~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Welcome krhbutte!!! So far I don't think any of us have made people feel left out, at least I haven't felt that way.

    As of right now I'm pretty much maintaining. With the holidays and other stuff going on I haven't had much time to exercise. I try to make sleep my priority and when daily events inch their way into my sleep schedule, it's hard to pull myself out of bed to work out. BUT! I haven't been eating terribly though. I have my Slim-Fast shake (the powder mix since they recalled the pre-mix cans, besides, it's cheaper and more enviromentally friendly) Then I have a Lean Cuisine at work and some healthy snacks. The Christmas cookies are always tempting that are passed around though. Today's high was talking with one of my managers and knowing where I stand with some things about my position. It means some more training, but that also comes with overtime and more money!! My low was having a different manager (that I don't see unless I come in off shift) assume that I would work New Years. I already got sucked into working Christmas and I've had to work all the other holidays this year. It's lame. There's my rant!!

    Mac55: I agree with pinbotchick, you are very funny. I learned snappy comebacks from my mom. "Wow mpogo! You look like you've lost weight!" me: "It's an optical illusion, smoke and mirrors!" Evidently your not supposed to do that! Happy Birthday!

    mindovermatter: Good luck with your last couple of finals!

    Pinbotchick: Lasagna is probably my favorite Italian dish ever! Congratulation on setting a new record for yourself! I'll start running, eventually....
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    I was kind of naughty yesterday. I don't think it was bad enough I will gain but I'm sure I stunted my loss. I have a perfect excuse . Once I tell you guys about it you will probably all mail me a pizza.

    I bought a new house last year and it still has the 70's bathrooms. The tubs are very slick on the bottom. When I came home from work my husband called me back into the bathroom very proud to show me he had fixed our slick tub problem. He used industrial adhesive and glued big strips of heavy duty sand paper to the bottom of the tub!!! Heavy heavy sandpaper! I about crapped! Then his feeling were all hurt and he was mad because he thought I would be happy. I told him "Honey I don't want to hurt your feelings......but it's SANDPAPER!" I don't know how the heck I'm going to get it out of there. (No I'm not married to Tim Allen either)

    Anyway...He then got in the shower and I went to the kitchen and ate a buckeye, and chocolaty holiday mix, and yogurt with peanuts and peanut butter mixed in. I should have come down here and posted this. Oh well. Start again today. I had 4 good days and one bad, so I figure if I get good again I'll be fine.

    I'll see you guys later!

    I almost forgot LOWS: Had a bad high calorie day.

    HIGHS: I never have to worry about calluses on my feet again!


    No Baths for you!! Your bum would probably be rubbed raw!! Yikes!! lol:noway: :wink:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246

    Welcome Krhbutte!!!

    I am glad you found us!!! :)

    Thanks Mind over Matter! Glad to be a part of this group!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246

    krhbutte - welcome to our group :flowerforyou: It's wonderful that you kept the weight off this last time. They say 3rd times a charm. Good luck to you on your journey and I look forward to getting to know you.


    Thanks Pinbotchick!
    I really think I have found the group for me!!:smile:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Welcome krhbutte!!! So far I don't think any of us have made people feel left out, at least I haven't felt that way.

    As of right now I'm pretty much maintaining. With the holidays and other stuff going on I haven't had much time to exercise. I try to make sleep my priority and when daily events inch their way into my sleep schedule, it's hard to pull myself out of bed to work out. BUT! I haven't been eating terribly though. I have my Slim-Fast shake (the powder mix since they recalled the pre-mix cans, besides, it's cheaper and more enviromentally friendly) Then I have a Lean Cuisine at work and some healthy snacks. The Christmas cookies are always tempting that are passed around though. Today's high was talking with one of my managers and knowing where I stand with some things about my position. It means some more training, but that also comes with overtime and more money!! My low was having a different manager (that I don't see unless I come in off shift) assume that I would work New Years. I already got sucked into working Christmas and I've had to work all the other holidays this year. It's lame. There's my rant!!

    Thanks mpogo,
    I already feel so welcomed!!
  • cc_campbell81
    Hello everyone. Sorry for my absence. I’ve been busy getting ready for my family to get here. I got a lot done though, lost one pound this week, and I got to spend the day with my angel of a daughter. The only thing I would consider a low is something I just ended laughing off as funny. This morning my daughter woke up at 430 and I didn’t get her back to sleep until 600. So, just as I get comfortable my husband’s alarm goes off. Then he gets up and just as he’s leaving for work and I lay back down my daughter woke up!

    Pinbotchick: Thanks for being willing to help. I need to start thinking outside the box on exercise. Congrats on the loss.

    Mindovermatter: We are here for you. This is the place to let it all go. None of us are going to judge.

    Mac55: You are so brave putting the pic on the fridge. I did put my weekly weigh ins on the fridge but felt self conscious when people came over so I took it down! I know that’s silly. Thanks for sharing about the tub. I needed a good laugh.

    Mpogo: Congratulations on starting class. I have taken online classes and really like the flexibility. Just keep pushing forward even if it’s only one at a time.

    Krhbutte- Welcome!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterdays high was spending a fun filled evening with my family and that I stayed within my maintenance calorie range even with my 2 glasses of wine and lasagna. I had to laugh when my mother handed me the empty garlic bread and brussel sprout bags - she knew I'd want to log the calories and check portion size. It was pretty cool to pull out the iphone and log them. I made a comment that there were 5 sprouts in a serving - we all laughed when everyone ended up taking 5 - was it chance or did I influence their choices? I had no real lows yesterday - which is pretty good. My mom and I even managed a 30 min workout while dinner finished cooking.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Saturday's highs - getting the roof raked from snow, playing on my iphone and doing 2 workouts - oh yeah, I managed to eat within my calorie range again. Low's for yesterday - wasted time watching a really bad movie. I would rather spend my time with a good book. DH has the worst taste in movies - give me a chick flick any day.

    So I hope everyone's silence means that your having a great weekend. Hopefully, my low today will be getting up at 5:30 this morning and not being able to get back to sleep. I keep thinking I should just go work out but that would take energy. Maybe I'll get up and put a Christmas movie on and do some low impact aerobics during it. I have to work later today - since I am taking time off Tues to Fri for a trip to the in-laws.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    What a way to end the work week!!!! I'm venting a little bit here since it's my sister's birthday so I don't whine and bring her down. It was super hectic at work and no one was willing to come in early to help out. It was none stop for a long time so I didn't get a break until about 5 hours in. BUT, I'm off for the evening and the next so I'm certainly going to enjoy relaxing. I was able to configure my Blackberry to get my messages from my school e-mail so that'll be nice. Yesterday morning was breakfast with the guys and all I had was coffee and had some heart (and waistline) healthy oatmeal instead of fried eggs or something of the sort. I guess being busy at work helped me not munching from the vending machine too.
    Today it's cross country skiing, a little nap then off to visit a friend for the evening.

    Besides being stressed from work I don't have a low (which is awesome!!)
    High: Getting a Snuggie for Christmas from one of the guys. Even if I don't use it, I still had a good giggle.
  • cc_campbell81
    Good morning. My highs are everyone is in town. my parents, my husband's parents, and my sister. I love spending time with everyone. I also have the next week off and get to spend all day with my daughter as opposed to having to take her to daycare. No real lows.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today was wonderful - we spent 45 min outside snow shoeing. What a way to burn calories. One of these days, I plan to try cross country skiing... I hope you had fun with it mpogo... My high today would be making a great tasting, low calorie new recipe - turkey ratatouille and getting in 2 sessions of exercise. Low for the day would be procrastination on doing my work paperwork. I really need to get it done but just don't want to start. Oh well, I guess I better just go do it :cry: Keep enjoying your family cc...
  • cc_campbell81
    Hi everyone. Things are going well. My daughter is finally back on a normal sleeping schedule again. My parents and sister got her safely and will be staying for about 10 days. I am really happy because I only get to see them once a year. I did eat a litte crazy yesterday but I feel like I deserved a break from the routine. Hope everyone else is doing okay too.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    cc_campbell: I'm happy to hear about your daughter and how you got to spend time with your family. That's awesome!!!

    Pinbotchick: I'd been cross country skiing before so I thought I could just pick it up like riding a bike, but that evidently was not the case. The trail we went on had more hills than expected, so cross country skiing became cross country falling. BUT it was a blast!!!! I think we may had burned more calories laughing at each other then actually skiing. Despite the bruises sustained and aching muscles, we're going back next weekend!

    High: Most defintely skiing and having a great time.
    Low: a little headache..that's all. Life is good :)
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    :cry: HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

    I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for my absence...my internet was OUT....I was lost without MFP!!!! I really have come to depend on it! Please pray it never goes out again. Ok, now that I got that out! I am going to go read the boards and catch up...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I would have a panic attack if I had no internet. And that may actually happen this week since we are leaving town in the morning to stay with my in-laws. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I will try to check in as much as possible. I still have to pack tonight :noway:

    High today - saw a bald eagle this morning (I :heart: nature), managed to workout for 45 min and spent time in hot tub relaxing :bigsmile: tonight.

    Low today - long work day - I left home at 8 this morning and it was -2 F (EEEEK - it was cold) and didn't get to mom's to work out until 7:15 tonight.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    OMG and here I am complaining about 22... -2 is no joke!!! Stay warm!!!
    Today was a day of rippin and running. I feel like I was a mission yet barely achieved any of my goals...lol! I love christmas minus all the confusion and craziness!

    Anyway, I ate well today and got in some exercise! So I can't complain in that area.

    High-I took my last final and I think I aced it!! WHOO HOOOOOO

    Low-Dealing with all the crazy people in the holiday madness!!!
  • cc_campbell81
    mpogo- I tried skiing once. I was pretty good at the actual skiing and really terrible at stopping! I kept crashing everytime I had to stop!

    pintbotchick-I freak too without internet and without my iPhone! I never wanted one then my husband got me one as a gift and now I am lost without it!

    Mindovermatter-congrats on finishing your finals. I did mine a couple weeks ago and after that I felt so relieved.

    Today wasn't too bad. I really enjoy seeing my family. We wen't to the book store today which I love. I know I am such a nerd but I love looking for good deals on books for my daughter. We read to her at least 5 times a day so I'm always looking for something fun but educational to read to her. However there is a little tension with my family here. My mom is overweight and my dad is skinny (always has been). He is concerned about her and means well but he makes comments about what she eats which I can see causes tension. I've always kind of played mediatior so I want to help but I feel like I should stay out of it too. I am torn about what to do.

    I am really enjoying the week off from work to just relax and not have to worry about much. The weather here in San Antonio is great. Although I am from Illinois so I wouldn't mind seeing a little snow on Christmas. And as always I am so happy to be here and to have a great family. Hopefully I won't gain this week!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    DH is scoring points real big - He actually hooked the wireless router up at his parents (it's only been sitting around for 2 years) - so now my laptop works. YEAH...

    Yesterdays highs - arrived safely (5 hour trip) at the in-laws and ate a 1/2 of a wonderful lunch (blue cheese hamburg, fries and chicken noodle soup) that DH suggested we share so I only had 1/2 the calories and loved getting to eat great food. I was actually 200 calories under for the day (in maintenance mode). And I got to see family.

    Yesterdays lows - 5 hours in the car - imagine if I could have worked out for 5 hours. When are we going to invent Star Trek transporters?

    CC - I want to be in TX - or anywhere warm. Enjoy your family. Good luck with your parents. There is not much you can do. Maybe someday your mom will want to change. My experience is if not food, then they will argue or have tension over another topic. Time got away from last weekend but looking up my notes on stress fractures is on my to do list when I get home.

    mindovermatter - I will join in c/o about 22 today. I am 5 hours south of my home - shouldn't it be warm? I have my jogging shoes on and want to go out but think it's still too cold here. Congrats on being done with the finals. Now, relax and enjoy the holiday.

    mpogo - we've had a few of those falls on the snow shoes. I can't imagine how uncoordinated we will be on the skis when we pull them out. But it will make for a few good laughs and stress release.
  • cc_campbell81
    DH is scoring points real big - He actually hooked the wireless router up at his parents (it's only been sitting around for 2 years) - so now my laptop works. YEAH...

    Yesterdays highs - arrived safely (5 hour trip) at the in-laws and ate a 1/2 of a wonderful lunch (blue cheese hamburg, fries and chicken noodle soup) that DH suggested we share so I only had 1/2 the calories and loved getting to eat great food. I was actually 200 calories under for the day (in maintenance mode). And I got to see family.

    Yesterdays lows - 5 hours in the car - imagine if I could have worked out for 5 hours. When are we going to invent Star Trek transporters?

    CC - I want to be in TX - or anywhere warm. Enjoy your family. Good luck with your parents. There is not much you can do. Maybe someday your mom will want to change. My experience is if not food, then they will argue or have tension over another topic. Time got away from last weekend but looking up my notes on stress fractures is on my to do list when I get home.

    I want transporters too! If I could have a special power it would be teleporting for sure! No rush on the notes. When ever you get around to it. I appreciate your help. I know you are right and they will fight about something.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Hey Everybody! I haven't left. Just been very busy (like every one else) getting ready for the holidays! Plus my birthday was on the 19th and my husbands on the 21st.

    I have fell completely off the wagon and just figured I'll pick back up after the holidays. Not a very good way to think I know, but I just think I'm to weak for all the temptation. Or should I say frustrated by. Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys a question........As I said before, I just quit smoking a year ago. Before I quit smoking I set a quit date and had a whole plan laid out for when I get cravings. It worked pretty well. What are some of the things you guys use to handle your food cravings???
    Maybe I should use some of the same things I used when I quit smoking. A squishy ball, gum, and cinnamon sticks. I think the cravings come from the same psychological need.

    I hope you guys have a great Christmas! I'm very excited! I hope to get back on the wagon JAN 2! That is my quit date!

    Lows.....................I'm acting like a hog!

    Highs....................I found a nice black tweed knee length wool coat in my "right" size at Goodwill for $15! I never find deals like that!