~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • cc_campbell81
    Mac 55- I think gum is helpful. I also try to busy myself for a little while when I feel like snacking. For example I might say to myself if I am still hungry in 20-30 minutes I will snack or I will go for a walk first and see if I am still hungry afterwards. Or if it is close to my next meal I drink water and wait until it's time to eat. But honesty sometimes you just have to give in. Not all the time but enough to reduce the cravings. If I keep craving a blizzard from Dairy Queen I get one. Constantly denying myself makes me want it more and makes me start to feel like there's no end to the process. So I have a blizzard, exercise to burn off at least some of the calories, and don't beat myself up. Eating stuff that isn't really healthy every once in a while I think helps to keep your body keep guessing and working. Plus after I eat what I am craving I usually find it wasn't as good as I remembered. This is about makng a life style change not making yourself miserable. It's okay to eat things that aren't completely healthy in moderation and it makes eating healthier easier. Last suggestion is finding lower calorie options. Like if you love grilled cheese use light bread and cheese that's made with 2% milk. Hope that helps.

    Highs: My family seems to be getting along better. My mom made stuffed bell peppers last night, one of my favorites. And as always I am happy to be alive and have such a great family.

    Lows: My dad took a bunch of photos of us and I didn't really like how I looked, not quite there yet. But I am headed in the right direction.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Wow!!! The last couple of days have been somewhat hectic that I've been focusing on trying to relax and not pull hair rather then weight loss. First it was the huge snow storms in the east which made work busy. Now it's the ice storm that is currently in effect in my area. (Pinbotchick: is it bad by you? The roads are horrible!) I had to work til 6 this morning then go back at 10pm. My parents, sister and I are having Christmas breakfast this morning so it's nice I'll see some family. Extended family time is an hour away tomorrow and with almost crashing in my Thanksgiving dinner plate due to lack of sleep I'll be skipping out this year. However my desserts are still expected so I'm currently baking two cakes and another tomorrow morning to make the trip with my sister and not me. :( That was a run-on sentence geez!
    Anywho! One of my managers told me that she didn't want me working New Years day so I could have a holiday off!!! That was really nice. I got a bunch of Christmas cards from some of my supervisors and the recognition is always an awesome feeling.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas!!

    MAC55: I drink tea if I feel antsy or bored and want to eat. There are some herbal fruity teas out there that though aren't chocolate, it does subside the craving. Mind if I ask how you quit smoking? (It's something I should really do!)

    cc_campbell: I'm a nerd so I have tons of books! I usually check out Amazon.com for used books for cheap. Sometimes the shipping is more expensive then book if it's a popular or older one.
  • cc_campbell81

    Highs- time with my family, life, and good food.

    Lows: too much good food!

    Hope everyone has a nice day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh - it feels so good to be home. Sorry I missed a few days but life got busy with family and friends. I went 2 days without logging and it felt great. Today is back to real life, logging calories and work *sigh*.... I stepped on the scale this morning and am up 4 pounds but I assume most of it is water weight so I am going to wait until Thursday to make anything official (that's my normal recording day)... I did manage to run/jog outside Wed doing week 4 of C25K - it was cold (30 degrees) but felt great to run off the treadmill. My MIL walked a mile with me every morning and I did 45 min of low impact aerobics Thurs.

    Highs the last few days - spending time with family, making it home safely (we only had rain and not ice), and opening my gift to myself - a leather jacket a size to small. I plan to hang it in the closet and have a goal of it fitting by spring. It already fits better than when I bought it a month ago :bigsmile:

    Lows - long car ride home in drizzling rain, one of the cats acted up and marked in the house - now I have to find the spots and clean :grumble: and I am up 4 pounds.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    I took a little vaction from here and now I am offically back! I was so busy the last few days I didn't even log my food! Shame shame shame...but I am over it! I will be detoxing today because although I did not go crazzzyyy...I did eat things that were not made with good health in mind. Interesting how I made it through Thanksgiving but stumbled on Christmas...I'll gladly blame it on the stress...lol! I visited so many people and then had to get my daughter packed for her mini vaca...so I just recovered yesterday and I am offically ready to get back on the wagon!

    Highs: Enjoyed my time with all of my favorites, I am tryly blessed

    Lows: realizing that as the year comes to a close there were still a few more people that I had to get rid of so I could move forward! Sad, but definitely something I had to do!!

    How are all of you?
    I want to thank all of you who have been consistent even though I slipped up!! Kudos to those of you who posted on Christmas you are sooooo good!!!! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well today just sucks. Yesterday my laptop crashed and I left it in DH hands to fix. This morning he tells me it is a lost cause. I have been researching new laptops and they are not cheap :grumble: Now, that my important things have been copied, DH says he can try some more aggressive things like reformatting the hard drive and other things way over my head.

    Highs - at least all of the important work data and family pictures were recovered from the laptop (thank goodness for who ever invented thumb drives, windows safe mode and a computer engineer husband) and I completed week 5 day 1 of C25K training. Kudos to me for choosing ex over a drink - I really wanted a drink but decided to try exercising first. My stress level went down and I am seeing things a little clearer.

    Lows - laptop not working - it really disrupts your life. Went over on calories yesterday. I need to get out of maintenance mode thinking and back to losing mode. Still not liking the way I looked in the Christmas photos.

    Overall, I guess life is good. Computers can be replaced. I just need to remember this.

    Happy holidays to everyone.
  • cc_campbell81
    Well I am glad the holiday food is over. Too many temptations! I am sorry pinbotchick and mindovermatter that you've had it rough lately. I am sure it will start to get better as everyone gets back to their routine.

    Highs: Made my goal of 140 by Jan 1st. I weighed myself today and weighed 140.0! My wonderful husband got up with our daughter at 530 and let me sleep until 10! Going to see Avatar with my family today.

    Lows: Terrible back ache from sleeping on an air mattress all week.
  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member
    Hey are you still open for new members! This whole sharing seems like a fantastic idea, I'm up to try anything :smile:
    I'll introduce myself

    I'm a 37 yr old lady with to many issues which effect me like crazy...

    3 yrs ago i was widowed and although i have since met another fella i still have hangups. good and bad days.
    I'm normally a happy go lucky person but have little confidence...
    When i started dieting i was 235lb 3yrs ago now I'm 202 but in jan 09 i was 183 (gutted:sad: )
    i had a Cerebral aneurysm (more issues :laugh: ) back in January, so exercise went out the window and more food went in the mouth..

    I'm gonna try and be possitive for 2010 and hope fab things happen....

    So i would like to join the high and low group in the hope of getting to my goals

    Current 202
    Goal 150
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome daveandjulieann :flowerforyou: New members are always welcome.

    cc - congrats on getting to your goal.

    mindovermatter - dont worry about not logging for a few days - as long as you get back on track starting today. With all of the activity over Christmas, we all needed a few days off.

    The day is turning out better than it started. The laptop still is not working but there is some hope. DH is working his magic with it. In the mean time, I decided to go workout with mom... I got her the Biggest Loser game for the Wii and we had a blast. We did 25 min of cardio and 26 min of yoga/stretching. I think I will be sore from all of the planks tomorrow :tongue: Yes, exercise is the key for stress relief - who cares if the computer gets fixed - cant you see how much better I feel? Another high - mom sent home dinner homemade beef pot pie and beef barley soup - YUMMY.
  • cc_campbell81
    pinbotchick- I saw a sales flyer for Walmart today and they have a Dell laptop on sale for just under $500.
  • cc_campbell81
    Hey are you still open for new members! This whole sharing seems like a fantastic idea, I'm up to try anything :smile:
    I'll introduce myself

    I'm a 37 yr old lady with to many issues which effect me like crazy...

    3 yrs ago i was widowed and although i have since met another fella i still have hangups. good and bad days.
    I'm normally a happy go lucky person but have little confidence...
    When i started dieting i was 235lb 3yrs ago now I'm 202 but in jan 09 i was 183 (gutted:sad: )
    i had a Cerebral aneurysm (more issues :laugh: ) back in January, so exercise went out the window and more food went in the mouth..

    I'm gonna try and be possitive for 2010 and hope fab things happen....

    So i would like to join the high and low group in the hope of getting to my goals

    Current 202
    Goal 150

    Of course you are welcome! I have to say I admire your strength. It seems like you've been through so much. Here is a place to let it all out, we won't judge, we're here for eachother.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for the info on the laptop CC. DH is making me wait a few days to see if he can rescue the old one. At least he is sharing his desk top but has threatened me with death if I change any settings. I can log my food as I go with the iphone. The iphone is great - unfortunately, I discovered the Kindle ap and lots of free books. *sigh* I am addicted to reading. One free ap was a slow cooker use/recipe book. I am getting some good ideas for healthy dinners. I'll share if I make any.

    Today is looking to be a great day - we got 2 inches of snow last night and the world looks beautiful and fresh. I only have 5 clients today but driving will take extra time. So, I better be off to get ready. I'll check back in tonight with my highs and lows.
  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for welcome and support....

    I was gonna write that i have reached any goals today but then i suddenly realised I HAVENT EATEN CHOCOLATE.... WooHoo, thats fantastic, so there is my high....
    Low point, I may have eaten too much fruit salad!!!
    I worked at 12hrs shift so have had no time for anything else, hope to go to the gym tomorrow....
    Another high, I asked boy-friend last night to help me and give me support as I am getting really fed up with myself so he has hiden the wine so i cant drink it,,,,,
    Not an exciting day at all.....:yawn:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Today has been a semi eventful day. I took all of the christmas crap-ola down! What a job that was, it was much easier to put up. I always hate taking it down. Usually I wait until New Years but I didn't really feel like it this year.

    Todays Highs: REconnecting with some long lost family

    Lows: taking down allt he christmas stuff and forgetting to eat my snacks :(
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for welcome and support....

    I was gonna write that i have reached any goals today but then i suddenly realised I HAVENT EATEN CHOCOLATE.... WooHoo, thats fantastic, so there is my high....
    Low point, I may have eaten too much fruit salad!!!
    I worked at 12hrs shift so have had no time for anything else, hope to go to the gym tomorrow....
    Another high, I asked boy-friend last night to help me and give me support as I am getting really fed up with myself so he has hiden the wine so i cant drink it,,,,,
    Not an exciting day at all.....:yawn:


    Wine, I love it but I had to stop having it around because one glass sets the urge to snack in motion and then before you know it a 120 calorie glass of wine turns into a 500 calorie overage....lol
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for the info on the laptop CC. DH is making me wait a few days to see if he can rescue the old one. At least he is sharing his desk top but has threatened me with death if I change any settings. I can log my food as I go with the iphone. The iphone is great - unfortunately, I discovered the Kindle ap and lots of free books. *sigh* I am addicted to reading. One free ap was a slow cooker use/recipe book. I am getting some good ideas for healthy dinners. I'll share if I make any.

    Today is looking to be a great day - we got 2 inches of snow last night and the world looks beautiful and fresh. I only have 5 clients today but driving will take extra time. So, I better be off to get ready. I'll check back in tonight with my highs and lows.

    Snow is so pretty at first...then it becomes a pain! All of our officially melted off today. We were 18 inces deep. Gald to see it go....for now!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Our snow just keeps coming down. high today - did 2 workouts and stayed under in calories. Low today - stressful driving in white out snow and my laptop is still down.

    Have a great night. I am off to read a book and sleep.
  • cc_campbell81
    hey all!

    Highs: Great family & good life, got in 75 minutes of exercise, daughter fell asleep easily, only worked a half day
    Lows: my family left this morning:<, over ate by 80 calories but I can live with that, it will take a few days to get back on track completely
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    My high over the past couple of days was not gaining during the holiday madness. It was also nice to catch up with old friends too. Seeing how great they look was definetly motivation too. I hooked up a wireless router by myself yesterday (though it probably took too long than it should have..) and found a nice little table for my little apartment online too!
    My low is knowing how bad I've been all year about not being active and all the excuses I've made to not work out. I'm going to try something new with my sleep schedule to see if that works. Getting a little anxious about school starting too!

    Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas! Happy New Year if I don't get a chance to post the last few days of 2009. Let's make this year awesome!!

    Welcome daveandjulieann!! You do have a lot of strength to keep going!
  • 2011JAM
    2011JAM Posts: 49 Member
    My high over the past couple of days was not gaining during the holiday madness. It was also nice to catch up with old friends too. Seeing how great they look was definetly motivation too. I hooked up a wireless router by myself yesterday (though it probably took too long than it should have..) and found a nice little table for my little apartment online too!
    My low is knowing how bad I've been all year about not being active and all the excuses I've made to not work out. I'm going to try something new with my sleep schedule to see if that works. Getting a little anxious about school starting too!

    Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas! Happy New Year if I don't get a chance to post the last few days of 2009. Let's make this year awesome!!

    Welcome daveandjulieann!! You do have a lot of strength to keep going!
    Thanks again for another welcome , it can be hard without support.... so hopefully I've come to the right place....

    I had to log-on this morning to say my high was first thing when i stood on the scales... 199.6.... yippee:happy: