. As far as food and weight, I'm down two pounds!!!! Yay, little victories!
    Have a good day!

    Pinbotchick: I have two male cats a little over a year old, brothers. They can be a handle, annoying and messy (they've broken 3 of my glasses!) but they the right time when I just need love and cuddle time.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good evening everyone... I have been having a great day just doing stuff around the house. High for the day was completing a modified challenge thrown down by my "health group" (friends that e-mail as group on exercise, nutrition and health)... So I had to jog 1/2 mile, do 50 pull-ups (I am so weak I had to modify to just upper body moving - but my biceps burned), 100 push-ups (I got 30 knee push-ups when I hurt so bad, I had to change the rest to standing wall push-ups), then 50 squats, and ending with another 1/2 mile jog (but my legs were like jello so I could only walk at 3.0 mph on treadmill.) WOW what a workout. Low for the day is feeling like an idiot since I can't get my HRM to work... Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I can get it log calories for my whole workout. So I guess that I can add as a high that I actually did 2 workouts today - my mother (at 62 years old) came over after she finished work to workout with me:bigsmile: We did 40 min of a Leslie Sansone walking video. I just love my mom's attitude.

    mpogo - cats do just love to cuddle. My story of the day - the cats love the Christmas tree and some how they keep taking the "bird" ornaments off - I keep finding them on the floor around the house... My husband thinks they are hunting inside since we have 2 ft of snow on the ground outside. I just had to stop a cat from tearing wrapping paper apart - at least it was on the roll and not a wrapped present.
  • cc_campbell81
    Pinbotchick, sounds like you got in a good workout! Congrats! Don't feel bad about the HRM I have trouble with mine too. I have one I really like but it started acting up lately. It's almost like it needs to warm up before it starts working.

    Today's Highs:
    -Having a great life and family
    -My daughter is feeling better today, she was very sweet and cuddly this morning.
    -I weighed 141.5 today! -2 since last week and only 1.5 to my goal of 140 by New Year's.
    -My husband kept my daughter busy so I could take a really long nap.

    Today's Lows:
    -My aunt is in the hospital on life support and may not make it
    -Didn't get much done today
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Not too much to report at the moment, there's still much of the day ahead of me. Work was pretty slow so I was able to get some things done. I'm in a pretty good mood which is nice and there wasn't any dish fatalities from my curious counter hopping kitties. My future sister-in-law sent me a cute Christmas card so it was nice to get some non-junk or bill mail.
    -Having some days off of work
    -Mom's test came back clear of cancer after a lump was found during a routine mamogram
    -Cleaning the house for company
    -Still not much energy to go work out

    pinbotchick~ That is an awesome work out!! GO YOU! That's awesome that your mom is joining in on being active, it's always nice to have some close to home support. My two cats are quite the characters, very investigative about anything that comes through the front door. They rather play with their food across the kitchen floor and any of my headphone cords then the catnip filled toys that were bought for them!

    cc_campbell~ I'm glad you finally got some sleep!! But sorry to hear about your aunt :(
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone... I woke up this morning to what I hope will be my low... My wonderful cats have knocked the Christmas tree over. Boy do I have a mess to clean up :grumble: On the high note, I am planning to go snow shoeing this afternoon and to complete week 4, day 1 of C25K training.

    cc - sorry to hear about your aunt but am glad your daughter is feeling better.

    mpogo - it is nice to get snail mail. I love Christmas cards - its nice to catch up on what everyone is doing. You've motivated me to send some out later today.

    mindovermatter - good luck with school.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So my day turned out much better than I thought it would. I can add to my highs - that no crucial ornaments were broken, the tree is back up and tied to the wall, I managed to run for 5 min not once but twice today with the C25K training and I got my Christmas cards finished. No real lows after finding the tree down. I stayed within my calorie limit and drank lots of water.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    So I am still fighting with myself to feel better and nothing yet! It seems like its never ending ...lol! I don't really know what my highs and lows are yet....I am still drinking my coffee! I will be back a little later on to discuss highs vs lows.

    cc_campbell81 --- I am so sorry to hear about your aunt! Was she sick or was this somethign that came as a shock. Either way that has to be hard? How are you coping?
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    mindovermatter - good luck with school.

    Thank you!! I just can't wait until all the finals are OVER and I have a month off...I will get to spend time with my loved one who is ill....he has asked me to drive him to Chemo...so that gives me time to spend with him! So that is a high and a low :)
  • cc_campbell81
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Thanks for all of your support! I had a good day yesterday. Somehow my aunt woke up! She has MS (multiple sclerosis). She'd been unreaponsive since Friday and life support was breathing for her. She was moved to a larger city hospital and they discovered she had infection through out her body and started her on antibiotics. About 24 hrs later, yesterday, she opened her eyes! She is still on the machines and she isn't out of the woods yet but she is respoonding now.

    My daughter is doing better she slept much better last night. Yesterday we decorated our tree (as my daughter followed us pulling the ornaments off! I guess she prefers the tree plain!) I also cleaned out our storage room and ended up with a car full of stuff to donate. I've been trying to get to that for months! Then in the evening after my daughter fell asleep my husband and I layed on the couch and watched Up. Not sure why it's a kid's movie, very adult themes. But it was nice, we rarely get moments to just hang out.

    Today I am enjoying spending the morning with my daughter before I have to take her to the sitter and go to work. She has her 18 month check up today. I swear kids grow too fast. It seems like I just brought her home a few days ago.

    Only one low. I've been having pain in my right leg and today the doctor told me if I keep running I will get a stress fracture. So I can't run for at least a month.

    Sorry to ramble! Hope you all have a good day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - sorry to hear about your leg. Do what the doctor recommends - it takes months for stress fractures to heal - avoid one at all costs. Did he give you alternative exercises that are okay? Have you researched what to do when you resume ex to avoid the problem in the future. Let me know if you need more information. Glad to hear your aunt and daughter are both doing better.

    mindovermatter - I have 2 friends that recently went through breast cancer treatment. It is tough but most people that get treatment end up doing well in the long run. Make the most of your shared time on the chemo trips.

    So today was a great day. I safely made it driving through the icy, snowy weather and saw all 7 of my patients. My high of the day was taking the back roads through the woods and seeing 2 wild ELK :noway: It was soooo cool. My low for the day was getting stuck in a client's driveway and her shovel had no handle. I did manage so dig myself out and I am sure I looked comical digging with just the shovel scoop. I guess I need to invest in a portable shovel for my SUV. I have to go get ready for a Christmas party - this should be another high for the day.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Good evening!
    Yesterday I was able to hang out with a friend that I had lost touch with so that was really nice then had a little sleep over with my sister and for fun put in sponge curlers for the night. When I woke up and took them out it looked like I had a Shirley Temple wig on! My hair is normally curly, but in a little bit wilder way. Then instead of going to the gym, we braved the cold air took a mile walk around the local university. Since the roads weren't too bad we went to a neighboring city in search of some fashionable boots but I found an awesome coat instead. My high was hanging out with my sister and trying something on that was too big (always a nice feeling.) My low was self esteem a little bit, because I've constantly compared myself to my sister and now that she's lost weight I feel like a frump. But that will change!!

    cc_campbell: That great news about your aunt and your daughter feeling better! Not so good about your leg, but it's good that it's not a stress fracture already. Those are the worst to get over!

    pinbotchick: That's way cool you saw wild elk! I regularly see deer on my way home from work, but that's little compared to elk!! Glad that you made it around safely with these winter roads too!

    mindovermatter: Yay for school almost being over! I'm going back to school next semester so I will be with you on the finals part too when spring hits!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I was on here searching for a thread to talk on. There are so many they confuse me.
    I am 39 (as of Saturday). My biggest was 178 when I was 25. I felt that I was just a "fat mom" and with the help of a friend and my husband I managed to lose 56lbs in a year. After that my weight would fluctuate 10 lbs, but I remained an avid exerciser and kept it under control.
    Then 1 1/2 to 2 years ago the neighborhood I lived in turned to crap and I was forced to sell my first home that I dearly loved and had lived in for 13 years. It took us a year to sell and we were trying hard! It was so stressful! One- always making sure the house looked like a show room, and two- feeling all the resentment toward the people who had come into the neighborhood and turning it into trash. I am not exaggerating! It was awful.
    Any-hoo, Somewhere in that time I quit exercising. I just didn't care. I was consumed with what was going on. I LOVE where I am now, but I am having such a hard time getting my drive back. I keep comparing myself with where I was 2 years ago and get disgusted with myself. Which makes me not want to exercise. Then a year ago I quit smoking (YAY!) but I started eating instead. Now if I try to tell myself not to eat something I get real sad and feel like I have to. Just like with cigarettes!
    I've gained about 30lbs. I really liked who I was when I was in better shape and more enthusiastic! This is only my second day here, and I have done well, but it gets hard sometimes when those cravings hit.
    I read most of your posts, but not all of them. I have to be getting to bed. I have to be at work at 6:30am.
    I hope to talk with you all!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Mac65 :flowerforyou: I can tell you that now is a great time to take charge, start eating better and start exercising again. The older you get, the harder it is too lose the weight. I am 41 now and trust me when I say, I wish I had found MFP several years ago. My mother who is 62 has been exercising with me and I can tell a huge difference in her strength over the last 6 months. We started with slow easy walks and have progressed to light weight lifting, light aerobics, faster walks and snow shoeing. I wish you the best of luck with your journey and look forward to getting to know you. PS your dog is adorable.

    mpogo - I can just picture you with Shirley Temple curls. I am jealous that you have a sister - I only have a brother and he's not very fun to shop with. I cant wait to get to a store and have to put something back because it's too big.

    The party I went to was fun. No one noticed my weight loss but couldn't stop complimenting my mother - she has lost 15 pounds with all of our exercising and she does look great. Maybe next month, they will notice mine - I still have a long, long, long way to go. I did pretty well with eating at the party - planned my day and alotted 500 calories for snacks. I stuck to one plate of food and just took a tablespoon of of the dips. I did have to move the salt and vinegar chips (after my 6th one :blushing: ) They are my weakness. I don't know who put the dish next to me but I discretely moved it when I went to get water and that ended the snacking.

    Have a great day tomorrow - I have to leave early for a full day of shopping. I don't have any clients and plan to make the hour ride with my husband to the big city of Petoskey to finish my Christmas shopping.
  • cc_campbell81
    cc - sorry to hear about your leg. Do what the doctor recommends - it takes months for stress fractures to heal - avoid one at all costs. Did he give you alternative exercises that are okay? Have you researched what to do when you resume ex to avoid the problem in the future. Let me know if you need more information. Glad to hear your aunt and daughter are both doing better.

    The doctor told me no high impact excercises only stuff like eliptical and biking. I have not researched what to do, honestly I am not sure what I did wrong. I had good shoes and didn't run on consecutive days, I stretched and warmed up. So I don't really know what not to do.

    Thanks again to everyone for the support.

    Welcome Mac65!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I am so reluctant to keep going back here with bad news but I am just not a happy camper these days!

    Highs...living, my daughter
    Lows-everything else....blah