~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Mindovermatter - you made this group anything goes... I figure that means we can talk about anything. I am happy to be your sounding board. Maybe if you vent the bad things, it will make you feel better and put them in perspective.

    cc - I will look up my research from last year. I had a young high school client and my differential diagnosis of her pain was a stress fracture. I am a physical therapist. I had her go back to the doctor for a definitive diagnosis. Once she had it confirmed, I gave her a work out routine to follow to reduce risk of re-injury once she was cleared for ex again. I have not heard from her again, so I assume it was successful. Now, I have not seen you and am not able to treat you over the internet, but I should be able to lead you in the right direction. I just need the weekend to find research my notes :bigsmile:

    Highs today - finished my Christmas shopping and got an iphone for myself for Christmas. Lows today - had the crap scared out of me as my husband drove to the big city so I could shop (he makes this drive everyday for work and now I am going to be really nervous everyday about his scary driving :noway: ) and I had to spend 2 hours programming my mother's new cell phone - we have a family plan and she doesn't take well to change. I can't wait to get the MFP iphone app on my new phone :bigsmile

    So, I decided to go on maintenance today vs trying to loose weight. I enjoyed my bookclub party last night and ate out twice today (I really did make good choices). Christmas is next week and we will be out of town from Tues to Friday. It makes more sense to try and maintain this weight for the next two weeks and then resume weight loss. I really don't want to stress myself out.

    I wish everyone else lots of happiness and success the next few weeks.
  • cc_campbell81

    cc - I will look up my research from last year. I had a young high school client and my differential diagnosis of her pain was a stress fracture. I am a physical therapist. I had her go back to the doctor for a definitive diagnosis. Once she had it confirmed, I gave her a work out routine to follow to reduce risk of re-injury once she was cleared for ex again. I have not heard from her again, so I assume it was successful. Now, I have not seen you and am not able to treat you over the internet, but I should be able to lead you in the right direction. I just need the weekend to find research my notes :bigsmile:

    I really appreciate that. I hate that I can't run but I know I have to take the break.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh me oh my - I am on day 3 of no exercise. I just cant get motivated. My low today would be waking up with sore throat that hasn't gone away and having a stress headache. My peppy self has gone into hiding. My high today would be playing with iphone and getting the MFP app to work. I hope my mom comes over to work out so that I will do something....
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All,

    pinbot- thank you, I usually am not a negative person so I try not spread negativity...lol! I did create the group to be able to vent any and everything...I should remind myself of that...lol

    Well the good news is I finally had some release last night, I was able to cry to relieve some stress and some pressure. for some reason I have been unable to cry fro a few weeks which was causing a build up of emotion. I have a lot of family issues going on right now with a loved on who has cancer and it has been tough on eveyone...so I tend to fall into the role of managing everyone's stress level and I wasn't able to handle mine effectively. I won''t claim that things are all better but I am feeling better having had a release...last night.

    Highs today-one final down 3 to go! Last paper completed!
    Lows-bad news from some friends, seems like everyone is down... WTF it's Christmas time!!! (the most wonderful time of the year...not...lol)
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    mindovermatter: Yay for school almost being over! I'm going back to school next semester so I will be with you on the finals part too when spring hits!

    I love school I really do but Finals week is similar to hell week when you pledge a sorority...LOL! It is everything you learned in the whole semester back to back day after day....BRAIN OVERLOAD....lol! But I love it and I am grateful!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    So, I decided to go on maintenance today vs trying to loose weight. I enjoyed my bookclub party last night and ate out twice today (I really did make good choices). Christmas is next week and we will be out of town from Tues to Friday. It makes more sense to try and maintain this weight for the next two weeks and then resume weight loss. I really don't want to stress myself out.

    I wish everyone else lots of happiness and success the next few weeks.

    First I have to say I WANT AN IPHONE....pheww now I feel better! I agree that I will be maintaining the next few weeks until the holidays are over and as of January 1st I will be back in full swing. I definitely plan to eat the way I have been eating BUT I will allow myself to have a few drinkie poos...to celebrate.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Day 4 and I'm being good! Saturday is my birthday so I am looking forward to that as a cheat day. My mom is taking me out to eat and then to my favorite antique store.

    Mind over Matter - Yes I have also noticed all the gloom and tension levels right now. Including mine. Do you think it's because we got Christmas stress, cold weather, and less sun? I don't know. If it makes you feel any better I have also been hesitant to post some of my own problems on here. I consider myself an upbeat person, but I really want to ring some ladies at works' necks! But I feel I can't post anything about it 'cause I don't want you guys to think I'm a crazy lady! You just post away!!!
    I think holding this stuff in for fear of how it will be received is some of what caused us to stuff our faces in the first place!

    CC Campbell - I feel for you. I am also a runner, and I love to Jazzercise! (Yes it's true :)) One of my fears is suffering an injury and not being able to do it. Not only because of weight gain worries but because it would be an identity crisis if I couldn't do those things! Luckily it's not a fracture yet, right? Be careful to do what you need to do now so hopefully you will be good to go soon. You are young and the body is an amazing machine! It should heal fine.

    Pinbotchick - You seem like a fun lady. And how lucky we are to have our own personal physical Therapist! lol. And thank you for the big warm welcome! I take it that there is a lot of snow where you are if you can snow shoe! Good for you! My husband is from Wisconsin and I always thought it would be neat to spend a Christmas in a cabin there. Probably get eat by wolves.

    I feel pretty good today. There's times I want to eat so bad I almost start chewing my dogs raw hides but I've made it. I think it's more emotional than anything. I really wish I could get on here at those times but my daughters usually have the computer.

    HIGHS.......A girl I work with helped a mentally retarded man I take care of draw a beautiful scribble picture for me for my birthday! (He's my all time favorite)

    Lows....I wish I would have got my house clean today, but I didn't. Seems like there's never enough hours in the day to do all you need to do.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    MPOGO! Oh dear, I didn't mean to leave you out! HEY! I loved your story about the sleep over with your sister. It's neat that you guys are such good friends. I had two older brothers and all they did was pick on me. People ask me if it made me tough, and I tell them "No. It taught me to lay down and yell "OW! OW! OW! OW!" until they stopped"
  • cc_campbell81

    CC Campbell - I feel for you. I am also a runner, and I love to Jazzercise! (Yes it's true :)) One of my fears is suffering an injury and not being able to do it. Not only because of weight gain worries but because it would be an identity crisis if I couldn't do those things! Luckily it's not a fracture yet, right? Be careful to do what you need to do now so hopefully you will be good to go soon. You are young and the body is an amazing machine! It should heal fine.

    I know I am fortunate that it's not a fracture yet. I guess I just have this idea stuck in my head that I will only lose weight if I run. I know that's not true but it's the most effective way for me. So I guess I am just pouting a little:> I know it will be fine though.

    Sounds like things are easing up for most of us.

    Today was an overall good day. I took the rest of the week off to prepare for my family coming to visit. My husband's parents, my parents, and my 16 year old sister are all coming to visit this weekend. My daughter is the only grand child so it's a big deal. My husband's parents are staying Friday thru Monday and my family is staying about 10 days. It's going to be hectic but I am looking forward to it because I only see my family about once a year.

    Highs: Great family and life. I got some house work done and took a nap. Getting to watch a movie on the couch again with my husband.
    Lows: Don't really have any except I have a headache over my left eye but I feel grateful that's my only low.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, it's hard to tell where my day starts and ends! I have successfully registered for the spring semester of 2010 at the technical college! That's my high. It's only two classes, but one is online so that'll be nice to 'attend' when it fits my schedule. My other class is one night a week then I just go to work afterward. Maybe that'll get me into a sleep schedule so I can work out before work instead of making excuses not to go after work. I went out to dinner with my parents last night which was really fun. They are so cute! And they take such good care of me. I was able to vent some about work which has built up my courage to do speak up to some of the managers, so maybe I'll be able to have a holiday off next year!! That's my low, I have to work on Christmas so I won't be able to see my family. I'm still going to make the desserts, but I won't get to see their faces when they bite into it. That's my favorite part about cooking or baking. This year it's going to a chocolate plum cake and a cranberry pumpkin upside down cake(including pecans and carmel-y goodness!) It's probably a good thing that I'm just making them and won't be able to eat it!

    Pinbotchick: The good thing about people not saying anything about your weight loss right away is because the next time they see you, you'll have lost even more and look even more fabolous! Plus, just because they don't say anything, doesn't mean they don't think and probably whisper about it to other people.

    CC: It's ok to pout. Before you know it you'll be running again!

    Mindovermatter: You are the creator so you can say whatever you want!! I know I've been holding back a little, but that's just because I know it's not how I act (if I were to say everything, I'd sound like a emotional wreck, when in reality I'M NOT!!) Sometimes you just need to get it out there for people that aren't directly involved and once it is, some of the weight will be lifted.

    Mac55: WELCOME!!! I live in Wisconsin and there is snow right now, but there will be more!!! You wouldn't get eaten by wolves. It's more probable for you to hit a deer (but don't let that stop you!!) LOL. I have 3 brothers plus my sister and I'm the youngest of all 4 so I've experience plenty of picking and a ton of fun!!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hello all,
    I would really love to join on!! This is my 3rd time back to mfp. First time was a total crash and burn(put on additional 10 lbs between the 1st and 2nd time. Started up again in may of 09 and had an almost 40 lb loss!! I have kept up with my weight loss at a slow and steady pace but kinda stopped visiting the site around late August for motivation. I was finding that the group I was in wasn't for me. I know the other members didn't mean to make others feel left out but they had been a long time group and had their "friends" so you kinda would get lost in the fold if you were a newbie. I'm sure a few of you have experienced this, too.
    So I'm now back at it! My boyfriend and I just moved in together and it has been great but he can eat anything and everything at anytime so I'm really gonna have to keep on track or I can kiss my 47 lbs lost good bye!! I look forward to getting to know all of you and I hope that we all reach our goals and dreams for weight loss and life.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    krhbutte Hello! You're in luck! I have no friends!

    No, really I'm new here. I was reading your profile and boy did that sound familiar. Living in denial even though the scale and your pants size have been going up. Me too! I keep telling my self nobody else notices. I'm still skinny, I just don't think I am. But for some reason my feet have been stiff and hurting every morning! And I did have to go buy bigger underwear!

    But....I had some one take a picture of me and put it on the fridge a few days ago so I could no longer live in denial. I do think pictures tell it all. What surprises me about it is the weight in my face. I was to busy looking at my stomach and thighs to notice that. I look kind of tired and haggy in it. I don't want to look like that. I want to look vibrant!

    Good for you coming back.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hey Mac55,
    I hate pictures!!! I know they speak the truth. I just hate hearing or seeing it! My bf kept videotaping me the other night until I totally went exorcist on him! I didn't mean to freak out but I just didn't want the evidence of how much weight I still need to lose on his phone! UGH!!!

    I shouldn't be that way with him because he fell in love with me at this weight. I was about 20 lbs heavier than now when we met. I just don't feel comfortable with it and that's why I need to change. I know it's my crazy stuff and I'm dealing with it.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Thanks for all the encouragement to RANT here...no one like to hear a Debbie Downer in action...lol! Today was a pretty good day for the most part!! The only draw back was the anxiety before the final!! Another one down tomorrow!!

    Highs~ My daughters concert, now 2 finals down...2 to go

    Lows~hmmm, not any really to speak of...this is a good thing!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello all,
    I would really love to join on!! This is my 3rd time back to mfp. First time was a total crash and burn(put on additional 10 lbs between the 1st and 2nd time. Started up again in may of 09 and had an almost 40 lb loss!! I have kept up with my weight loss at a slow and steady pace but kinda stopped visiting the site around late August for motivation. I was finding that the group I was in wasn't for me. I know the other members didn't mean to make others feel left out but they had been a long time group and had their "friends" so you kinda would get lost in the fold if you were a newbie. I'm sure a few of you have experienced this, too.
    So I'm now back at it! My boyfriend and I just moved in together and it has been great but he can eat anything and everything at anytime so I'm really gonna have to keep on track or I can kiss my 47 lbs lost good bye!! I look forward to getting to know all of you and I hope that we all reach our goals and dreams for weight loss and life.

    Welcome Krhbutte!!!

    I am glad you found us!!! :)
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I was kind of naughty yesterday. I don't think it was bad enough I will gain but I'm sure I stunted my loss. I have a perfect excuse . Once I tell you guys about it you will probably all mail me a pizza.

    I bought a new house last year and it still has the 70's bathrooms. The tubs are very slick on the bottom. When I came home from work my husband called me back into the bathroom very proud to show me he had fixed our slick tub problem. He used industrial adhesive and glued big strips of heavy duty sand paper to the bottom of the tub!!! Heavy heavy sandpaper! I about crapped! Then his feeling were all hurt and he was mad because he thought I would be happy. I told him "Honey I don't want to hurt your feelings......but it's SANDPAPER!" I don't know how the heck I'm going to get it out of there. (No I'm not married to Tim Allen either)

    Anyway...He then got in the shower and I went to the kitchen and ate a buckeye, and chocolaty holiday mix, and yogurt with peanuts and peanut butter mixed in. I should have come down here and posted this. Oh well. Start again today. I had 4 good days and one bad, so I figure if I get good again I'll be fine.

    I'll see you guys later!

    I almost forgot LOWS: Had a bad high calorie day.

    HIGHS: I never have to worry about calluses on my feet again!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hi gang, sorry that I missed posting yesterday. Time got away from me and DH was bumming that I have been ignoring him so we had a hot tub date and watched TV without turning on computers last night. It was a great day. I am feeling much better and managed to get off my bu** and do some exercise. Yesterday's high - lost 3 more pounds this week :bigsmile: , ran 2 miles in 26 min, 10 sec ( a new record for me), my sore throat went away, had a date with DH, and finished wrapping Christmas gifts. Low's - missed checking in with you guys spent 30 min waiting in pharmacy for my aunt's medicine (would I have looked like a fool if I had started to exercise in the lobby - it just killed me to sit for 30 min).

    Mac55 - have a great birthday tomorrow. You are too funny in your posts. I am still chuckling. I too went through many periods of denial including "Oh the camera adds 10 pounds" and "the dryer must be shrinking my clothes" (DH does laundry - and he's not Martha Stewart). I am kind of excited to see pictures from Christmas this year. I hope that I like one enough to post and that I look skinnier. I have finally admitted the dryer did not shrink the clothes since they now fit again. I bought most of them when I weighed 10 pounds less than my current weight - 8 years ago. I feel like I have a new wardrobe.

    mindovermatter - congrats on getting enrolled in school. Good luck on the last final today.

    cc - I should have time this weekend to find my notes. At least the doctor said you can do some low impact things. Most of my work outs are low impact and some exercise is better than none. Have fun with your family this week.

    krhbutte - welcome to our group :flowerforyou: It's wonderful that you kept the weight off this last time. They say 3rd times a charm. Good luck to you on your journey and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Tonight my mom is cooking lasagna for dinner and we have a 30 min exercise date before dinner - so I dont know if I will find time to post tonight. Have a great day and a great weekend. Drink your water, do some exercise and make better food choices.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    krhbutte............Don't be to hard on yourself about the picture taking. Your embarrassed! I had the same thing recently when I had my cousins over. I didn't want any pictures of me taken because I didn't want them looking at them later and saying "Wow. Look at the weight Mac55 (not my real name) has put on!) But at the same time it was a wake up call for me. I know what it feels like to love the camera and I know what it feels like to run from the camera. And if any one would have tried to take a picture of me anyway I would have slapped them silly! I want to love the camera again! That's what gave me the idea to put the picture on my fridge. I can see the weight in my arms and shoulders and everything. I have to face it.

    On the other hand, I think you have more to lose than I do and I think the more you have the more frustrating it would be. But you probably would do better to face it.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Mac55 - have a great birthday tomorrow. You are too funny in your posts. I am still chuckling. I too went through many periods of denial including "Oh the camera adds 10 pounds" and "the dryer must be shrinking my clothes" (

    One of my favorites is "Oh you gained 20lbs? Well it must be muscle from all that walking you've been doing." No. I've just been stuffing my face!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    by the way......That was a quote up there but I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know why it came out looking like that!